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M NIC K BOIS., R C r im
A uniformed PNP personnel who is permanently
disabled in his performance of his duties can receive
______ of basic salary retirement.
A. 70% B. 80%
C. 90% D. 60%
A Field training Program for all PNP uniformed members is required for
permanency of their appointment. Who among the following is exempted to
undergo the Field Training Program and issued a permanent appointment?
A. Pastor Jayson Lopez, who is appointed Sr. Inspector via Lateral entry.
B. Atty. Rose Camia, who is appointed Sr. Inspector via Lateral entry.
C. Ryan, A PNPA graduate who is appointed Inspector after graduation.
D. Bruno Sikatuna a Licensed Criminologist and First Place in the
The 1987 Philippine Constitution is the fundamental law
of the land. What provision of this law mandated that the
state shall establish and maintains one police force which
shall be national in scope and civilian in character?
A. Article VI, Section 16 of Philippine Constitution
B. Article XVI, Section 6 of Philippine Constitution
C. Article VI, Section 6 of Philippine Constitution
D. Article III, Section 16 of Philippine Constitution
This type organizational structure is a combination of the line
and functional structures. It combines the flow of information
from the line structure with the staff departments that serve,
advise and support them. It is generally more formal in nature
and has many departments.
a. Line Structure
b. Functional or Staff Structure
c. Organizational Structure
d. Line and Staff Structure
PINSP Rowel Toro has been found guilty of conduct
unbecoming of a police officer and was dismissed from
the PNP service by Chief PNP. Where can he file his
A. Court of Appeals B. Regional Appellate Board
C. National Appellate Board D. Regional Trial Court
Police Regional Office VI is in need of 500 personnel for
recruitment as PO1. One thousand qualified applicants
applied for the position including 300 women. How many
female applicants will be admitted?
A. 30 B. 120
C. 50 D. 100
The provincial Governor has the power to choose the
Police Provincial Director from a list of ________ eligible
recommended by the PNP regional Director, preferable
from the same province, city and municipality.
A. Five (5) B. Four (4)
C. Three (3) D. Six (6)
All of the following are members of the People’s Law
Enforcement Board (PLEB), EXCEPT:
A. Three (3) members chosen by the Peace and Order Council
from among the respected members of the community.
B. Any barangay Captain of the city/municipality concerned
chosen by the association of the Barangay Captains.
C. Any member of the Sangguniang Panglungsod/Pambayan
D. A bar member chosen by the Integrated bar of the
Philippines IBP)
The multiple filing of complaints either criminal or
administrative involving the same cause of action to
different courts or quasi-judicial bodies.

a. Window shopping c. Forum shopping

b. Double jeopardy d. All of the foregoing
Under RA 8551, what is the order of the waiver program
for applicants in the PNP?
A. Height, age, weight, educational attainment
B. Age, Height, weight, educational attainment
C. Weight, height, educational attainment, age
D. Educational attainment, age, height, weight
A PNP uniformed personnel who has been relieved from
his position for just cause and has not been given an
assignment within two (2) years after his relief shall be
separated or retired.
a. Attrition by relief
b. Attrition by demotion in position or rank months
c. Maximum tenure in position
d. Attrition by non-promotion
Disciplinary authority where the offense is punishable by
withholding of privileges, restriction to specified limits,
suspension or forfeiture of salary, or any combination
thereof, for a period of not exceeding fifteen (15) days.
a. Chief of Police
b. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
c. City or Municipal Mayors
d. National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
A body created pursuant to RA 6975 to handle,
investigate and decide citizen’s complaint against erring
officers and members of the PNP.
a. Ombudsman
c. National Police Commission (NAPOLCO)
c. Philippine Public Safety College (PPSC)
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
What is the rank of the head of the IAS, who is civilian
and appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Chief PNP and endorsement by
a. Director General c. Brigadier General

