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Keyur Kotecha ( 045) 12th Dec-2010

Sunday Morning. Lecture of MPR. Less Attendance.................And thats y U r compelled to attend my lecture So Sad..But wait.

Age- Between 23 to 28 Gender- 55 Male, 7 Female Education- MBAs Occupation Future business leader What Is In It For Me? . Is to understand how training can be helpful in creation of Best Organization and how it is helpful for you to become an effective Operations Manager.

Debate- Does every training Helpful to the organization ? Do u remember Transactional Analysis workshop ? Like it or not.?? Disaster usually follows

and thats Y its important 4 U 2 concentrate for next 2 session to understand d PROCESS.

Change of Technology Employees Career Development Teamwork Globalization

and many other reasons..

Identify Strategic Goals and Objective- Training and Development session for Operations Manager- Not for Budding Trainer.

Improvement in performance (Is there any change in yourself in last two years ?) Real change can happen only when there is shift in peoples Thinking, Feeling and Action worlds.

Life Stages
Infancy Adolescence Early Adulthood Adulthood

Dependency Counter Dependency Independence Inter Dependency

These principles of Adult learning form the foundation of all our learning initiatives.

Adult learning happens through Experiential Learning Adults are autonomous and self directed Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and knowledge Adults are relevancy-oriented Adults are practical Adults need to be shown respect


Incompetence competence

Group sharing Programmed Learning Action Learning Sensitivity Training Lecture Method In Basket Exercise Story Telling T-Group Case Study Business Games







Asses need for training Ensure readiness for training

Plan the training Program Objectives Trainers Methods Implement Training Program Evaluate results of training

Feed Back

Organization- What is the context in which training will

occur ?

Person- Who Needs training ? Task- What subjects should the training cover for new
employees ?

Performance- Assessing current employees training


Company BSC PMS Data Talent review Process Outputs Competency Matrix Group training Guidelines

Training for Product Development Process Improvement Initiatives Lack of Skills, Knowledge & Attitude ( KSA) Performance Requirement Legal Requirement ( Power Plant- Boiler competency exam)


Employees Readiness

Aware of their need Has basic skill for training Potential Positive Attitude towards training

Work Environment
Situational Constraint
Lack of Money, Time, Facilities, Tools, Material, Knowhow

Social Support
Support from Organization, Peers, Manager, HR

Understand Relate Evaluation in PMS Application Provide Tools and Material for application Pre-Training Discussion Recognize Relieve Feedback

18th Dec-2010, Keyur Kotecha( 045)

Importance of training for Ops mgr. Rational behind training ( Kolbs modal, competence- consciousness grid, Adult Learning) Learning Process
Need Assessment Readiness of training

Establish Objective

Focus, Success rate, Communication, Basis for Measurement Statement of outcome, Quality of performance, Conditions

Make or Buy Decision ( In-house or Contracted )

Availability of trainer, Capability, Cost, Time

Choice of training methods

Presentation Method Hands On Method & Group Building Method

Class Room Training Audiovisual Training Computer based Training Electronic Performance Support System E-Learning On the job Training Simulations Business Games Case Studies Behavior Modeling Experimental Programs Team Training ( Cross, Coordination, Leader) Action Learning
Apprenticeship Internship

Communicate the learning objective Use distinctive, attention giving message Limit the content of training guide trainees in learning Elaborate on subject Provide memory cues Transfer course content Provide feedback about performance


Performance Improvement

Trainee Satisfaction

Training Measurement

Transfer of learning

New Skills, New Knowledge

It is not what you know that counts, But what you do with what you know

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