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CASL S1uu?

SubmlLLed by
nayan Agarwal
neha Carg
nlshalll MalhoLra
nupoor Maheshwarl
rashasLl Mlshra
Apple CrowLh PlsLory
W MarkeL Leader ln Lmbryonlc lndusLry llfe cycle
W new producL developmenL eg ulsk drlve
W MaclnLosh and Lhelr successful sLraLegy for
Mac compuLer due Lo lLs Cul and deslgn
W rovldlng Lhe sysLems developed compleLely
by apple and also lLs deslgn
W Strengths
roduce lnnovaLlve producLs by uslng lnnovaLlve Lechnology
roduce aesLheLlc / sLyllsh producLs
1hey make dlverslfled producLs
CusLomers of Apple compuLers are brand loyal
1hey have vlrus free sysLems
lnLroduce uS8 and flre wlre porLs for dlglLal connecLlon
CollaboraLlons wlLh Aldus and adobe
rovlde compleLe deskLop soluLlon
vlsual dlsplay whlch aLLracLs graphlc deslgners and sLudenLs
Plghly pald 8u sLaff
l1unes Muslc SLore ls a excellenL source of revenue especlally wlLh Lhe
lod and Lhe accesslblllLy on Wlndows plaLform
W Jeakness
Apple has hlgh manufacLurlng and lnvenLory cosL
ManagemenL ls noL sLable
Pas low markeL share ln sofLware lndusLry
Ma[orlLy of reLall sLores locaLed ln uSA
no compaLlblllLy opLlons ln Lhelr sofL wares
uecllne ln sales of lMac
Less emphasls on markeLlng lssues Lo creaLe awareness
for Lhelr lnnovaLlve producLs
noL good wlLh corporaLe selllng
Plghly prlced so noL appllcable ln developlng counLrles
W rtun|t|es
Should expand on Lhe basls of sales
Should open reLall sLores ln dlfferenL counLrles
Should LargeL governmenL and educaLlonal lnsLlLuLlons
Should make compaLlble sofLwares
1hey should focus on cusLomlzed producLs for cusLomers
Should sLarL maklng Lhelr own mlcroprocessor chlps
1hey should Lake advanLage of Lhe Mac CS
Should compeLe wlLh MlcrosofL on Lhe basls of Lhelr brand value
Large populaLlon (Cen x?) whlch are exLremely lndlvlduallsLlc
and name brand consclous
1he onllne sales of compuLer are lncreaslng wlLh rapld speed
W @hreats
Merger acqulslLlons of compeLlLors
Plgh cosL can be a llmlLaLlon ln fuLure
Plgh markeL share of MlcrosofL Wlndows
CompeLlLlon lncreases ln muslc downloadlng slLes
Apple ls a nlche producL so less peneLraLlon
CompeLlLlve AdvanLage
W 8rand loyalLy
W ConsLanL lnnovaLlon and deslgn
W nlche player
W Aggresslvely prlce markeL (razor and blade
sLraLegy) lpod and lLunes
W use of varlous dlsLrlbuLlon channels llke reLall
channels onllne own sLores
SLraLeglc lnLenL
W Apple develops and sells lnnovaLlve producLs
aL a proflL and creaLes a cusLomer experlence
LhaL change Lhe way people work Lhlnk
communlcaLe and learn MarkeL opporLunlLles
are selzed by redeflnlng exlsLlng markeL
lve force model
W 8lvalry among compeLlng sellers uell P CaLeway l8M and Apple
compuLer Companles are acLlve ln lnnovaLlon and Lhey are aware
LhaL C's are weakly dlfferenLlaLed Powever weak rlvalry occurs
slmulLaneously as swlLchlng beLween compeLlLors ls cosLly Lo Lhe
consumers and once a company aLLracLs and acqulres lLs cusLomers
lL ls rare LhaL Lhey wlll swlLch wlLh ouL a greaL offer
W oLenLlal new LnLranLs Low LhreaL of poLenLlal new enLranLs
occurs when Lhe lndusLry ls domlnaLed by few companles such as
uell P CaLeway l8M and Apple CompuLer Lhough l1unes can face
LhreaL from oLher onllne muslc sLores
W Suppllers Suppllers of processors llke lnLel muslc companles
W CusLomers Pave oLher opLlons buL apple en[oys a huge cusLomer
base of hlgh brand loyalLy
W oLenLlal SubsLlLuLes LnLerLalnmenL medla medla and muslc(
x8Cx SeLc)AlLernaLlve means Lo acqulre muslc (Cus and uvus)
W Low markeL share compeLlLlon wlLh ClanLs of
Lhe lndusLry
W Low compaLlblllLy wlLh oLher sysLems
W MarkeLlng efforLs need Lo be sLronger for
lncreaslng awareness
W ulfferenLlaLlon (as core compeLence) comes
wlLh very hlgh prlce lncrease
W 1hey can expand Lhelr sales by geLLlng lnLo more reLall
ouLleLs or by havlng Lle ups wlLh Lhe exlsLlng reLallers
W ConcenLraLe on more developed markeL so LhaL Lhey
can [usLlfy Lhelr premlum prlces
W 8elng a nlche player can focus on cusLomlzed producLs
W ConLlnue wlLh lLs forLe lnnovaLlon
W ocus on caplLallzlng from Lhe lpod boom
W Can go for onllne reLalllng llke uLLL
W Should LargeL young professlonals by uslng sLrong
markeLlng sLraLegles
1hank ?ou!!!

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