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WAES3204 Image Processing

Chapter 1 Part 1 : Introduction

Computer Imaging
Computer imaging can be defines as the acquisition and processing of visual information by computers Computer vision
The processed (output) images are for the use of a computer

Image processing
The output images are for human consumption

Computer Imaging
Human visual system and the computer as a vision system has varying limitation and strengths
Computer Imaging

Computer Vision

Image Processing

Computer Vision
Images are examined and acted upon by a computer Image analysis
Examination of image data to facilitate solving a vision problem feature extraction
Process of acquiring higher level info

Pattern classification
Using higher level information and identify objects in the image

Why Computer Vision

Because it is Tedious for people to perform the applications such as feature extraction and pattern classification. These application require working in a hostile environment Require a high rate of processing Require access and use of large database

Application of Computer Vision

Quality control

Medical Community
Diagnose skin tumor automatically Aid surgeons Perform clinical test automatically

Law enforcement
Automatic identification of fingerprints DNA analysis Retina scan, facial scan Highway speeders

Image Processing
The application involves a human being in the visual loop i.e the image that will be examined will be done (examine) by human. Major fields
Image restoration Image enhancement Image compression

Image Restoration
Process of taking an image with known or estimated degradation and restoring I to its original appearance E.g. Photography Model the degradation process and apply the inverse process to restore the image (Figure 1.3-1 pg.6) Restoration is the process of modeling the distortion of an image and reversing the degradation

Image Enhancement
Improving image visually by taking advantage of the human visual system Eg. Stretch the contrast of an image (Figure 1.3-2, pg 7) Problems specific

Image Compression
Reduces large amount of data need to represent an image Eliminate data that is visually unnecessary

Uses of Image Processing

Medical field Biological research enhanced microscopic image to bring out the feature that are otherwise indiscernible. Entertainment creating and editing artificial scene CAD/CAM Virtual Reality

Computer Imaging System

Hardware Figure 1.4-1, pg. 8
Image acquisition subsystem Computer System Image display

Standard Videos Signal Analog Signal


Digital Image

Digital Signal

Analog Signal

Digital Signal

Hierarchical Image Pyramid

High Level

Feature Extraction Transforms Segmentation Edge Detection Preprocessing

Image Representation

Spectrum Segments Edges/Line


Low Level

Raw Image Data


Human Visual Perception

Eye Brain

Optical Nerve

WAES3204 Image Processing

Chapter 1 Part 2 : Image Representation

Types of Images
Binary Gray-scale Color Multispectral

Binary Image
Only 2 values 1 or 0 1 bit/pixel image

Gray Scale Image

One color images Only brightness information is available 8 bits/pixel 256 different brightness level

Color Image
3 band monochrome image data Each band of data corresponds to different color RGB
Red, green and clue 8 bits per color 24 bits/pixel

Color Image Representation




A typical RGB color image can be thought as there separate image : IR(r,c), IG(r,c), IB(r,c)

An (R,G,B) color pixel vector

HSL color map

Hue / Saturation / Lightness (HSL) Hue Deep, bright orange
Large intensity (bright) Hue (orange) High saturation (deep)

Color (green, blue, orange) RGB Red = 245 Saturation Green = 110 How much white in the Blue = 20 color Cant understand Pink is more saturated than red

Brightness of the color

HSL Color Space


Green Zero Saturation Full Red Blue Hue


RGB to HSL Mapping

Multispectral Images
Contains information outside the normal human perceptual range Include
Infrared Ultrasound x.-ray Acoustic Radar data

Satelite system Underwater sonar system Various type of airborne radar Infrared imaging system Medical diagnostic system

Digital Image File Format

Bitmap image
Represented by image model I(r,c)

Vector image
Representing lines, curves, and shape by storing only key points Joint key points and render to obtain image

Information in Image
Header information
No of rows (height) No of columns (width) No of bands No of bits per pixel File type

Raw pixel data

File Format
Simplest BIN & PPM BIN
Raw image data No header User must know necessary parameters

Raw image data Simple header PBM binary PGM gray scale PPM color PNM any of the above

File Format
Graphics Interchange Format 8 bits/pixel (256 colors) Allows only 1 type of compression Header 13 byte long Contains only basic information

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) Compress images with JPEG algorithm User can define the amount of compression

File Format
Tagged image file format More sophisticated that GIF 24 bits/pixel 5 types of compression Header
Variable size Arranged in hierarchical manner

Most comprehensive formats

File Format
SGI (Silicon Graphics Inc)
Supports 16 million colors 512 byte header

EPS (Encapsulated Post Script)

Used for desktop publishing

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