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ethics issues

M-commerce ethics issues

Concept of ethics is being used in a broad context that the concept of living well is for the present and for future generations. The resolution of broader social issues is recognized as coming from personal awareness and devotion to high value.

M-commerce ethics issues

Four major factors that may have its ethical influence in the growth of mobilecommerce world: Technology and communications Globalization Merging of definably separate entities Decline of government control

M-commerce ethics issues

Technology and communications: ever-increasing variety of new devices law and regulation are unable to respond to yesterdays innovation, let alone plan for future changes. As international control systems are problematic, if not unattainable, trust becomes an important element.

M-commerce ethics issues

Globalisation It sits alongside the communications explosion Direction, speed and flow of information for social implications are unknown Increasing volatility of world stockmarkets on telecommunication corporations

M-commerce ethics issues

Decline of government control Increasing number of national or local government authorities sell power and telecommunications sectors that they previously managed, to international corporations. A pressure to transfer control of resources or social assets to private sectors.

M-commerce ethics issues

Merging of Separate Entities
Integration and homogenization Supply chains integration Products are internationalized Multilateral organization

M-commerce ethics issues

Ethical Dimensions in Multinational corporations
should not do intentional harm should do more good than bad in the host country contribute to national development respect human rights pay a fair share of taxes respect and work with local cultures co-operate and work with government

M-commerce ethics issues

Ethical Implications of International Technology Transfer (ITT)
Balance between the need to even out more effectively the availability of the worlds resources and capabilities, and the local communities needs to sustain their own sense of worth and achievement.

M-commerce ethics issues

Ethical Implications of International Technology Transfer (ITT) (contd) Importance of deeper, more human senses to helping others, creating community cohesion, looking after others interests rather than ones own. High-tech ITT must be encouraged and put in place as soon as possible to respond to environmental needs

M-commerce ethics issues

Ethical Implications of International Technology Transfer (contd) Maintenance and support of technical back-up, trained staff and an interest in maintaining new equipment of the receiving agency

M-commerce ethics issues

Ultimate goals

Let people all over the world be better informed and served through the wireless technology apart from the wired networks To increase harmonization between countries for the betterment of present and future generations through mobile commerce activities and international technology transfer

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