b. Inspector General d. Lieutenant General

PO1 Pulos T. Agay is a recipient of the PNP Medal of
Valor. What kind of promotion will he receive?
a. Regular promotion c. Posthumous promotion
b.Special promotion d.Temporary promotion
It provides scientific and technical investigative aid and support to
the PNP and other government investigative agencies. It also
provides crime laboratory examination, evaluation and identification
of physical evidences involved in crimes with primary emphasis on
their medical, chemical, biological and physical nature.
a. Police Security and Protection Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
c. Police Community Relations Group
d. Crime Laboratory Group
Pursuant to RA 9708, PNP members who have just
finished second year level or equivalent to 72 collegiate
units upon the effectivity of RA 8551 should be given
how many years to obtain the minimum educational
requirement preferably in law enforcement related
courses, to be reckoned from the date of its effectivity?
a. 5 years c. 10 years
b. 6 years d. 15 years
Republic Act No. 6975 provides that on the average
nationwide, the manning levels of the PNP shall be
approximately in accordance with a police to population ratio
A. one (1) policeman for every seven hundred (700) population
B. one (1) policeman for every one thousand five hundred
(1500) population
C. one (1) policeman for every five hundred (500) population
D. one (1) policeman for every one thousand (1000) population
To determine a supervisor’s span of control, what has to
be taken into consideration?

A. number of supervisors who gives him order

B. number of supervisors whom he reports
C. the functions for which he assumes full responsibility
D. number of subordinates who directly reports to him
Who among the following have summary disciplinary
powers over errant police members?

A. District Director B. Chief of Police

C. Provincial Director D. Chief PNP
Unity of Command is an indispensable prerequisite for a
successful organization. This refers to:
A. Commander takes the full responsibility
B. Command is singular, whole and indivisible
C. One-on-one relationship between superior and
D. Subordinates under the control of one superior
Under RA 6975, who shall be automatically appointed as
the ex-officio Chairman of the NAPOLCOM?
a. The secretary of the Department of Justice
b. The secretary of National Defense
c. The Chief of the Philippine National Police
d. The secretary of the Department of the Interior and
Local Government
Among the classification of documents which do you
think is the least priority?
A. Secret B. Top secret
C. Restricted D. Confidential
An industrial complex must established its first line of
physical defense. It must have;

A. the building itself B. communication barrier

C. perimeter barriers D. window barriers
Are physical barriers constructed by men that tend to
delay the intruder.
A. Animal Barriers B. Energy Barriers
C. Human Barriers D. Structural Barriers
Canine unit is an example of what type of barrier?
A. Structural Barriers B. Human Barriers
C. Animal Barrier D. Energy Barrier
In SWOT analysis, “W” means:
A. Vulnerabilities B. Threats
C. Intelligence D. Win
It is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to
national economy and security.
A. Relative necessity B. Relative vulnerability
C. Relative security D. Relative critically
It is the protection of high ranking officials from harm,
kidnapping, and similar acts.
A. Asset protection B. Physical security
C. Document security D. VIP security
It is the weakest link in the security chain.
A. Managers B. Personnel
C. Barriers D. Inspections
May duplicate the system in whole or in part and is used
during power failure or emergencies.
A. Emergency lighting B. Movable lighting
C. Standby lighting D. Stationary Luminary
This system consists of ringing up a visual or audible
alarm near the object to be protected.

A. Central Station System

B. Proprietary system
C. Local Alarm
D. Auxiliary Alarm
The following are the qualifications for Security
Consultant except:
A. Master in Public Administration
B. Master in Business Administration
C. Master in Criminology
D. Bachelor of Law
The person who has the power to revoke for cause the
license issued to security guard is:
A. PNP Director General B. PNP – CISC
C. DILG Secretary D. Chief Security Officer
The security force maintained and operated by any
corporation for its own security unit only is known as:
A. Government Security Unit
B. Company Security Unit
C. Private Detective Agency
D. Private Detective Unit
The required type of training while applying for a new
security guard license is:
A. In Service Training
B. On Job Training
C. Pre Licensing Training
D. Specialized Training
The minimum age qualification in order to be issued a
security guard license to exercise the profession is:
A. 18 years old B. 21 years old
C. 20 years old D. 25 years old
It refers to a written order/schedule issued by a superior
officer usually the private security agency/branch manager
or operations officer assigning the performance of private
security/detective services duties.
A. Order
B. Notice
C. Warrant
The surety bond required to Security Agency employing
a number of 200 – 499 security guards is:
A. 50 thousand pesos B. 150 thousand pesos
C. 100 thousand pesos D. 200 thousand pesos
The basic load of ammunition per unit of a duly licensed
firearm shall not exceed:
A. 20 loads B. 30 loads
C. 25 loads D. 50 loads
Any law enforcement officer authorized by law to effect
any justified confiscation of firearm issued to a security
guard shall inform the Chief of the PNP through the
CSFC within:
A. 12 Hrs. B. 24 Hrs.
C. 18 Hrs. D. 36 Hrs.
The minimum age requirement for Security Manager or
Operator of a security agency is :

