Abortion and The Nursing Profession

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Human Embryo Experimentation in australia, the senate Select Committee on the Human Embryo Experimentation bill defines abortio as a spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy and miscarriage as the the spontaneous loss of an early pregnancy at any stage before the twentieth week after conception.

PRO ABORTIONIST Pro-abortionist used similar language when discussing abortion, tending typically to define it in terms such as terminating pregnancy or ridding the products of unwanted conception. Pro-abortionist place that abortion as objective and aims to focus attention away from the emotional aspect of the issue. The conclusion that abortion is morally permissible for the pro abortionist.

ANTI ABORTIONIST Anti-abortionist, by contras tend typically to define abortion in such a terms as artificially causing miscarriage of an unborn child, or of killing an innocent human being. Anti-abortionist place that abortion as emotive and aims to focus attention on the emotional aspect of abortion. The conclusion that abortion is morally wrong.

There are roughly three positions that can be taken on abortion: 1. the conservative position according to the conservative position, abortion is an absolute moral wrong, and those something which should never be permitted under any circumstances not even in self-defence, such as cases where a continued pregnancy would almost certainly result in the mothers death. If abortion is permitted than respect for the sanctity of human life will be diminished, making it easier for human life to be taken in other circumstances.

according to the moderate position abortion is only a prima facie moral wrong, and those prohibitions against it maybe overridden by stronger moral consideration. Werner argues, that abortion is permissible provided that it is procured during pre-sentience. (since pre-sentience fetus can not feel, it can not be meaningfully harmed or benefited). Abortion may still be justified on carefully defined grounds, namely: self-defence (where the life or health of the mother would be at risk if the pregnancy was allowed to continue or unavoidability (where abortion can not be avoided, such as in the case of 5/4/12

3. The Liberal Position according to the liberal position abortion is morally permissible on demand. Michael Tooley argues, that since fetuces are not persons, they can not meaningfully claim a right to life. Warren argues, fetus is not human being and to claim that it is only begs the question.


Abortion and the moral rights of women, fetuses andfetus have actual right and meaningfully fathers Can a
override the existing rights of its mother? 1. Given our understanding of the nature moral rights and correlative duties, there is something logically and linguistically odd in ascribing rights to fetuses (non-persons), particularly during the pre-sentient stage. 2. Set of rights which may conflict is the mothers right to have control over her body and lifes circumstances versus the fetuss rights to life. 3. Set of rights which may conflict is the mothers right to health versus the fetuss rights to life.5/4/12

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Marry Anne Warren argued that for an entity to be a person it must satisfy a number of criteria namely: 1. Consciousness, and in particular the capacity to feel pain 2. Reasoning 3. Self-motivated activity 4. The capacity to communicate 5. The presence of self-concepts, and selfawareness

The abortion issue is enormous and complex; it is also extermely political, as some spectacular overseas insidents have shown . for example, in 1990 , Belgium was thron into a constitutional cisis after King Baudouin, Belgiums reigning monarch, stepped down from his throne temporarily because of his conscience wouldnt let him sign a 5/4/12 law legalising abortion ( reuter

Abortion , Politics and the Broader Community

There remains much more to be said on the politics of an the moral controversies surrounding abortion than there is space here to do . For example , we have yet to address the problem of : 1.Restrictive abortion laws and the real suffering these have caused- and continue to cause- girls and woman who find themselves trapped by an unwanted and / or intolerable pregnancy 2. Sex selected abortions , practiset widely in countries where are patriarchal and misogynist preference for sons results in the sex-selected abortions of female fetuses (a form of gendercide) in those countries


3. HomoPhobic selected abortions otherwise referred to as gay gene abortions proposed in the event of a sexuality gene being discovered (it has been seriously suggested by leading geneticist and Noble laureate taht if a gay gene is discovered , and a fetus is found to be gaygene identified , a mother ought to have the option of aborting a fetus if she doesnt want a homosexual child (Loudonand Wilson 1997; Joyce 1997) 4. rape abortions , and the dilemmas associated with terminating pregnancies resultig from rape and sexual abuse 5. eugenic abortions , and the dilemmas associated with aborting fetuces with diasabilties ranging from the very minor to the extremely severe (for instance ), there is anecdotal evidence hat fetuses have been aborteed for relatively minor deformities , for example, because of having one leg shorter than the other); 6. The role of fetal police (comprised of registered medical practitioners risk managers, legislators, lawyers and judges) who take the steps to coerce, detain and even incarecerate women who engage in health-injurious behaviours (such as cigarette smoking, illicit drug taking, 5/4/12 alcohol consumption, and the like) during pregnancy

7. The nature and implications of the hard choices women have to make when choosing abortion ( Cannold 1998) and not least. 8. The traumatic consequences to women of having abortions , including the terrible complications that abortion procedure themselves can have such sa sepsis, haemorrage , uterine perforation, kidney failure and even coma ( Cannold 1998, p.16; Fisher and Buckingham 1985).

Other problems yet to be examined include the following : 1. determining the point at which a fetus actually becomes a person-for example , is it at conception /syngamy, upon achieving viability , or at birth) 2. Slippery slope arguments which reason that, if abortion is permitted, our moral characters and expectations will seriously decline; that is, if we allow abortion today , we will allow infanticide tommorow and the next day we will allow euthanasia of other useless persons.

11. The role of fetal police (comprised of registered medical practitioner, risk manager legislators, lawyers and judges) who take step to coerce, detain and event incarcerate woman who engage in health-injurious behaviors (such as cigarate smoking illicit drug taking, alcohol consumsion, and the like) during pregnancy 12. the nature and implication of the hard choice woman to make when choosing abortion and not least 13. the traumatic consequences to woman of having abortions, including the terrible complication that abortion procedures theselves can have such as sepsis, haemorrhage, uterine perforation, kidney failure and even coma.

Other problem yet to be examinate include the following: determining the point at which at fetus actually becomes a person. Slippery slope arguments which reason that, if abortion is permited, our moral characters and exeption will seriously decline"that is,if we allow abortion today, we will allow infanticide tomorrow and the next day we will allow euthanasia of other useless person.


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