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Topside Innovations

Ellen Stuifbergen RESON B.V.

Booth 3.301

Ellen Stuifbergen
Joined in 1993 NeSA RACAL Geodetic and Hydrographic surveyor RTK-GPS , MB, PDS1000/2000 Sales Manager Software RESON bought former NeSA in 2004

Topside innovations
Why (topside) innovations Innovations in hardware Innovations in software

Why invest in your system?

Cost reduction Efficiency Less time processing Newest development and technology

Why invest in your topside system?

Improve the Survey quality with minimum investment and benefit from the 4 items above!

Hardware innovations
Positioning system VRU Multibeam system

Positioning innovation
Use RTK positioning instead of DGPS Improves position
DGPS : 1 - 0,5 m accuracy RTK : 3 - 5 cm accuracy

Better and more reliable Calibration Values

Positioning innovation
RTK Height improvement: Provides accurate tidal reduction
Tidal station 0,1 0,5 m RTK : 5 cm

Squat reduction Draft changes included in RTK height Delta Heave



Tide gauge





Depth at local datum: Tide + Sealevel offset MB offset - Depth

Depth at local datum: RTK height -offset GPS offset MB - Depth

Motion sensor
Aid with GPS and heading Big improvement:
Invest in systems as PosMV with combined positioning, MRU and heading

Otherwise: Wait 2 minutes after the turn to settle the system

Example of PosMV and SMC

Multibeam system
Top side innovation of RESON Minimum investment for up-to-date system Head is the same 8101 or 8125 Topside (processor) is new

Upgrade of SeaBat systems to new software

The SeaBat 7K series systems are focussing on collecting high quality of data and high productivity Automatic operation Adaptive filtering Roll stabilisation Water column data Variable beam modes

SeaBat 7K Automatic Operation (Autopilot)

Sonar chooses real time the correct range setting Settings for pulse applied from a look-up table Provides best possible range depending on waterdepth and swath width Improves data pingrate Table User definable Less operator intervention Better efficiency for monitoring complete survey system Less chance of data loss due to incorrect range setting Increased operational efficiency

SeaBat 7K - Adaptive Gates

SeaBat 7K incorporates Adaptive Gates Gates automatically fit around sea floor profile Improves online data quality leading to faster processing Reduced risk of re-survey due to data loss Settings include bandwidth: 30% for 20 m waterdepth Adaptive gates used with Autopilot means full automatic control

Fixed Gates


SeaBat 7K - Adaptive Gates




Beam spacing




Roll stabilisation




7101 data 11 lines along the river

Vari Swath width on the fly

Old Beam modes

New Beam modes


Equiangle Equidistance FlexMode Wide mode

Wide mode
Number of beams & beam mode are fixed according to the system in use. Wide mode uses EA only Used for maximum swath Quay wall or vertical structure survey
7125 7125 165 512 beams EA

7101 7101 210 511 beams EA

Flex mode

Default settings
Total swath: 90 deg High density sector: 45 deg centred Altitude: 5m DTM density 0.1m


Low density sector

High density sector

Low density sector

Total swath

Using the mouse the operator may adjust the following: Total swath width Hi resolution sector position & width Overall swath steering

Used for:
Breakwaters Pipelines Quayside Tripods etc

256 EA beams
9 hits on the pipe

Flex mode 512 beams 100 hits

Software innovations - General

Use the latest versions Use the new tools provided Use quality checks on line Improved Calibration tools Speed up your processing

New tools - use it! PDS2000 Release 3.7

New MBES editing module New Grid model editor Sonar and snippet target creation Enhanced Pipetracking algoritm Spreading factor for excavator dredging Measurement with bucket tool tip

Use your software! Placement of caissons storm barrier Venice lagune

Multibeam combined with Laser Scanner

Calibration MBES data

Calibration Laser data

SVP profile editor

Selection up/down cast in SVP editor + graphical edit function New editor to correct for possible SVP errors Allows the user to adjust existing profile or add a new profile in the data file Visualization of single file or multiple files

PDS2000-Bottom classification

Dedicated module in PDS2000 (option) Algorithm based on Geocoder Incorporate normalized backscatter mosaicing from snippet data Calibration performed on sand

Calibration snippet for Bottom Classification

Bottom classification examples

Course sand

Samples taken during SAT with client


Fine Sand

Medium sand

Backscatter mosaic

Thank you

Hal 3: booth 3301

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