A. 40 yrs old B. 25 yrs old

C. 30 yrs old D. 35 yrs old
What is the ratio of the security guard to their licensed
firearm is needed after operating for six months.
A. 1:1
B. 1:2
C. 1:7
D. 1:3
What types of intercepting information covertly by the
government agents using electronic monitoring of
telephones while members of a big time drug syndicate
were out of their hotel room.
A. Wiretapping
B. Bugging
C. Teletapping
D. Eavesdropping
The chain link fence should be constructed minimum
height of excluding top guard;
A. 7 feet
B. 8 feet
C. 9 feet
D. 10 feet
This type of document is an irreplaceable record,
reproduction of which does not have the same value as
the original;
A. Class I
B. Class II
C. Class III
D. Class IV
Clear zone must be constructed or more between the
perimeter barrier and exterior structure.
A. 20 feet
B. 50 feet
C. 25 feet
D. 30 feet
It is a natural man-made structure or physical device
which is capable of restricting, determine, or delaying
illegal access to an installation.
A. fence B. wall
C. barrier D. hazard
DDO for the purpose of post duties not requiring transport
of firearms outside of the physical compound or property
of a client or client establishment shall be issued for not
more than days duration
A. 30
B. 45
C. 60
D. 90
A grant given by the government to an inventor, conveying
and securing to him the exclusive rights to make, use and
sell his invention for term of twenty (20) years.
A. Patent
B. Trademark
C. Proprietary Information
D. Nota
The period of Validity of LTO issued to PSA and PSTA
shall be valid for a maximum period of
subject to renewal.
A. 1 year
B. 2 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years
Mr. Mario owned an establishment near in Taguig City.
One of her proposals is to place fences on the entire
area of her property to allow any unauthorized person to
view the activity inside and outside of her establishment.
What type of fence did Mario plan to have?
A. Full-view fence B. Solid fence
C. Half type fence D. Wall
It is a fact finding probe to determine a plant’s adequacy
and deficiency in all aspects of security.
A. security inspections B. security survey
C. special survey D. supplemental survey
All application for renewal of License to operate (LTO)
shall be filed at least how many days before its
expiration day?
A. 30 B. 60
C. 90 D. 45
In line leadership staff, this security is assign in the field
or area commander of the agency.
A. Security Supervisor 1
B. Security Supervisor 2
C. Security Supervisor 3
D. Security Supervisor 4
Nancy is planning to build his house in one of the nicest
subdivision in their town of Tagaytay City; he plans to have
many forms of security so that no one has an access to
his property. If Nancy going to include the quality of the
building exterior of his dream house this is considered as?
A. First line of defense B. third line of defense
C. Second line of defense D. All of these
It is considered as ”By the Book” Leadership, with this style
of leadership, a specified collection of boxes to check to be a
true leader.

A. Autocratic Leadership
B. Charismatic leadership
C. Democratic leadership
D. Bureaucratic Leadership
The following is part of what stage under
SARA Model?
• Identifying recurring problems of concern to the public and the police.
•Identifying the consequences of the problem for the community and the
•Prioritizing those problems.

A. Scanning
B. Analysis
C. Response
D. Assesment
Which of the following statement best describes a Laisse-
fare type of leadership?

A. Leader is someone who is focused almost entirely on

results and efficiency
B. Leaders are focusing mostly on delegating many tasks to
team members and providing little to no supervision.
C. Leaders live by a people-first mindset and believe that
when team members feel personally and professionally
D. None of the above
Which of the following statement best describe the transactive style of
A. Leaders are trying to enhance or transform the individual or group into which
they lead by empowering them to change. Tranformative leadership
B. leaders respect other people’s ideas and feedback, and encourage discussion of
those inputs.
C. focusing mostly on delegating many tasks to team members and providing little
to no supervision
D. leader gives instructions to the members of his team and then uses various
incentives and punishments to either appreciate or punish what they do in response.
It pertains to a distinct process consisting of planning,
organizing, activating and controlling to determine and
accomplish the objectives by the use of people and

A. Administration
B. Managers
C. Organization
D. Management
In SARA model, which of the following statement best describe in?
I. Determining whether the plan was implemented (a process
II. Collecting pre and post response qualitative and quantitative
III. Conducting ongoing assessment to ensure continued

A. Scanning
B. Analysis
C. Response
D. Assessment
Which statement best describe an Autocratic style of

A. Leaders are trying to enhance or transform the individual or

group into which they lead by empowering them to change.
B. Leader is someone who is focused almost entirely on results
and efficiency..
C. Focusing mostly on delegating many tasks to team members
and providing little to no supervision
D. Leader gives instructions to the members of his team and
then uses various incentives and punishments to either
appreciate or punish what they do in response.
Clayton Aldefer has developed the ERG theory which is
a modification of the Maslow’s theory. ERG theory
categorizes needs into Existence, Relatedness and
Growth needs. Which of the following categories
explained the psychological desires?

