Pepakura Model Making

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Crganlzer 1hesls vecLor unlL 2011/2012

november 2011
lor AkA8
O JhaL ls epakura?
O epakuraapercrafL
O hare slmllar Lechnlques wlLh mockup model maklng
O AlLernaLlve meLhod Lo model maklng Lechnlques
O lun fun fun fun fun
O 1rylng new sLuff buL sLlll relaLes wlLh our pedagogy
O d vlsuallzaLlon
O 1o 'feeeel' your deslgn ln your own hands
O 1o ldenLlfy any problems ln consLrucLlons
O 1o explore oLher unLhlnkable posslble deslgn alLernaLlves
O 1o explore slze proporLlon and scale
O 1o explore dlfferenL maLerlals LexLures flnlshes
O veryday maLerlals cuz lL's l8" more susLalnable and
economlc eg Cardboard boxes used A4 papers plasLlc
old 8aya cards
O Adheslve [ Clue
O use masklng Lape slnce lL ls fasLer (don'L have Lo walL for lL
Lo dry)
O use whlLe glue/vA glue Lo sLlck larger surface slnce lL ls
O use uPu glue CnL? when u have exLra pockeL money
(serlously) and only when u wanL ur model Lo look exLra
clean and Lldy
AppllcaLlon of masklng Lape as adheslve ln
maklng mockup
O aperclay
O 8alsa wood
O labrlc (lf necessary)
O loam boards
O And oLher Lype of cardboards whlch avallable aL 8alnbow
1aman u lol
O 1hls ls noL Lhe flnal deslgn buL [usL parL of Lhe developmenL
process Lowards Lhe flnal deslgn
O ?ou are looklng for ways Lo lmprove your deslgn lL wlll Lake
more Lhan one mockup Lo geL lL rlghL
O xperlmenL wlLh dlfferenL alLernaLlves as much as posslble
do more mockups"
O JhaL comblnaLlon of maLerlals could be effecLlve?
O Jlll my cllenL undersLand my model?
O 1hese proLoLype models are noL golng Lo be acLual slze buL
made Lo a smaller scale
O ?ou can bulld parLs/ secLlons of your deslgn ?ou do noL have
Lo make a whole model each Llme you don'L rush ur deslgn

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