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Buyer Behavior

Presented by :
Islam Bassem
Mohamed Abou El Omsan
Kareem Mosaad
Presented to : Ehab Abou Esh
efinition of Attitude
Functional Theory of Attitude
Formation of Attitude
ABC Model
Attitude Models
efinition of Attitude
Lhe person's evaluaLlon feellng
and Lendencles Lowards an ob[eL
or ldea
A learned predlsposlLlon Lo
behave ln a conslsLenLly favorable
or unfavorable manner wlLh
respecL Lo a glven ob[ecL
A menLal emoLlonal or raLlonal
Lendency Lowards a facL sLaLe
person or an ob[ecL
lormed on Lhe basls of learnlng
knowledge educaLlon Lhlnklng
llfesLyle experlence bellef falLh
communlcaLlon observaLlon eLc
Att|tude |s
efinition of Attitude
Attitude ay be
44d 47 bad
45timistic 47 5essimistic
54sitive 47 neative
b74ad 47 na774
f7iendly 47 unf7iendly
c4nsistent 47 inc4nsistent
Attitude ay change with several external factors like time or environment,
Attitude ay be influenced and can influence others' attitude.
Functional Theory Of Attitude
Attitudes exist because they serve some function
for the person determined by motives :
Knowledge function
Combination function
Motive 1 : Utilitarian
sumers buy prducts t
Iu|f||| the|r
Ly sme
Get sme extra
kece|ve after
sa|es serv|ce
If the prduct meet the|r expectat|s
1hey deve|p a ps|t|ve att|tude
tards that prduct
If t egat|ve att|tude |s
Marketers usua||y stress h|gh||ght the ps|t|ve aspects f the|r
prducts t frm a ps|t|ve att|tude
Motive 2 : 'aIue-expressive
The importance of values in our life can't be over
emphasized. We learn it through our life.
This value system prevents or encourages the buyers to buy
certain products such as smoking, drugs, environment,
health, ethics, wildlife, etc.
Motive 3 : o-defensive
We are all concerned about our self-esteem & ego
We always try to safe guard it.
Products related to boosting the ego or self esteem are the
target of such a kind of attitude.
Motive 4 : nowIede function
People are curious and seeking knowledge.
They gets new information and understanding about
products and services which help in creating, modifying &
changing the attitude towards it.
Motive 5 : ombination function
UsuaIIy individuaIs deveIop attitudes towards a product,
which are a combined effect of aII these functions
Formation Of Attitude
People are not born with an attitude. But they develop it over the growing &
learning period. There are several ways the attitude can be formed :
IassicaI conditionin
Attitudes about the products are formed over the years
nstrumentaI conditionin
$ometimes this attitude is formed by incidence., if the consumer tries some new
product & develops a favorable or unfavorable attitude, this shapes the future
attitude towards this product.
onitive Iearnin theory
%his is similar to classical conditioning, with a difference that it is associated with
learning through mental processing & evaluation, experience of using the products
over a period of time.
W %he ABC odel is one of the most famous cognitive behavioural therapy
techniques for analyzing your thoughts, behavior and emotions.
W %he AB ModeI asks you to record a sequence of events in terms of:
W Affect
W Behavior
ntention to do something with regard to an attitude object
W ognition
eliefs about an attitude object
ABC Model
ABC Model
%he beIow fiure is the Hierarchy of ffects - it show how fixed sequence of
events occurs on the way to formin an attitude
t heIps in knowin what type of advertisin to use with different attitude
%ed|c sumpt|%
9roblem solvlng process
8ehavloural Learnlng (Lhrough experlences)
LmoLlonal 8esponse based ALLlLudes sensory drlven
Attitude Models
%ri-component modeI
%heory of Reasoned action modeI
%ryin to onsume ModeI
Attitude Attitude- -%oward %oward- -the the- -Ad Ad ModeI ModeI
Attitude %owards object modeI
Attitude towards behavior modeI
%ri-component modeI
%ri-component modeI
Accordin to the tri-component modeI, attitudes consist of three major
components :
1. onitive component
1. Affective component
2. onative component
onitive component
The knowledge & perceptions that are acquired by a combination of direct
experience with the attitude object & related information from various
This knowledge & resulting perceptions commonly take the form of beliefs,
The consumer believes that the attitude object processes various attributes
and that specific behavior will lead to specific outcomes.
Affective component
Person's emotion or feelings about a particular product or a brand.
These emotion & feelings are frequently treated by consumer researchers
as primarily evaluative in nature.