A. Relatedness
B. B. Existence
C. Growth need
D. None of these
David McClelland identified three types of acquired

A. Need for Achievement

B. Need for Affiliation
C. Need for Power
D. Need for Sex
The following statement is describe the Theory X, Except?

A. The average person inherently dislikes work and will try to

avoid it
B. Most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, and
threatened with punishment to get them to work
towards organizational goals
C. The average person prefers to be directed, wants to avoid
responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and
seeks security above all.
D. Commitment to goals is a function of the rewards made
This approach recognizes that many internal and
external environmental variables affect organizational
behavior. In this case, there is no best way for
structuring and managing diverse types of organizations.
A. Contingency Theory
B. Theory Z
C. System Theory
D. Theory X and Y
The following statement is describe the Theory X, Except?

A. The average person inherently dislikes work and will try to

avoid it
B. Most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, and
threatened with punishment to get them to work
towards organizational goals
C. The average person prefers to be directed, wants to avoid
responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and
seeks security above all.
D. Commitment to goals is a function of the rewards made
The following statement is describe the Theory Y, Except?

A. The average person inherently dislikes work and will

try to avoid it
B. Work, whether physical or mental, is as natural as play
or rest, and most people do not inherently dislike it
C. Commitment to goals is a function of the rewards
made available
D. An average person learns, under proper conditions,
not only to accept but to seek responsibility
Which of the following best describe the “Hawthorne effect”?

A. Most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, and

threatened with punishment to get them to work towards
organizational goals
B. The average person prefers to be directed, wants to avoid
responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and seeks security
above all
C. Commitment to goals is a function of the rewards made available
D. when special attention is paid to employees by management,
productivity is likely to increase regardless of changes in working
This power is held by those who can motivate people to
respond to win raises, promotions, and awards. For
example, managers hold a certain amount of reward
power if they administer performance reviews that
determine raises and bonuses for their underlings.

