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Prepare by: Mr. Wan Mazlan Wan Mohd Rashdi Mr. Norherman Bin Abdul Samad Mr. Mohd Farid Bin Abdul Azis

Pedagogical Knowledge

TPACK Standards

Niess ey al, 2009 p.3

An overarching conception about the purposes for incorporating technology in teaching of specific subject matter Knowledge of students understandings, thinking, and learning of a specific subject with technology Knowledge of curriculum and curricular materials that integrate technology in T&L of subject area Knowledge of instructional strategies and representations for T&L in subject area with tehnologies

Pedagogical Knowledge

Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009 p.397

P-What we believe about how best to teach and why we teach that way based on what we know about how children learn. PK-Knowledge about the process and practices of teaching and learning, encompassing educational purpose, goals, values, strategies, and more: a generic form of knowledge that applies to student learning, classroom management, instructional planning, implementation, and student assessment

Pedagogical Knowledge

Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009 p.397

Knowledge of techniques or methods used in the classroom, the nature of the learner needs and preference and strategies for assessing student understanding. Understanding of cognitive, social, and developmental theories of learning Ability to apply this understanding in the classroom with students.

Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Harris, Mishra, & Koehler, 2009 p.398

Knowledge of T&L content based curricular, as well as assessment and reporting of threat learning. An awareness of students prior knowledge, alternative teaching strategies in a particular discipline, common content related misconceptions, how to forge inks and connections among different content based ideas, and the flexibility to look at ideas and problems in various ways.

Pedagogical Knowledge

how it been created?

Teachers ideas and beliefs about teaching Includes the whole practice of teaching before and after the class activity as well as during the teaching itself Pedagogical knowledge is used will have a positive or negative effect on pupils learning Teachers pedagogies will affect how pedagogical knowledge is integrated with other more traditional teaching methods

Pedagogical Knowledge

does the teachers need this program?

Teachers need to know

Organise pupils when using pedagogical knowledge resources within a range of learning settings the relationship between a range of pedagogical knowledge resources and the concepts, processes and skills in their subject

Teachers need to know

how to obtain and select appropriate pedagogical knowledge resources to meet a range of learning opportunities how and when to decide on the four approaches to using pedagogical knowledge (methods, approaches, techniques, strategies)

Pedagogical Reasoning
Subject content knowledge Knowledge related to general teaching issues, e.g. teaching approaches, classroom management Curriculum knowledge - tools of the trade: schemes of work, resources etc. Pedagogical content knowledge - their own special form of professional understanding

Pedagogical Reasoning
Knowledge of learners and their characteristics Knowledge of educational contexts: groups, classes, school and wider community Knowledge of educational ends, purpose and values and their philosophical and historical grounds.

Pedagogical Knowledge

does the teachers already have this program

To be effective teachers, teachers must have the ability to communicate well and have the pedagogical knowledge. The teachers have to develop reflective, creative and innovative. Teachers should play a role as a constructivist thought leader that can lead students in T & L.

However, these efforts did not be achieved if there is no support for various parties, from the management, the Ministry of Education, principals, teachers, until the role of students, parents and the community in ensuring effective teaching and learning

"If they aren't learning...then you aren't teaching."

Reference AAN.pdf responsecontentdisposition=attachment&Signature=sBcltfbQUeIrW %2FzCMaPFn5xKP6c %3D&Expires=1321344091&AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJLJT267DEGK ZDHEQ

Reference Huberman, M. (Ed.). (1989). Research on teachers' professional lives. International Journal of Educational Research, 13(4), 343-466.

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