Additionally the state of mind (emotionally charged states like happiness,
sadness, anger, disgust, distress, shame, guilt, surprise etc.) also affects
the attitudes by enhancing positive or negative emotions or feelings.
onative component
Person's likelihood or tendency to undertake a specific action or behavior
towards the attitude object.
Often this means the actual action or behavior itself, or the intention to
buy a particular product.
Buyer intention scales like - 'How likely one is to buy" or 'The chance
that one will buy" are used to assess the likelihood / chances that a
person buying a product.
%heory of reasoned action modeI
1hery f
A comprehenslve Lheory
of Lhe lnLerrelaLlonshlp
among aLLlLudes
lnLenLlons and behavlor
%heory of reasoned action modeI
%heory of reasoned action modeI
%his model is similar to the tri-component model here we have another component
"subjective norms which additionally influences the intention.
%his subjective norm is the perception & belief of others about the intention or behavior
that are very close to the buyer.
%he final intention is the result of two distinct factors as given in the following
1. Beliefs that the behavior leads to certain outcomes, and the buyer evaluates each of them
and if found reasonable & satisfactory, then he forms a positive attitude towards the
2. Beliefs that the specific referents think he should / should not perform that behavior will lead
the buyer to comply with the specific referents. If the compliance is complete & positive, then
a favorable subjective norm is formed
%heory of reasoned action modeI
e||efs that the
behav|r |eads
t certa|
e||efs that the
behav|r |eads
t certa|
Lva|uat| f
the utcmes
Lva|uat| f
the utcmes
e||efs that
referets th|k
I shu|d r
shu|d t
perfrm the
e||efs that
referets th|k
I shu|d r
shu|d t
perfrm the
Mt|vat| t
cmp|y |th
the spec|f|c
Mt|vat| t
cmp|y |th
the spec|f|c
ALLlLude Loward
Lhe behavlor
ALLlLude Loward
Lhe behavlor
lnLenLlon lnLenLlon
8ehavlor 8ehavlor
%heory of %ryin to onsume
1hery f
1ry|g t
A comprehenslve Lheory
of Lhe lnLerrelaLlonshlp
among aLLlLudes
lnLenLlons and behavlor
Attitude-%oward-the-Ad ModeI
Att|tude Att|tude
1ard 1ard the the
Ad Mde| Ad Mde|
A model LhaL proposes LhaL
a consumer forms varlous
feellngs (affecLs) and
[udgmenLs (cognlLlons) as
Lhe resulL of exposure Lo an
adverLlsemenL whlch ln
Lurn affecL Lhe consumer's
ottltoJe towotJ tbe oJ and
ottltoJe towotJ tbe btooJ
Attitude %oward the Ad ModeI
xomp/es of 4ttitude toword the 4d mode/
1 keseorch omonq 4sion lndion u5 lmmiqronts 5tudy found o
positive re/otionship between ottitude towords the odvertisement
ond purchose intention of the odvertised products
2 4dditiono/ reseorch on consumer ottitudes for nove/ products
l consumer socio/itotion 4fricon 4mericons ond women
Attitude %oward the Ad ModeI
Lxposure Lo an Ad
!udgmenLs abouL
Lhe Ad (CognlLlon)
8ellefs abouL Lhe
ALLlLude Loward
Lhe 8rand
ALLlLude Loward
Lhe Ad
leellngs from Lhe
Ad (AffecL)
Attitude towards object modeI
W $uitable for measuring attitudes towards a product/service category or
specific brands.
W Consumers' attitude towards a product or specific brands of a product is a
function of the presence or absence and evaluation of certain product
specific beliefs and/or attributes.
W Consumers generally have favorable attitudes towards those brands that
they believe have an adequate level of attributes that they evaluate as
positive, and they have unfavorable attitudes those brands they feel don't
have an adequate level of desired attributes or have too many negatives or
undesired attributes.
Attitude towards behavior modeI
W This model is individual's attitude towards 'behaving or acting" with
respect to an object rather than the attitude towards the object itself.
W The appeal of the attitude toward behavior that it seems to correspond
somewhat more closely to the actual behavior than the attitude towards
object model.
W Ex. It's important for the marketers to know the individual's attitude about
the act of purchasing a BMW (attitude toward behavior) rather than to
know about his attitude toward the car (attitude toward object). This seems
logical for a consumer might have a positive attitude towards an expensive
BMW but a negative attitude towards his prospects for purchasing the
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