A. Legitimate Power
B. Reward Power
C. Connection Power
D. Referent Power
A ___________ leader gives people a little direction to
help them tap into their ability to achieve all that they're
capable of.
A. Coaching
B. Laissez-faire
C. Democratic
D. Affiliative
Effective leadership is contingent upon the situation at
hand. Essentially, it depends on whether an individual's
leadership style befits the situation.
Use your judgment principle and decision
making criteria to evaluate each alternative.
Experience andeffectiveness of the judgment principle
come into play.
It is our daily activity for any human being. There is no
exception about that. When it comes to
businessorganizations, it is a habit and a process as
. Instead of focusing on the problem, divert your
attention on making a solution, avoid wasting your time
oncomplaining and blaming others.always remember
that at the end of the day goal and objective always
matter.Focus on the solution not on the problem.
Mr. Krabs believes that letting his employees make their
own decisions and set their own task lists is an effective
way of motivating the workforce. What is this kind of
management style?
a. Democratic Management Style
b. Laissez-faire Management Style
c. Autocratic Management Style
d. None of the above
Bogart, a top level manager, is the type of person who is
short-tempered and aggressive. With
thesecharacteristics, he often tends to yell at his
subordinates and aggressively demands authority
andcomplicity from his employees. What kind of
leadership style is Bogart doing?
a. Coercive
b. Visionary
c. PaceSetter
d. All of the above
Spongebob is the kind of boss who decides everything
in the office. Everything must go through himfirst, from
the top management decisions down to the most minor
matter in the office. What kind ofmanager is
a. Democratic Management Style
b. Laissez-faire Management Style
c. Autocratic Management Style
d. None of the above
ustine has an attitude of being dominating through every
aspect of work and etiquette. Which giveshis subordinates
a feeling of being ineffective in everything they
accomplished and putting fear in hisemployees everytime
they accomplished something. What part of effective
management style is thiseven the scenario describes this
in reverse.
a.Be human
b. show employees that they matter
c. motivate, don’t dominate
d. looking at failure and mistakes as learning opportunities
Mr. Jojo, a company manager conducts a general
meeting but unfortunately doesn’t accept
anysuggestions from his subordinates which gives his
subordinates a sense of mistrust between them.
a. autocratic management styles
b.democratic management style
c. laissez-faire management style
d. transactional management styl
This organization model focuses on the organization
structure, describes the relations of the different
hierarchical levels and studies being done at such level.
Most concerned with constitutional, legal and
administrative rules as bases for administering affairs of
the state.
A. Neo Bureaucratic Model
B. Classical Model
C. Institutional Model
D. HUman Relation Model
It refers to the division of labor as well as the patterns of
coordination, communication, work flow, and formal
power that direct organizational activities; the systematic
arrangement of the relationship of the members,
positions, departments and functions or work of the
A. Organization
B. Organizational Structure
C. Police Organizational Structure
D. None of these
It is the most specific and measurable ways to
accomplish goals. These are more specific than goals
and usually have a time line.
A. Objectives
B. Goals
C. Mission
D. Vision
It pertains the process of influencing individuals and
groups to set and achieve goals.
A. Leader
B. Leadership
C. Vlogger
D. Influencer
It focuses on a “people-centered approach” that aims to
inspire, empower and motivate one’s team.
a. Authoritative Police Leadership
b. Transformational Police Leadership
c. Transactional Police Leadership
d. Transnational police leadership
Under police visibility it involves physical presence,
patrolling scheme and time response. It is considered as
the most ideal time police response?
A. 3 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 10 minutes
D. 8 minutes
“GIS” in crime mapping is stand for?
A. Global Information system
B. Global Internet system
C. Geographic Information system
D. Geographic Internet System
It is have long been a simple and useful way to depict
crime incidents or hot spots. Many police departments
still have large maps tacked to the wall of the briefing
room with the most recent crimes represented by pins.
A. Manual Pin Maps
B. Computer Mapping
D. None of these
It is a powerful software tool that allows the user to
create anything from a simple point map to a three-
dimensional visualization of spatial or temporal data.
A. Manual Pin Maps
B. Computer Mapping
D. Crime Analysis Mapping
This map was been taken from an Internet mapping
program, where an address is entered and a map of the
surrounding area appears with a pin to locate the
A. Manual Pin Maps
B. Computer Mapping
D. Crime Analysis Mapping
It is the process of using a geographic information system in
combination with crime analysis techniques to focus on the
spatial context of criminal and other law enforcement activity.

