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8ody Language

WhaL ls body Language?

ercepLlveness lnLulLlon and Punches
lnborn CeneLlc Learned and CulLural
Some gesLures and Lhelr orlgln
The person doesn't
know or understand
what you are talking
There are many different
assumptions of what OK
stands for
Different meanings at different places
Gesture C|usters ls Lo lnLerpreL a sollLary
gesLure ln lsolaLlon of oLher gesLures or
oLher clrcumsLances
tatus and ower @he hlgher up Lhe
soclal or managemenL ladder a person ls
Lhe beLLer able he ls Lo communlcaLe ln
words and phrases
ongruence: The disagreement
lying gestures
Pow Lo Lell a lle successfully
@he dlfflculLy wlLh lylng ls LhaL Lhe
subconsclous mlnd acLs auLomaLlcally and
lndependenLly of our verbal lle so our
body language glves us away
@errlLorles and Zones
one Distances:
Cu|tura| Iactors Affect|ng 2one D|stances
Country v City SpatiaI Zones
@err|tory and ownersh|p
roperLy owned by a person or a place
regularly used by hlm consLlLuLes a prlvaLe
penness and Honesty: The open palm has
been associated with truth, honesty, allegiance
and submission.
ntentionaI use of PaIm to Deceive:
PaIm Power: One of the least noticed but most powerful non-verbal
signals is given by the human palm.
Shaking Hands:
Dominant and Submissive Handshake
domlnanL Pandshake
Pand Shake SLyles
!ulling the Receiver into nitiator's territory
Pands and rms CesLures
#ubbing the PaIms Together
Rubbing the palms together is a way in
which people non-verbally communicate
positive expectation.
Thumb and Finger #ub
Rubbing the thumb against the fingertips or
against the index finger is commonly used
as a money expectancy gesture.
Hands CIenched Together
At first this seems to be a confidence
gesture as some people who use it are
often smiling and sound happy.
SteepIing Hands
ripping Hands, Arms and Wrists
@humb ulsplays
The thumbs denote strength of character
and ego and the non-verbal use of thumbs
agrees with this.
PandLolace CesLures
Deceit, doubt, Iying
The Mouth Guard
Nose Touching The Eye #ub
The Ear #ub The Neck Scratch The CoIIar PuII
Fingers in the Mouth
lnLerpreLlng and MlslnLerpreLlng
@he ablllLy Lo accuraLely lnLerpreL handLo
face gesLures ln a glven seL of
clrcumsLances Lakes conslderable Llme and
observaLlon Lo acqulre
@he real sklll of lnLerpreLaLlon ls Lhe ablllLy
Lo plck whlch of Lhe negaLlves menLloned
ls Lhe correcL one
Cheek and Chln CesLures
Chin Stroking
Combination Hand-to-Face CIusters
Pead 8ubblng and Pead
Slapplng CesLures
rm 8arrlers
FoIded Arms Gestures
Hiding behind a barrier is a normal human response that we
learn at an early age to protect ourselves
Standard Arm-Cross Gesture
#einforced Arm-Cross
Arm Gripping Gesture
Often seen at meetings where a person
may be a stranger to the group or is
lacking in self-confidence.
Disguised arm-cross gestures are highly
sophisticated gestures used by people who
are continually exposed to others.
Leg 8arrlers
The Standard Leg-Cross Position
leg cross indicates that an argumentative
or competitive attitude exists
The person who has a hard and fast
attitude in an argument or debate will often
lock the figure 4 into place with one or both
!eople who habitually take a crossed arms
or legs position prefer to say that they are
cold or comfortable rather than to admit
that they could be nervous, shy or
The AnkIe-Lock Gesture
Pead CesLures
the position taken by the person who has a
neutral attitude about what he is hearing.
When the head tilts to one side it shows
that interest has developed
This gesture is typical of such
professionals as accountants, lawyers,
sales managers, bank managers or people
who are feeling confident.
ggresslve and 8eadlness CesLures
One of the most valuable gestures that a
negotiator can learn to recognize is seated
ye Slgnals
n given light conditions, the pupils will
dilate or contract as the person's attitude
and mood change from positive to negative
and vice versa.
Caze 8ehavlor
When having discussions on a business
level, imagine that there is a triangle on the
other person's forehead
When the gaze drops below the other
person's eye level, a social atmosphere
ConLrolllng a person's Caze
how to control a person's gaze
when you are giving him a
visual presentation ?
Clgars ClgareLLes lpes and
!ipe smokers perform a cleaning, lighting,
tapping, filling, packing and puffing ritual
with their pipes and this is a very useful
way to help relieve tension when they are
under pressure.
Like pipe smoking, cigarette smoking is a
displacement of inner tension and allows
time to stall, but the cigarette smoker
generally reaches his decision faster than
the pipe smoker.
Cigar Smokers
igars have always been used as a means of displaying superiority
because of their cost and size.
GeneraI Smoking SignaIs
The continual tapping of a cigar or cigarette end on the ashtray
shows that an inner conflict is taking place and that you may need
to reassure the smoker.
CesLures wlLh Classes
Like pipe smoking, the glasses-in-mouth gesture can be used to
stall or delay a decision.
Peering ver GIasses
Carbon coples and Mlrror lmages
This unconscious mimicry is quite
interesting to observe. Take for example,
the two men standing at the hotel bar
f an employer wishes to develop an
immediate rapport and create a relaxed
atmosphere with an employee, he need only
copy the employee's posture to achieve
this end.
uesks @ables and SeaLlng rrangemenLs
$trategic positioning in relation to other
people is an effective way to obtain co-
operation from them
B1: The corner position
B2: The co-operative position
B3: The competitive-defensive position
B4: The independent position

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