Digital Envelope: Presented By: Afjal Das P (104201) Advanced Communication Systems M. Tech, 3 Semester

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Digital Envelope

Presented by : Afjal Das P (104201)

Advanced Communication
Systems M. Tech, 3rd Semester

Introduction Why Digital Envelop Formation of Digital Envelop Reading Digital Envelop Common Algorithms used Advantages Applications Conclusion Refernces

Symmetric Key Cryptography

Plain Text Hello everyone Cipher Text Dhfks adfhgein Plain Text Hello everyone



K e y # 1

K e y # 1

Symmetric key cryptography

Same key to encrypt and decrypt message Sender sends message and key to receiver Strength:
Simple and really very fast (order of 1000 to 10000 faster than asymmetric mechanisms) Super-fast (and somewhat more secure) if done in hardware (DES, Rijndael)

Must agree the key beforehand

Securely pass the key to the other party

Public Key Cryptography

Knowledge of the encryption key doesnt give you knowledge of the decryption key Receiver of information generates a pair of keys

Publish the public key in a directory

Then anyone can send him messages that only he can read Strength :
High Security Need not pass key for decryption

Very slow process

Public Key Cryptography

Plain Text Hello everyone Cipher Text Dhfks adfhgein Plain Text Hello everyone



K e y # 1

K e y # 2

Digital Envelop

Two layers of encryption to protect a message

Message encoded using symmetric key key to decode the message is encrypted using public- key encryption

Overcomes the problem of public key encryption

Only the key is protected with public key encryption Little overhead

Digital Envelope
Plain Text message Receivers Public key

Hash Function Message Digest

Asymmetric Key Encryption

Symmetric Key Encryption

Symmetric Key

Asymmetric Key Encryption Encrypted Symmetric Key

Encrypted Text

Encrypted Message Digest Encrypted Hash Value

Cipher Text

Encrypted Symmetric Key

Digital Envelope

Reading Digital Envelope

Encrypted Hash Value Cipher Text Encrypted Symmetric Key

Receivers Private key Asymmetric Key Decryption Message Digest


Asymmetric Key Decryption


Symmetric Key

Plain Text Hash Value Hash Function

Compar e Yes


Secure Data

Common Algorithms used

Hash algorithms
MD5 SHA with at least 128 bits,256 bits better

Symmetric key cryptography

AES min. 128 bits for RC-2 & RC-5, 3DES CAST-128 Modified RC-4

Asymmetric key cryptography


Increased performance without sacrificing security Multi addressed communications email

Single copy of encrypted message Different public keys for each user

Switch secret keys as frequently as possible

Key exchange protocols PGP open source for email security Oracle S-MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension) SSL (Secure Socket Layer)


Using Digital envelop we can achieve

High security High performance Little overhead

Ramachandran Ganesan1, Mohan Gobi1and Kanniappan Vivekanandan Novel Digital Envelope Approach for A Secure E-Commerce Channel International Journal of Network Security, Vol.11, No.3, PP.121{127, Nov. 2010 Wenping Guo, Ying Chen, and Xiaoming Zhao A Study on High-Strength Communication Scheme Based on Signed Digital Envelope Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Networking and Network Security (ISNNS 10) Jinggangshan, P. R. China, 2-4, April. 2010, pp. 190-192 Jinggangshan, P. R. China, 2-4, April. 2010, pp. 190192 W. Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2002.



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