A. Manual Pin Maps

B. Computer Mapping
D. Crime analysis Mapping
It is a vertical photo taken from a satellite or a plane that
is digitized and placed within the geographic information
system coordinate system so that there are x and y
coordinates associated with it.
A. Image Feature Data
B. Polygon Features Data
C. Point Features Data
D. Line Features Data
It is a multisided figure represented by a closed set of lines. It
depicts the division of geographical areas or zones with
valuable interests in analyzing crimes. Its features can
represent areas as large as continents and as small as
A. Image Feature Data
B. Polygon Features Data
C. Point Features Data
D. Line Features Data
It is a discrete location that is usually depicted by a
symbol or label. It feature in the geographic information
system is analogous to a pin placed on a paper wall
A. Image Feature Data
B. Polygon Features Data
C. Point Features Data
D. Line Features Data
It is a geographic feature that can be represented by a
grid or set of lines. This map shows how different types
of geographic features such as railways, streets, and
rivers can be represented by a line in a GIS.
A. Image Feature Data
B. Polygon Features Data
C. Point Features Data
D. Line Features Data
This planning includes a face to face interactions with
the people who are to be affected, it also include field
surveys and interpersonal dialogue marked by a process
of mutual learning is called;
A. incremental planning B. transactive planning
C. advocacy planning D. radical planning
This model is especially appreciated for police agencies
as it based on problem oriented approach to planning. It
relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis
of the planning process and can assist police
administrator in formulating goals and priorities is called;
A. long range planning B. synoptic planning
C. transactive planning D. problem oriented planning
The principles and rules governing planning, organizing,
direction and employment of the PNP force in the
accomplishment of basic security mission in the
maintenance of peace and order, crime prevention and
suppression, internal security and the like is called;
A. fundamental doctrines B. functional doctrines
C. operational doctrines D. complimentary doctrines
Procedures that relate to reporting, raids, arrest,
stopping suspicious persons, touring beats and
investigation of crimes are example of;
A. field procedure
B. special operation procedure
C. headquarters procedure
D. standing operating procedure
Which of the following is a characteristic of effective
A. give police department a clear direction
B. increase personnel involvement
C. clearly define objectives and goals
D. contain a degree of flexibility for the unforeseen
The operational plan which is designed to met everyday
or year round needs is called
A. meeting unusual needs
B. extra office
C. regular operating programs
D. special operating programs
It defined as the job duties, responsibilities, and activities that
law enforcement agents complete in the field. In this lesson,
we’ll explore different aspects of police operations, such as
communication, patrolling, specialized police operations, and
diversity challenges.
A. Opeartion
B. Law enforcement
C.. Police Operation
D. Operational plan
It serves as the Master Plan in which all plans and
programs of the PNP shall conform with and it
prescribes the grand strategy to be undertaken by the
PNP Offices and personnel on crime prevention, control
and suppression, in the total fight against of criminality.
In S.M.A.R.T method it means objective is realistic given
the realities faced in the community. Setting reasonable
objectives helps set the project up for success.
A. Measurable
B. Achievable
C. Relevant
D. Timeliness
It is a long term and with a far reaching impact. The
commonly agreed timeline for these types of plans is
more than five (5) years in duration. This is usually done
at the executive levels.
A. Medium Planning
B. Strategic. Planning
C. Tactical Planning
D. None of these
It is developed as a result of crisis. A particular problem
may occur for which the department has no plan and
must quickly develop one, sometimes without careful
A. Proactive Plan
B. Reactive Plan
C. Visionary Plan
D. Operational Plan
It defines the fundamental principles governing the rules
of conduct, attitude, behavior and ethical norm of the
A. Primary Doctrine
B. Secondary Doctrine
C. Ethical Doctrines
D. Complementary Doctrines
It pertains to a rule of action for the rank and file to show
them how they are expected to obtain the desired effect.
A. Objectives
B.. Guidelines
C. Plan
D. Procedure
The beneficial aspects of this approach include a greater
sensitivity to the unintended and negative side effects of
A. Synoptic
B. Incremental
C. Radical
D. Advocacy
The planning that is the responsibility of the Chief PNP
and other Chiefs of the different Units or Headquarters
within their area of jurisdiction to achieve the objectives
or mission of the police organization.
a. Internal Policy. Planning
b. Broad External Policy Planning
c. Procedural or Policy Plan
d. Operational Plan
Activities of the PNP designed to preserve internal security
against insurgents, secessionists and terrorists. Among
others, it includes territorial defense operations, intelligence,
combat, military and police civil relations and psychological
a. Internal security. Operations
b. External security Operations
c. Internal military Operations
d. External military Operations
Which of the following the effectiveness of planning
a. Resources available for its implementation
b. Commitment of personnel who will implement the plan
c. Degree of timeliness of plans and strategy used for its
d. Support of higher authorities and goodwill of its
A. International Police Organization
B. International Police
C. International Criminal Police
D. International Criminal Police Organization
The INTERPOL has its primary role to assist law
enforcement agency worldwide in combating all forms of
transnational crime. What notice should conveyed that aims
to provide information on modus operandi, objects device
and concealment methods used by criminals?
A. Green Notice
B. Red Notice
C. Blue Notice
D. Purple Notice
Miss Katherine went to Malaysia to meet with Mr. Sukuna for
research collaboration for the upcoming General Assembly
Meeting conducted in the said place for efficient police
coordination worldwide. What comparative research used by
Miss Katherine?
A. Saffari
B. Safari
C. Coordination
D. Collaboration
What theory describe when policeman are regarded as
servant of the community, who rely for efficiency of their
function upon the express needs of the people.

A. Old Concept
B. Modern Concept
C. Home Rule
D. Continental
The police regards as the first line of defense of the criminal
justice system and organ of crime prevention. Police
efficiency is measured by decreasing number of crimes.

