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Problems that Business Intelligence solves Reasons to use Business Intelligence

Overview of SAPs version of Business intelligence

Evolution of Data Capture

Data Processing Systems ERP Systems CRM Systems etc

Data Collection

Distributed Information
Information is globally distributed.
Information is saved

on different types of systems

Evolution of Data Capture

Data amassed over the years increases exponentially.

Evolution of Data Capture

Historical data +ve or ve.

Evolution of Data Capture

Historical data can be very useful

Strategic Decisions
Companies need to take well informed and strategic

decisions to stay competitive.

Questions asked???
What Products are making us the most profits?

Questions asked???
What Products are making us the most profits? How are our sales compared to last


Questions asked???
What Products are making us the most profits? How are our sales compared to last year? How can I predict the turnover for the coming


Aggregate all data at one place and provide single

point of access. Take all business processes into consideration. High Quality Information Decision making Support.

How does SAP-BI do this?

Data Warehouse

Data collection and retrieval from different source systems.

How does SAP-BI do this?

BI Platform

Cleanses the data and stores the information for alter use.

How does SAP-BI do this?

Analysis Tools

View charts and reports that show key performance


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