Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools: Prepared by - Ashish

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Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) Tools

Prepared by - ashish

Theres a old saying about the shoemaker's children : The shoemaker is so busy making shoes for others that his children don't have shoes of their own. Prior to the 1990s, many developers were the "shoemaker's children." Although these professionals built complex systems and products that automated work of others, they used very little automation themselves. Today, software engineers have their first new pair of shoescomputer-aided software engineering (CASE).

What are CASE tools

Computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools assist software engineers in every activity associated with the software process like project management activity code analysis, design and test work

Why is it important.?
Software engineering is difficult Tools that reduce the amount of effort required to produce a work product have substantial benefits Tools can provide new ways of looking at information This leads to better decisions and high software quality Automation

Quality is designed before the product is actually built

Classification of CASE tools

CASE tools as classified by function performed by them : o Business process engineering tools o Process modeling and management tools o Project planning tools o Risk analysis tools o Project management tools o Requirements tracing tools o Metrics and management tools

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Documentation tools System software tools Quality assurance tools Database management tools Software configuration management tools Analysis and design tools PRO/SIM tools Interface design and development tools Prototyping tools

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Programming tools Web development tools Integration and testing tools Static analysis tools Dynamic analysis tools Test management tools Client/server testing tools Reengineering tools.

o Business process engineering tools

The primary objective for tools in this category is to represent business data objects, their relationships, and how these data objects flow between different business areas within a company.ex-Turbo BPR

o Process modeling and management tools

Process modeling tools are used to represent the key elements of a process so that it can be better understood.ex-ILOG Jviews Enterprise

o Project planning tools

Tools in this category focus on two primary areas: software project effort ,cost estimation and project scheduling

o Risk analysis tools

Risk analysis tools enable a project manager to build a risk table by providing detailed guidance in the identification and analysis of risks

o Project management tools

Tools in the category are often extensions to project planning tools

o Requirements tracing tools

When large systems are built the delivered system does not fully meet customer specified requirements. The objective of requirements tracing tools is to provide a systematic approach to the isolation of requirements

o Metrics and management tools

Management-oriented tools capture project specific metrics (e.g., LOC/person-month, defects per function point) that provide an overall indication of productivity or quality.

o Documentation tools
Document production and desktop publishing tools support nearly every aspect of software engineering and represent a substantial "leverage opportunity for all software developers

o System software tools o Quality assurance tools

Quality assurance are actually metrics tools that audit source code to determine compliance with language standards.

o Database management tools

Database management software serves as a foundation for the establishment of a CASE database

o Analysis and design tools

Analysis and design tools enable a software engineer to create models of the system to be built

o PRO/SIM tools
PRO/SIM tools provide the software engineer with the ability to predict the behavior of a real-time system prior to the time that it is built

o Interface design and development tools o Prototyping tools o Programming tools Compilers,editors, and

o Web development tools These include tools that assist in the generation of text, graphics, forms, scripts, applets, and other elements of a web page. o Integration and testing tools

o Static analysis tools

Static testing tools assist the software engineer in deriving test cases.

o Dynamic analysis tools

Dynamic testing tools interact with an executing program, checking path coverage, testing assertions about the value of specific variables

o Test management tools

Tools in this category manage and coordinate regression testing, perform comparisons that ascertain differences between actual and expected output

o Reengineering tools
Tools for set of maintenance activities that currently absorb a significant percentage of all software-related effort.

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