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case is about mount Everest expedition.

May 10th 1996,Eight climbers died on the slopes of Everest


them were Rob Hall and Scott Fischer who were highly regarded commercial expedition guide.

Case background

This case talks about survival skills in project management which needs to be displayed by the leader. This case considers the tragic expeditions in 1996 to scale the peak of Mount Everest. Things went terribly wrong ending in the deadliest tragedy in the history of the mountain. The combination of size and complexity of a project sometimes leads to mistakes and failures.

This case has two commercial expeditors Rob Hall and Scott Fisher trying to gain as much exposure as possible Many people in both the teams didnt had the experience neither had the guidance for an expedition.

Rob Hall and Scott Fischer are the focus of this case study.
The accounts of the survivors summarized in this study reveals about the leaders and their leadership styles, hubris, planning, communication, and constraint.

About the Leaders.

Robert Hall

Scott Fischer

Rule based approach.

Great faith in human spirit .


Rules can substantially reduce the possibility of bad decision making. All determination of policy by the leader.(directive autocrat)

Rules on some occasions should be subordinated to unique demands that present themselves.
Decisions were unilateral but the subordinates were given flexibility.(Permissive autocrat)


Hall and Fischer were Autocratic leaders to the core. They took decisions without referring to any team members. The members had high dependency on the team leaders .

It created demotivation and alienation among the team members

The leaders should have taken the decision keeping in mind the capabilities of the group members.
The members were not given any freedom to take decisions on their own. Some factors like acclimatization which were member dependent were also decided by the members.

Managerial Grid
According to this theory leaders help the organizations to reach their purpose through two factors: Concern for production. Concern for people.

The leaders laid heavy emphasis on task and job requirements and less on people. Hence the leaders followed authoritycompliance or (9,1) style of leadership.

The leaders were highly focused n the task irrespective whether the members were comfortable or not. Some of the individual members were not comfortable with the turnaround times Instead the leader should have taken into consideration all the members with regard to decision making.
The leader should have the (9,9) style of leadership which is about team management.

Contingency theory

This theory is concerned with styles and situations i.e. matching the leadership style and the situation. In this case the leaders are task motivated and are primarily concerned with attaining the goal. The leader member relations were poor.

Issus and errors were not discussed openly.

Group members did not feel comfortable expressing dissenting views.

The task structure was not well defined e.g. the turnaround time was given as 1 p.m. or 2 p.m.
Both the leaders Robb Hall and Scott Fischer had strong position power. The LMR here should have been high as it was a critical task which needed high degree of coordination. The task structure should have been properly defined


The leaders should have made the decisions with reference to their subordinate. Instead they should have been consultative.

Both Hall and Fischer used dictatorial style of leadership.(9,1)

Instead they should have used (9,9) style where there is high consideration for people as well as task.


The task structures should have been well defined as it was a very critical task. The leader member relations were not good and this task required a very good LMR . The situation in this case required a very good understanding among the team members which was missing.

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