A. Old Concept
B. New Concept
C. Home Rule
D. Continental
It is known as the largest organization in the world?
a. interpol
b. Aseanapol
c. united nation
d. europol
What court system is describe when the accused is
innocent until proven guilty. This approach is used to
investigate and adjudicate guilt or innocent.
A. Inquisitorial System
B. Adversarial System
C. Mixed System
D. None of these
This type of society has little codification of laws, no
specialization among police and the system of
punishment that just let things go for a while until things
become too much in will resort to barbaric punishment.
A. Urban Industrial
B. Urban Commercial
C. Folk Communal/ premitive society
D. None of these
The system of laws (along with the armies and lawyers),
police who tend to keep busy handling political crimes
and terrorism and system of punishment characterized
by owner criminalization and overcrowding.
A. Urban Industrial
B. Urban Commercial
C. Folk Communal
D. Bureaucratic
This type of policing system distinguished by strong
adversarial system. Based in Anglo-American justice,
case law or precedent system.
A. Common Law system
B. Civil law system
C. Socialist System
D. Islamic System
This society focused in the production of goods and
services they need without government interference. Not
only codified laws but laws that prescribe good behavior,
police become specialized.
A. Urban Industrial
B. Urban Commercial
C. Folk Communal
D. None of these
This theory states that which higher standardization of
living, victims become more careless of their belonging,
and opportunities for committing crimes multiply.
A. Economic and Migration Theory
B. Opportunity Theory
C. Deprivation theory
D. Alertness to crime theory
This theory is referring to social cohesion on values.
A. Anomie
B. Synomie
C. Social Disorganization theory
D. None of these
It pertains to the system of interaction among the
countries of the world in order develop the global
A. Industrialization
B. Globalization
C. Commercialization
D. None of these
It is known as the Interpol's global communication

A. G-24/7
B. I – 24/7
C. 7/24 – I
D. 24/7 satellite
Which of the following is the drawback of globalization?
A. The world will become the huge market where you can buy
and sell products
B. Decrease the cultural diversity that used toe exist in the
world earlier.
C. Loss of jobs in countries that cannot compete with large
D. Wide of internet and other kind of information technology
that caused that easier access to global channels.
Which of the following is not one of the priority areas of

A. Public safety and terrorism

B. Drugs related crimes
C. Trafficking in Humans and corruption
D. Crimes against national Security
The heart of every Interpol's members country is the
linking national police with the global network. It is
also the lifeblood of Interpol?
C. Internal Security
D. National Central Bureau
Which of the following is not one of the official language
used by Interpol in communication system.

A. Arabic
B. Chinese
C. Spanish
D. English
It is a crime which is now pervasive around he world and
said to be the modern equivalent of ‘Slavery’?

A. Human trafficking C. Exploitation

B. Human smuggling D. Money-laundering
It involves disguising of illegal assets, converting them
into legal gains, and removing them from access by the
Criminal Justice System while retaining their economic

A. Tax evasion C. Money-laundering

B. Fraud D. Racketeering
This phase of money laundering where money re-enters
into legitimate economy through clean investment?
A. Placement
B. layering
B. Integration
D. Legalization
Which of the following are the channels of global
bilateral international cooperation against transnational
A. Global multi-lateral cooperation via Interpol
B. Bilateral Police Cooperation Agreements with
individual states
C. European Multilateral cooperation via Europol
D. All of these
The following are the ultimate purpose of United
Nations, Except?
A. Developing relations among nations
B. Fostering cooperation between nations
C. Solve Economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian
international problem
D. Developing intimate relationship between foreign
Which of the following statement is not a part of
Interpol’s concern area?
A. Combat crimes and transnational crimes
B. protect minorities against the dominant groups; and
C. Maintain law enforcement regardless of race or
D. None of these
A C T E R F O R M A T I O N 1 -
Heads of National Government Agencies, including Government
Owned and Control Corporations and Government Financial
Institutions for how many days?

A. 5 days
B. Day of Internment
C. 7 days
D. 3 Days
Only in the Philippines that we have the so called “Filipino time‟
but not exactly referring to the Philippine standard time, but then
again we used it to refer to the “tardiness” of the persons that we
are waiting or who keeps on coming late to the set time
schedule of events. This is refers to?

A. Tardiness
B. Ningas Cogon
C. Hypocrisy
D. Fatalism
Regardless whether someone‟s views are agreeable or not,
Filipinos are capable of getting along with it. Camaraderie, trust,
confidence and loyalty are enhanced and developed by this
Filipino value.
A. Pakikiramay
B. Bayanihan
C. Pakikisama
D. Galang
A Filipinos negative traits where they are very good at the start
when doing something. Nevertheless, after a few hours or days,
that excitement to do or accomplish something is lost we and
become too lazy to finish what were have started.

A. Gossiping
B. Ningas Cogon
C. Maňana Habit
D. Blaming
These words are spoken by the Filipinos when talking to
elders, or in order to show respect to persons in
authority. These Filipino words mean “yes,” when
answering or talking to the elders.

A. Kapwa
B. pakikisama
C. Po at Opo
D. Utang na Loob
Another way of showing respect to the elders when
greeting them. This is done by putting their elder‟s hand
on their foreheads.

