Oily Water Seprators 12-9-05, Animation

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Prevention of Marine Pollution

INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANISATION The Inter-national Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It has as its objectives co-operation amongst national governments in technical matters concerning international shipping with a view to achieving the highest practical standards of safety at sea and efficiency of navigation WORK OF IMO The Organization is responsible for convening and preparing international conferences on subjects within its sphere of action, for the purpose of concluding international conventions or agreements


Of Of particular interest are the following conventions: 1. 1.International Convention on Tonnage Measurements, 1969 2. 2.International Convention on Load Lines of Ships, 1966 3. 3.International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974. 4. 4.International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution 5. from Ships, or MARPOL 73/78. 5. 5.International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978. 6. 6.Convention on the International Regulations for 7. Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972.

Marine Pollution
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, better known as MARPOL, was adopted on 2 November 1973.

. Because it was adopted in 1973 and modified by a Protocol in 1978, it is now commonly referred to as MARPOL 73/78
MARPOL' is an abbreviation derived from the words marine pollution, which gives an indication of its objective. ` MARPOL is concerned with pollution caused by the day-to-day operation of ships. Examples of this are the discharge of oily residues from sludge tanks or machinery-space bilges, oil and chemical residues from cargo tanks and sewage, the loss overboard of cargoes, which are harmful to the marine environment, and the throwing overboard of garbage

Marpol Technical Annexes

The International Convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, better known as MARPOL, was adopted in 1973 and modified in 1978 .

This has eight Technical Annexes .These Annexes lay down rules and regulations to prevent pollution by ships in one form or another. Each Annexe deals with with particular form of pollution:

Marpol Technical annexes (contd)

1) ANNEXE I ---- OIL (2-10-83) Pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk (6-4-87)-Chemical Tankers Harmful substances in packaged form (1-7-92) - IMDGC Sewage (Sept 2003)

2) ANNEXE II ----


5)ANNEXE- V ---- Garbage (31-12-88)

6)ANNEXE VI ---7)ANNEXE-VII ---8)ANNEXE-VIII --Prevention of air pollution from ships. (July 2002) Ballast water management Shipside (Hull) paint - (Before 2008, all ships must comply) Use TBT free paint, as TBT is highly toxic (tributyltin free paint)

Annexe-I (Oil)
A)Engine Room Bilges can be pumped out, when
1)The ship is en route ( sailing from one Port to another) 2)The oil content in the discharged water is less than 15 ppm. 3)The ship is fitted with Oily Water Separator of approved design 4)The bilge water is not mixed with oil cargo residues (in case of tankers) 5)The bilge does not originate from Cargo Pump Room.

B) If oil cargo residue is o be discharged from a Tanker, it must:

1)not be in special area 2)Be farther than 50 nautical miles from land 3)Be on passage 4)Instantaneous rate of discharge must not be more than 30 Ltrs per mile and 5)Total amount of oil discharge must not be more than 1 / 30,000 of the cargo carried 6)The tanker has in operation an oil discharge monitoring system and a slop tank arrangement. 7)An oil record book for cargo / ballast operation, with chronological entries.

Special Zones
SPECIAL ZONES: 1)Medeterranean Sea 2)Baltic Sea 3)Black Sea 4)Red Sea 5)Persian Gulf Area 6)Gulf of Aden 7)Wider Carribean Sea 8)North Sea 9)Arctic Sea 10)Antartic Sea

IOPP - Certificate
IOPP CERTIFICATE (International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate) 1)To be renewed every five years, after thorough survey. 2)Every year inspection by Surveyor 3)Intermediate Survey after 2 and a half years 4)O.W.Separator must be of approved design, by competent authority.

