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UNIMAS as organisation to manage

Performance Management

Performance Management Overview and scenario

Key Words and Characteristics Explaining 21st Century

The borderless world (Harris, 2002) Stif compentencies (Shurchuluu, 2002) The digital era/ information age (Kandampully, 2002; Mukherji, 2002) Global market (Hendrick & Ludeman, 2002) K-economy (Mukherji, 2002) World is flat (Friedman, 2005) E-government (Golicic, Davis, McCathy & Meutzer, 2002) Globalisation (Friedman, 2005)

Key Words and Characteristics Competencies in 21st Century



Emotional spiritual quotient (Ary Ginanjar Agustian, 2006) Synergy or strife (Hauff, 1989) labor-management cooperation (Gatchalian & Gatchalian, 2003) Human capital (Perez & Ordenez, 2003) Nano workers (Juran Institute, 2007) Intellectual capital (Nedlrum & Erickson, 2001)

Key Words and Characteristics Explaining Research in Performance management in the 21st Century
Link with strategic agenda (Rusli Ahmad, 2007a)
Expert witness (Simmons, 2002)

Developmental approach (more transparent) (Rusli Ahmad, 2006)

User friendly of the instrument ( Process (Khoury & Analoi, 2004)



Well-established key-components (Coutts & Schneider, 2004) Cognitive process (Rusli Ahmad & Nur Azman Ali, 2004) TQM (Soltani, 2005)

Purpose of PA (Yongcourt, Leiva & Jones, 2007)

Accuracy and halo (Van Scooter, Moustafa, Burnett & Michael, 2007) Coaching (Brackett, Reid & Green, 2007)

Satisfaction (Cook & Crossman, 2004)

External control management technique (Law, 2007)

Behaviour based competencies (Catona, Darr & Cambell, 2007)

Related Issues:

Issue 1: The performance philosophy a. Administrative b. Judgemental c. Development

Issue2: Roles and responsibilities

Issue 3:

Measurement or methods
-Trait - Behaviour - Result

Issue 5:

Performance management process - continuous/ on going - Reciprocal - Matrix - hybrid

Issue 6:

Objective and standard of evaluation - core business - Job description - KPI - Profit/ loss - Tangible/ intangible

Issue 7:
Performance mentoring and control Advising Helping Facilitating Coaching negotiating

Issue 8:

Individual performance or team or group performance

Issue 9: Performance audit - before - during - after

Issue 10:
The forecasting issues/ strategic agenda

Issue 11:
Leadership styles and effective performance management - Autocratic - Democratic - Laizze-faire

Issue 12:
The political mask

Issue 13:

Customer and user friendliness of performance management system - is it only the form/ instrument?

Issue 14:

Win-win situation/ smart partnership

Issue 15:

Performance training

Issue 16:
TQM/ quality issue

Issue 17:

Communication and social cultural context

Issue 18:
Profit and loss

Issue 19:
360 feedback

Issue 20:
The performance management conflict

Issue 21:
Internal and external process

What are the challenges?

Fairness Various factors Subjectivity Quota system Criticisms Organization culture Acceptability

21st century- change in work characteristics Amends, reconstruct and revise of the performance management practice

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