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Principles of

unit 3
GEC 16
Art Appreciation

▪ also called as Harmony

▪ art means the blending or
combining of similar
elements to create a feeling of
▪ can be achieved through
repeating of similar elements

▪ created by an implied
movement through the
repetition of elements that
would make a work seem
▪ creates a feeling of movement
in the viewer’s eye around
and within the image.

▪ opposite of unity
▪ refers to the arrangement
and/or combining of one or
more different elements
▪ should be combined with

▪ refers to the feeling of visual

equilibrium of the elements
▪ a sense that a visual art feels
stable and right
Symmetrical Balance

▪ also called as formal balance

▪ both sides of an artwork have
the same elements or image
in both opposite position
Asymmetrical Balance

▪ also known as “felt” balance

▪ is balanced due to the
contrast of any elements
▪ sides of a composition are not
the same but appear to have
an equal visual weight
Radial Balance

▪ arranges the forms and

objects in a circular way
▪ elements are equally spaced
around a central point just
like a ripple in a pond when a
stone was dropped

▪ refers to the relationship

between the various elements
of an artwork
▪ two or more elements are put
together, a relationship is
created, thus making it
▪ helps give a piece of art

▪ refers to the area of an artwork that dominates

attention or draws interest
▪ often the place a viewer looks first
▪ the toning down of the other elements so that
other images are emphasized
▪ objects in an artwork that are given less
importance by the eyes
▪ create emphasis in art through contrasting the
elements such as color; making the size of the
image smaller or bigger; or isolating the image
from other objects in an artwork.
▪ objects in an artwork that are given less
importance by the eyes

▪ a well-known term in
photography, a kind of visual art
▪ more of a guide than a rule
▪ principle behind the rule of third
is to imagine breaking an image
down into thirds, both
horizontally and vertically
▪ four green dots are considered
places to position the image

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