Oil Record Book

OIL RECORD BOOK Entries must be made for the following: 1)Pumping out E/R Bilges 2)Receiving Bunkers 3) Giving sludge / Oil Residues to shore reception facilities 4)All entries must be made in chronological order

SOPEP (Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan) 1)Every ship must have this plan on board, approved by surveying authority 2)The plan must have: a)Procedure for reporting any oil spill, by Master b)List of authorities to be contacted in case of oil spill 3)Actions to be taken by shipstaff, to reduce the discharge of oil, following the incident. 4)Procedure for co-ordination with National and Local authorities in tackling the pollution

Sources of Petroleum going into ocean

Sources of oil pollution from ships

There are various methods by which oil can enter the sea and cause pollution, many of which can be prevented. Sources from which oil can enter the sea are: 1.1) From oil fields under the sea, either by natural seepage, or offshore oil production operations where failure of faulty operation of oil drilling rigs and ship can and does occur. 2)2)From marine casualties such as stranding of ships and collisions of oil tankers and vessels other than oil tankers, which carry oil as cargo or fuel.

Sources of oil pollution from ships(contd)

1. From any ship when disposing of fuel oil residues and oily bilges. 2. From oil tanker operations where oil is discharged as a result of tank cleaning procedures and de-ballasting operations. 3. From vessels other than oil tankers during ballasting and cleaning fuel tanks and the discharge of this ballast and washings. 4. From oil terminal operations where oil can be spilled during loading and unloading cargo and the bunkering of all types of ships and barges; this includes vessels alongside terminals or moored to an offshore buoy terminal. 5. From operations in transferring oil from one vessel to another, such as in the case of the lightering operations or bunkering from barges. 6. From land sources such as discarded lubricants and other liquid hydrocarbons. 7.From hydrocarbon fallout from the atmosphere

Precautions during Bunkering

1) All scuppers to be plugged so that in the event of a small spillage onto the deck it is contained and can be dealt with. 2) Drip trays must be placed under the ship-shore connection. 3) Good communication between ship and shore must be established and checked to regulate flow as desired. 4) Personnel operating the system must be fully conversant with the layout of pipes, tanks, valves etc. 5)Moorings and hose length should at all times be such that there is no possibility of stretching or crushing the hose and lines. 6) Ensure blank at opposite end of cross-over pipe is securely in place. 7) Air pipes should be clear, soundings checked and depth indicators tested. 8) When transferring oil within the ship, it should ideally be done during the hours of daylight; the overboard discharge connections should be closed and secured, over-flow alarm should be tested and soundings taken at frequent intervals

Precautions during bunkering (contd)

It is an offence to discharge bilge water contaminated with more than 15ppm of fuel or lubricating oil (w.e.f. 6 July 1993) When bilge water is discharged , an entry must be made in the oil record book consisting of: 1) The quantity discharged 2) The source of the bilge water 3) The time of discharge 4) The ship's position 5) The date. It must then be signed by the Master and Chief Engineer.

Bilge Discharge Arrangements

Simplex Turbulo Separators

Probably the most practical separator for shipboard use in handling the large volumes involved in tanker cargo slops when an effluent quality of 100 ppm is required is the gravity type. The design of this depends solely on the differences in specific gravity between oil and water. Separation takes place passively i.e. no moving parts are needed. So it is completely un-powered except for external input and output pumps. A gravity-type separator is normally incapable of achieving 15ppm effluent quality The Simplex-Turbulo oil/water separator as shown in the figure below consists of a vertical cylindrical pressure vessel containing a number of inverted conical plates. The oily water enters the separator in the upper half of the unit and is directed downwards to the conical plates

Key: 1: Clean water run-off. 2: Outlet. 3.Oil accumulation space connection. 4.Riser pipes. 5: Inlet connection

Simplex turbulo oilywater separator, 15 ppm

Simplex Turbulo separator (Description) Large globules of oil separate out in the upper part of the separator. The
smaller globules are carried by the water into the spaces between the plates. The rising velocity of the globules carries them upwards where they become trapped by the under-surfaces of the plates and coalesce until the enlarged globules have sufficient rising velocity to travel along the plate surface and break away at the periphery. The oil rises, is caught underneath an annular baffle and is then led up through the turbulent inlet area by risers to collect in the dome of the separator. The water leaves the conical plate pack via a central pipe, which is connected to a flange at the base of the separator. Two test cocks are provided to observe the depth of oil collected in the separator dome. When oil is seen at the lower test cock, the oil drain valve must be opened. An automatic air release valve is located in the separator dome. An electronically operated oil drainage valve is also frequently fitted. This works on an electric signal given by liquid level probes in the separator. Visual and audible oil overload indicators may also be fitted. To assist separation steam coils or electric heaters are fitted in the upper part pf the separator. Where high viscosity oils are to be separated additional heating coils are installed in the lower part. Before initial operation, the separator must be filled with clean water. To a large extent the conical plates are self-cleaning but periodically the top of the vessel should be removed and the plates examined for sludge build-up and corrosion

