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What is an Info Cube Components of Info Cube

Properties of an Info Cube

Info Cube
Info Cube is an info provider which is made of several

info objects. These info objects may be characteristic info objects or key figure info objects. We cannot insert attribute as an info object in a info cube. But info objects with attributes can be inserted as info objects.

Components of an Info Cube

Info Cube consists of Dimensions , Key figures , Time ,

Unit and Data Package. Info Cube must at least contain one Dimension and One Key figure. Key figure info objects must be placed under Key Figures. Characteristic info objects must be placed under Dimensions. When ever we insert a KF info object the corresponding unit will be automatically placed under Unit.

Components of an Info Cube

An info cube can contain maximum of 16 Dimensions.
Each Dimension can hold 258 Characteristics. Info objects related to time are placed under Time .

Data package consists of technical properties like

Request id , Data package number etc. Dimension should not be empty. We can view the Key figures and analyze the data in the output with our required dimensions.

Properties and Behavior

Info Cubes possess Additive property.
The respective key figure fields will be added if all the

remaining characteristic fields are same for both the records. Even one of the characteristic values differ for both the records the key figure will not be added and will be shown as separate records. Info cubes are used for storing data for very long periods of time.

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