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Prepared by: Engr.

Lynhard G. Ogario
Preliminaries 00 Characterization of AB Wastes 02
 Agricultural and Biosystems wastes and
Class orientation to the VMGO and Quality 07 its characteristics 07
 Role of soils in AB wastes management
Policy of the University; Orientation to the  Role of plants in AB wastes management
course, course policies and grading system;
08  Geologic and groundwater 08
considerations in AB wastes
0 management.
Introduction 01 Design of AB wastes treatment and management
 Overview of AB waste management
systems 03
engineering  Siting AB wastes management system
 State of the art technologies on AB waste  Types and functions of AB wastes
management management systems
 Existing laws and regulations, policy and  Design of AB waste treatment and
water quality standards with emphasis on management systems e.g., biogas
Philippine Clean Water Act, and systems, treatment lagoons, composting
Philippine Clean Air Act and other similar technologies

00 02
Economics and entrepreneurial possibilities, and
the environmental, institutional and legal aspects
of to
Class orientation waste utilization
the VMGO and Quality
Policy of the University; Orientation to the
 AB wastes processing and utilization – 08 08
course policiesand
recycling andenergy
 Waste management equipment, operation
and safety 0
 Economic analysis of AB waste processing 01
and utilization
 Environmental, institutional, and legal
aspects of AB waste utilization
Course Learning
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
Explain the principles of waste management engineering;

Characterize AB wastes, processes, and systems;
Design AB wastes treatment and management systems;
Analyze the economics, entrepreneurial possibilities, and
the environment, institutional and legal aspects of waste
• Midterm
• Finals
Summative Tests

Other Requirements
Quiz, Assignments, Problem Set,
Attendance and Class Participation
Course Policies
Punctuality and regular attendance are very important in any
businesses; hence, students are expected to practice this value in
the classroom. To ensure successful completion of this course,
students are expected to arrive for class on time and to remain in
class until the end of the class session. The student will be
considered dropped from the class after missing 20% of the total
number of hours required for the subject.
Course Policies
All students are expected to behave with academic honesty. It is
not academically honest to misrepresent another person’s work
as your own, to take credit for someone else’s words or ideas, to
obtain advanced information on confidential test materials, or to
act in a way that might harm another student’s chances for
academic success. These students will automatically have a
grade of 5.0 after three (3) offenses of academic dishonesty.
Course Policies
Assignments, problem sets and requirements should be
submitted on the set deadline. Late submission will be deducted
All students are expected to take Major Examinations (mid-
term/Finals) on the specified day. In general, no make-up test or
re-test will be given except when circumstances warrant but with
valid supporting documents shall be presented.
Course Policies
Group activities will be part of the class participation. Students
should participate actively during the group discussions and
other group assignments.
Other course policies will be based on the student handbook.
Actual Rating Equivalent Rating Rating

100 1.0 Outstanding

94 - 90 1.1 - 1.5 Excellent
89 - 85 1.6 - 2.0 Very Good
84 - 80 2.1 - 2.5 Good
75 - 79 2.6 - 3.0 Fair

74 - 70 3.1 - 3.5 Conditional

G 69 - 55 3.6 - 5.0 Failed

INC INC Incomplete
Dr Dr Dropped
Withdrawn w/ Permission

IP IP In Progress
• Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards 616 (2016). Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation. PAES Vol.11
• Peterson, C (2016). Handbook of Solid Waste Technology and Management
• Metcalf (2014). Wastewater Engineering
• Hammer, M.J. Sr. & Hammer, M.J. Jr. (2014). Water and Wastewater Technology, 7th ed.
• Tchobanoglous (2013). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 5th ed.
• Worrell, W.A., Vesilid, P.A. (2012). Solid Waste Engineering
• PAES 414-2:2002. Waste Management Structures (Part 2): Agricultural Wastes – Composting
• PAES 414-1:2002: Waste Management Structures (Part 1): Agricultural Liquid Waste
• PAES 413:2001 Agricultural Structures – Biogas Plant
• R.A. No. 9003 – Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
• R.A. No. 9275 – Philippine Clean Water Act
• R.A. No.8749 – Philippine Clean Air Act
• P.D. No. 1152 – Philippine Environmental Code

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