15 ppm separator- another sketch

OWS Working principle

The Principle of Separation is the difference in density between oil & water. The Separation is influenced by: i)The surface tension of oil, which is dependent on the type of oil and the temp. of oil. ii)Agitation of oil / water mixture,which causes the drops of oil to be divided into smaller drops and an emulsion is formed.

Efficiency of Separation
EFFICIENCY OF OIL SEPARATION DEPENDS ON: 1)Oil density 2)The residence time 3)The degree of agitation 4)The presence of surface tension controlling detergents 5)Viscosity of oil 6)Quantity of oil in the mixture 7)Pumping rate.

Steps involved in oil separation

OIL SEPARATION IS ON THE BASIS OF THESE STEPS a)The suspended droplets must collide with each other b)Upon colliding, the droplets must merge to form larger drops c)The larger drops must float upward, by their buoyancy.


Selection of PUMP
SELECTION OF PUMP FOR OILY WATER SEPARATOR 1)Separation depends on oil droplet size. Any disintegration of oil droplets should be avoided. This can be affected by the type of pump. a)Centrifugal pump -- Not satisfactory b)Eccentric Helical Rotor Pump - Satisfactory 2)It should be self priming 3)It should resist high concentration of sand, carbon, rust etc. 4)Pump capacity should not be affected badly by changes in the draught of thE ship, as it must supply constant volume at all times.

Two Stage Separation 15 ppm

OILY WATER SEPARATOR First Stage : Gravimetric separation Oil content in the effluent should be less than 100 ppm Second Stage : i)Coalescence type Oil content in the effluent should be less than 15 ppm Filter material Hydrophylic, ie. Glass wool in cartidge form ii)Absorption type Oil content in the effluent should be less than 15 ppm Filter material Oleophylic Once saturated with oil, backflushing with high pressure water

Monitor for oilywater, using direct light

Oil content monitoring: In the past, an inspection glass, fitted in the overboard discharge pipe of the oil/water separator permitted sighting of the flow. The discharge was Bilge or ballast water passing through a sample illuminated by a light chamber can be monitored by a strong light shining bulb fitted on the directly through it and on to a photo-cell as shown in outside of the glass the figure below. Light reaching the cell decreases with port opposite the increasing oil content of the water. viewer. The effect of this light on the photo-cell compared with that of direct light on the reference cell to the left of the bulb, can be registered on a meter calibrated to show oil content.

Monitor based on scattered light principle

Another approach is to register light scattered by oil particles dispersed in the water by the sampling pumps.
Light reflected or scattered by any oil particles in the flow, illuminates the scattered light window. This light when compared with the source light increases to a maximum and then decreases with increasing oil content of the flow. Fibre-optic tubes are used in the device shown to convey light from the source and from the scattered light window to the photo-cell. The motor-driven rotating disc with its slot, lets each light shine alternately on the photo-cell and also, by means of switches at the periphery, causes the signals to be passed independently to a comparator device .

Monitoring system for Tanker ballast

Sampling and monitoring equipment fitted in the pump room of a tanker can be made safe by using fibreoptics to transmit light to and from the sampling chamber as shown

The light source and photo-cell can he situated in the cargo control room together with the control, recording and alarm console. The sampling pump can be fitted in the pump room to keep the sampling pipe short and so minimize time delay. For safety the drive motor is fitted in the machinery space, with the shaft passing through a gas-tight seal in the bulkhead. Oil content reading of the discharge is fed into the control computer together with discharge rate and ship's speed to give a permanent record. Alarms, automatic shutdown, back flushing and re-calibration is incorporated


Example of coalescent bed filter

Automatic valve operation

Automatic valve operation(contd)

Automatic valve operation(contd)

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