A. Pagmamano
B. pakikisama
C. Po at Opo
D. Utang na Loob
Is a trait displayed by every Filipino, characterized by
heart-warming generosity and friendliness exhibited to
foreigners and locals alike.

A. Respect
B. Hospitability
C. Ningas Cogon
D. Pakikiramay
This is an attitude of some Filipinos where they tend to
push each other down to clear the way for their own gain

A. Ningas Cogon
B. Crab mentality
C. Onion Skin
D. Respect
Filipinos can sometimes be too self-righteous. When
mistakes happen, we do not want to take the blame, we
lack humility to accept our failures, and instead we point
at others.

A. Gossiping
B. Ningas Cogon
C. Blaming
D. Selfness
The National Flag shall be permanently hoisted, day and night,
throughout the year at this particular place?
I – Congress of the Philippines Building;

II - Supreme Court building;

III - Public plazas
IV - Libingan ng mga Bayani,
B. I, II and IV D. I, II, III, IV
This positive Filipinos traits are able to render services
and generous enough to extend help without

A. Utang na Loob
B. Pakikiramay
C. bayanihan
D. kapwa
It is officially as the Philippine National Song?

A. Bayang Magiliw
B. Lupang Hinirang
C. Bayan Ko
D. Budots
It is the legal principle that a person‟s nationality at birth
is determined by the place of birth (e.g. the territory of a
given state)

A. Jus Soli
B. Jus sanguinis
C. naturalized citizen
D. None of these
It is a sense of love, dedication and attachment to a
country and an alliance with other people who share the
same impression.

A. Patriotic
B. Nationalism
C. Nationalistic
D. Patriotism.
This type of patriotism merely manifested in wartime is
intended to raise morale, in turn contributing to the war

A. Patriotism of affection
B. Patriotism of Manners
C. Patriotism of Duty
D. Symbolic Patriotism
Which of the following best describe the word patriotism?

A. Feelings are based on the country's positive values-

like liberty, justice and equality..
B. Emotions are based on the belief that one's nation is
superior to all others
C. Holds a connotation of other countries, distrust or
disapproval, leading to the premise that other states are
D. None of these
It is considered as the Philippine national sport.

A. Sipak takraw
B. Arnis
C. Basketball
D. Sungka
The Vice-President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
Court, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of
the House of Representatives, for how many days?

A. 10 days
B. 7 days
C. 5 days
D. 3 days
The following are the provinces that signifies the eight
rays of the sun, except?

A. Bataan
B. Cavite
C. Manila
D. Pangasinan
The national flower of the Philippines; symbolizing purity
and simplicity, the flower is small, white, and pleasantly
A. Waling - Waling
B. Sampaguita
C. Orchids
D. Cosmos
What does the color blue of Philippine Flag signifies for?

A. Nationalism and Patriotism

B. Peace truth and prosperity
C. Peace truth and Hope
D. Peace truth and. Justice
It is know as “the heraldic and Flag code of the

A. RA 9481
B. RA 8491
C. RA 9184
D. RA 4891
The period from of each year is
declared as National Flag Days, during which period all
offices, agencies and instrumentalities of the
government, business establishments, institutions of
learning, private buildings and homes are enjoined to
display the National Flag.
A. March 28 to June 12
B. May 30 to June 12
C. May 28. to June 12
D. March 30 to June 12
Declared as the Philippine National dress or Costume.

A. Crop top
B. Barong at Saya
C. Formal Attire
D. T-shirt
What agency government that primarily task to
implement the provision of Republic act 8491?

B. National Museum
C. National Historical Institute
D. PNP and NBI
It shall mean the long rope where the flag fastens and
which runs up the length of the flag pole;

A. Fly
B. Hoist
C. Halyard
D. Symbol
The National Flag shall be blue, white and red with an
eight rayed golden yellow sun and three stars that are
five-pointed, as consecrated and honored by the people.

A. True
B. Yes
C. false
D. No
The National Flag, if flown from a flagpole, shall have its
field on top in time of peace.

A. Red
B. Blue in the left
C. Red in the right
D. Blue
Statement 1. The National Flag shall not be raised when
the weather is inclement. Statement 2. If already raised,
the National Flag shall not be lowered for the whole day.

A. Statement 1 is Correct and statement 2 incorrect

B. Statement 1 and 2 is incorrect
C.. Statement 1 and 2 is correct
D. Statement 1 is incorrecta and statement 2 is correct
Thank You for
Listening mga

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