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Competency Referential Working group

Pre reading for the 12.12.2011 meeting

Competence Requirements
Already decided in the first meeting Only transversal competencies will be defined. Additional, function specific technical and professional competencies will be defined by functional working groups (as ongoing e.g. for marketing) Referential should be easy to understand and use The following requirements needs to be decided: Topic Yes, vital for my unit/region No way, this is not needed My unit/region can live with or without this

In addition to global, transversal competencies and function specific ones, a third category, regional competencies is needed Even if we had global transversal competencies, local adaptation should be allowed The competencies need to be scalable (same competence but different definition per target group e.g. business acumen for first time leaders-middle managers-senior managers) and/or include levels (e.g 1=beginner, 3=competent practitioner 5=world class expert) The competence referential needs to have a clear guidance how to evaluate the competence in question The transversal competence definitions should cover all Essilor employees The transversal competence definitions should cover all experts and managers, but not factory/lab workers

Competence Requirements
The following requirements needs to be decided (cont): Topic Yes, vital for my unit/region No way, this is not needed My unit/region can live with or without this

The competence referential should be easy to translate to other languages

The competence referential should be compatible with all HR systems (Annual Appraisal, People Review, Job Grading, Leadership model, employee selection, job descriptions)
The referential should be a list of competencies, the guidance how to develop them is a separate thing

The referential should be a list of competencies with a guidebook how to develop them
We should be able to draw a clear link between the transversal competencies and Essilor values and principles

Scaling and leveling the competencies examples and alternatives

Unconscious Incompetence = you don't know that you can't do it well. Conscious Incompetence = you know you can't do it well. Conscious Competence = you do it well, and you think about the work as you do it. Unconscious competence = you're so successful it's "automatic" -- you do it well, without thinking about it. (The "Kirkpatrick Model" by Donald L. Kirkpatrick)

1 Beginner a person doesnt know anything about the task. 2 Learner a person can do the task when there is somebody to help/guide/lead. 3 Practitioner a person can do this task on his own. 4 Expert a person can guide/lead other people in this task. 5 World-class expert a person is an internally & externally recognized expert in this task. (Adapted from several 5 level models)

Unskilled Skilled Overused skill (Lominger FYI)

1) Interns; 2) Trainees; 3) Managers (directors, managers and supervisors); 4) Others (administrative positions) (LatAm target group levels)

Scaling and leveling the competencies examples and alternatives cont.

Deficient (D) has not had the opportunity to demonstrate the task or is not meeting the expectations of the task Fundamental (F) has a general understanding of the task; not yet performing at expected level or too new to rate Intermediate (I) has a more focused understanding of the task; of can apply skills in a defined situation, but not yet consistent Skilled (S) has a solid understanding of the task; can demonstrate and perform skill/knowledge at expected level for current role Advanced (A) Invents new methodologies, processes, and tools related to task; demonstrates above expected level for current role How to rate employees: Levels are additive, i.e. if you exhibit behaviors at the Advanced level, you will also possess competency at the Fundamental and Intermediate levels Place your rating (D, F, I, S, or A ) in the worksheet, using appropriate level, in the space by the competency D = 0, F = 1 point, I = 2 points, S = 3 points, and A = 4 points for averaging purposes and for a category total score. (Example from Essilor US marketing) (Example from US Interview Quide)

Professional grade 4 Skilled Professional grade 5 Experienced Professional grade 6 Leader grade 7 Skilled Leader grade 8 Experienced Leader grade 9 Executive grade 10 Skilled Executive grade 11 Experienced Executive grade 12+

(Example from Essilor US)

Essilor Competence Referential -options

(or should we call it Competency Framework?) Category 1 commercial off-the-shelf competence referentials Lominger + widely used in Essilor (Operations world-wide, LatAm, partial adaptation in other regions and units) + includes guidebooks for development of each competence and separate guidebooks for leadership team development etc +includes a leadership competency model which could be adapted to Essilor (see next 2 pages) +owned by Korn/Ferry can be linked to staffing projects and leadership assessments (if a frame agreement with KF will be made) + needed language versions available

- Including 67 competencies, perceived as heavy and complicated by many - Can be seen as mechanistic if used orthodoxically with the guidebook (=instead of proper
discussion between the employee and manager, a sentence or two from the FYI development guide is applied)

Lominger Leadership Factors

Lominger Leadership Factors cont.

Essilor Competence Referential -options

Category 1 commercial off-the-shelf competence referentials

SHL Based on behavioral factor-analysis, 8 behavioral clusters, each with 2- 3 competences, all together 20 competencies
+simple, maybe the most research based model +includes assessment tools, e.g. 360 + needed language versions available +descriptions can be slightly modified to better fit Essilor language

-may not cover all our needs -we dont have a budget for adapting the system

Essilor Competence Referential -options

Category 1 commercial off-the-shelf competence referentials DDI Competency library with 45 competencies. (Similar to Lominger) +possibility to have ready made 360 solutions +separate leadership competency set available (extract from the 45 competencies library) + needed language versions available

-doesnt offer any additional benefits compared to what we are already having in Essilor -we dont have a budget to buy DDI services
PDI Ninthouse 2 competency libraries: a general competency library with 78 competencies and professional/technical competency library +includes scales and proficiency levels +suitable for both managers and individual contributors + needed language versions available +separate leadership competency set available (extract from the 78 competencies library)

-even if the whole library with 78 competencies is not meant to be given to the end users, same
challenge than with Lominger: the system looks complicated and unnecessary complex.

-we dont have a budget to buy PDI Ninthouse services

Essilor Competence Referential -options

Category 2 modified or completely home made competency referentials Modified Starting from the various existing commercial models, to extract and modify a competency framework for Essilor. One example of these already exist, done in the CPEG project for Essilor France (see the next page) +End result would have a strong Essilor flavour reflecting company values and principles -Time consuming to modify competence descriptions and find a global consensus -No connection (thus no possibility to use) to assessment and development tools which exist in most of the commercial solutions -risk to end up to something very similar to the commercial ones (lots of work with little added value) -would previous work around competencies partly obsolete lots of additional work to update/rewrite job descriptions, annual appraisals etc. From scratch Starting from scratch to build a complete new Essilor Competence Referential +End result would have a strong Essilor flavour reflecting company values and principles +If done in workshops with managers, would ensure authenticity and buy in in the organization -Time consuming to write competence descriptions and find a global consensus on the content -No connection (thus no possibility to use) to assessment and development tools which exist for most of the commercial solutions -risk to end up to something very similar to the commercial ones (lots of work with little added value) -would previous work around competencies partly obsolete lots of additional work to update/rewrite job descriptions, annual appraisals etc.

Example of a modified competency referential (GPEC France)

16 comptences Lominger transverses 49. Matriser la communication orale 42. Entretenir de bonnes relations avec ses collgues 38. Faire preuve dagilit organisationnelle 15. tre orient vers le client 5. Avoir le sens des affaires 54. tre capable dauto-dveloppement 2. Faire face lambigut 57. Faire preuve dautonomie 51. Matriser la rsolution des problmes 47. Savoir planifier 53. tre orient vers les rsultats 20. Savoir diriger 19. Dvelopper les comptences de ses collaborateurs

36. Savoir motiver 37. Savoir ngocier 28. Grer linnovation

Communication Coopration Sens du rseau Esprit de service Sens du business Amlioration continue Adaptabilit Autonomie / Initiative Analyse / Synthse Pilotage Agir Management de son quipe Dveloppement de ses collaborateurs Leadership : savoir motiver Leadership : savoir ngocier Innovation / Crativit

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