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What is mobile Phone?

 It is defined as which is a telephone with access to a cellular radio

system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection
to a network.
 It is a portable device for connecting to a telecommunications,network
in order to transmit and receive voice,video or other data.
First mobilephone

 Martincooper was the inventor of First mobile phone.

 In the year of 1973.
 3,995 US dolllers in our Indian currency 3,27,590.
 The first version of mobile phone name is DINTECH(Dynamic Aduiofit Total Coverage(
 At that time they Were Called Has Brick it was so weight.
 The weight of that mobile is 2kg.
3G,4G& 5G
 3G network was first used by Japan in 2001.
 the First 4G uses in the city that the made history at year 2009.
 5G was more fast to use the network.the experienced country is north korea at year 2019
 In 1983 after that DINTECH tit takes around 10 years to launched market 8000xh.
 On 1991 first global system feature mobile in Europe name of that mobile is ORBITAL
TPM ()).
 Nokia had record in the 2003 which seals 25 crores of products at all over the world name
of the version is 1100 model.
 The first camera which inserted to mobile is kosaria.
 The first folded mobile was invented by north Korean company. And company is
 In the year 2007 which wee called him father of machine smagician that get features like
touchscreen display.
Skills Required to uses of mobile

 Technical Skills
 Task & Time Management
 Leadership
 Explore one thing to deeeply
Advantages Disadvantages
 To know the information fastly  To giving unnecessary things to watching on
 To easily improve communication skills
 It will be affected to your health to long
 To improve educational background with
online studies.
 In this generation kind s are using to waste
 To easily share your ideas with other
time on mobilephone video games on it
“Use for Good Cause, Don’t watse your valuable time”

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