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The Three Penny
Character analysis
Bertolt Brech
The Threepenny Opera

“By and for Beggar’s


Mac the knife

Macheath .( Called Mac the Knife)
Jonathan Jeremaih Peachum , Proprietor of the
Beggar’s Friend LTD

Celia Peachum , Wife of Mr. Peachum.

Polly Peachum , Daughter of Mr. and Mrs

Peachum and marry with Macheath.
Brown , High Sheriff of London
Jess Martin,William Theater
Lucy, Daughter of Tiger Brown ,in love with
Characters cont…

Low-Dive Jenny:Former loverof

Mactheath,now married to Tiger

The Reverend kimball


Suky Tawdy

Brothel scene from act II

Characters Analysis

Macheath or Mac the knif

London's greatest criminal, he is charge of a gang of thieves. He marries Polly
Peachum in a stable and is later arrested when her father finds out. After being
hunted down he is about to be hung at the end. However, in a deus ex machina
(intervention from god), he is saved by the Queen and knighted.
Mrs CeliaPeachum
like her husband Peachum, is entirely self-interested and bitter. She doesn't care
about her daughter's happiness as she is entirely absorbed with making money. She
is a tough woman and isn't afraid of expressing her views on other people's
business, views which are often negative or offensive. She is uncompromising and
Jonathan Jeremiah Peachum

The Beggar King, Peachum is in charge of all of London's

beggars. When he learns that Macheath has married his
daughter he forces the sheriff to arrest Macheath by threatening
to disrupt the coronation ceremony. He suceeds in nearly having
Mac hung

Polly Peachum

Peachum's daughter, she marries Mac the Knife after knowing

him for only five days. Her parents have him arrested and Polly
is dismayed to learn that he has another wife, Lucy. She takes
over his business after his arrest and likely takes his money at
the end.
Tiger Brown
The Sheriff of London, he is a personal friend of Mac's and takes a
kickback on all of the money Mac steals. He is upset when Peachum
forces him to arrest Mac but does so because he is afraid of what the
Queen will do to him if the coronation ceremony is disrupted. He later
struggles to talk to Mac and is upset when Mac rejects his friendship.


Tiger Brown's daughter, she is also "married" to Mac the Knife. She and
Polly meet after Mac is arrested and Mac claims that Lucy is his real wife

Low-Dive Jenny

A prostitute who used to live with Mac; she is the one whom Mrs.
Peachum bribes to turn in Mac. After Mac escapes his first arrest, she
goes to the Peachums and gives them information that allow them to
arrest him again.
A constable who works for Brown; Mac tries to bribe him at the end
but cannot cough up enough money to make Smith free him.
The Reverend Kimball
The man who marries Polly and Mac; he arrives at their wedding set
in a stable.
One of Macheath's thieves, nicknamed "Money Matthew." Macheath
reprimands hum for taking credit for burning down the children's
hospital when Macheath is the one who set it on fire
A young man named filch comes in and ask for his job . Peachum
Tells him that he will bring him the whole day’s earnings and then I
will pay from it, then he will give him a costum to wear.
Another one of Matches thieves nicknamed
Hook Finger Jacob. He is the first one of macheath's
thieves to accidentally reveal that macheath has been
with another woman

. Robert:

Another one of the macheath's thieves

nicknamed Robert the Saw. He joins the men to set
up he stolen wedding breakfast for macheath and


Another one of the macheath's thieves nicknamed

"Wally the Weeper".
Another one of the macheath's thieves .

Suky tawdy:

A prostitute macheath with and stays with when he

escapes from jail the first time.

the end
a n k
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