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Introduction to

Multithreading in Java allows a single application to execute multiple
threads concurrently, improving efficiency and responsiveness. Threads
are lightweight processes that share the same memory space, enabling
parallel task execution for enhanced performance.

by Sahil Kshirsagar
Advantages of Multithreading
Improved Efficiency Enhanced Responsiveness Resource Sharing

Multithreading enables better Threads within the same process can

utilization of system resources, as By running time-consuming tasks on share data and resources, reducing
threads can utilize idle CPU cycles to separate threads, the main memory usage and promoting
perform tasks simultaneously. application thread can remain collaboration between tasks.
responsive and provide a smooth
user experience.
Thread Creation and Lifecycle

1 Create
Threads are created by either extending the Thread class or
implementing the Runnable interface.

2 Start
Once created, the thread is in the New state and must be started to
begin execution.

3 Run
The thread enters the Runnable state and executes the code
defined in the run() method.
Thread Synchronization
1 Synchronized Methods
Ensures that only one thread can execute a method at a time, preventing race

2 Synchronized Blocks
Allows synchronization of specific code blocks, providing more granular

3 Volatile Keyword
Ensures that shared variables are always up-to-date, preventing unexpected

4 Lock Objects
Provides a more flexible synchronization mechanism using the
java.util.concurrent.locks package.
Thread Communication

Suspends a thread until another thread notifies it.

Wakes up a single waiting thread, allowing it to continue.

Wakes up all waiting threads, allowing them to compete for the lock.

Allows one thread to wait for the completion of another thread.
Deadlocks and Starvation
Occurs when two or more threads are waiting for each other to release resources, resulting in a
circular dependency.

Happens when a thread is perpetually denied access to shared resources, causing it to never make

Avoiding Issues
Careful resource allocation, deadlock detection, and starvation-free algorithms can help mitigate
these problems.

Tools like thread dumps and monitoring can assist in identifying and resolving concurrency issues.
Concurrency Utilities
Executor Framework
Provides a powerful and flexible way to manage the execution
of asynchronous tasks.

Concurrent Collections
Thread-safe data structures like ConcurrentHashMap and
BlockingQueue simplify concurrent programming.

Utilities like Semaphore, CountDownLatch, and CyclicBarrier
help coordinate the execution of multiple threads.
Best Practices and
Minimize Shared State Reduce shared data to avoid
synchronization issues and
concurrency bugs.

Avoid Deadlocks Carefully manage resource

acquisition to prevent circular

Leverage Immutability Use immutable objects to eliminate

the need for synchronization.

Monitor Thread Health Regularly check for thread

starvation, deadlocks, and other
concurrency problems.

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