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Studying the Management Research Methodology of PhD Thesis at IISC Modeling the Dynamics of Market Potential for Spaceborne

Remote Sensing Data Services By Murthy L.N.Remilla

Presented By Vinay Hotkar

To asses the efficiency of airlines with respect to low cost carriers and full service carriers

The liberalization movement in global airlines industry was initiated in the late 1980s to create a more competitive environments.
This has aimed to result in an increase in efficiency and productivity of the industry

To survive in this competitive environment, monitoring the competitors efficiency is also crucial.
Efficiency of various airlines operating in USA were assed.

This study utilizes Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess the efficiency of airlines Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is a powerful management tool.

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) measures the relative efficiencies of organizations with multiple inputs and multiple outputs. The organizations are called the decisionmaking units, or DMUs. DEA assigns weights to the inputs and outputs of a DMU that give it the best possible efficiency. It thus arrives at a weighting of the relative importance of the input and output variables that reflects the emphasis that appears to have been placed on them for that particular DMU. The most efficient DMUs are rated to have an efficiency score of 1 while the less efficient banks have a score between 0 and 1.

Research Problem Formulation

Theoretical Framework
1. Reports

Theoretical Framework
Identification Of Variables
1. The researcher identified the variables by literature review and experience . 2. Market potential is a dependent variable. 3. Natural Resources , Socio-Economic and Market Market related are independent Potential variables.
TOTAL NUMBER OF VARIABLES=42 Natural Resources SocioEconomic Grid Market Related E.g. Average Market Growth trend, Average no. of remote sensing data products used/sold in the last 3 years,etc.

E.g. Land Forms, Ground Water availibility,Population,Density,etc.

E.g. GDP, Sectors moving the economy, TeleDensity, etc.

Development of a Conceptual Model

Based on the problem definition and Literature survey, the researcher has attempted to make a conceptual model.

M = a1 + 1 X1 + 2 X2 +3 X3 +. +
M= market potential Index X1= Socio-Economic Factor X2= Natural Resources X3= Market Related Grid 1 ,2 and 3 are weights of the respective factors = Error term

Research Design

Classification of Research & Dimensions of Research Design

The researcher has done an Exploratory and Conclusive study. He had formulated a statistical model for estimating the market potential in various countries ,for Spaceborne Remote Sensing Data Services (Unexploredclaim by researcher) ,verified and validated the model.
ObjectiveExploring,Formu lating Time &Validating the DimensionStudy is Cross- model Area of ThinkingMarketing

Sectional,where status of the market potential is analyzed

Locus of Location-Field of activity,Laborato -ry,etc.

ProcedureRelationshipStandardizing Associative the Data and relationship Descriptive Measure of Data Method of Kind of Data Gathering CollectedEvidenceQualitative and Questionnaire Quantitative

Research Design Process

Type of Research
The method adopted by the researcher to collect data for research is Field Survey research. Questionnaire was made by the researcher ,and it was sent to respondents across the globe(17 countries). This data was later used for descriptive analysis and exploration. The questionnaire was hosted online, by the researcher, for the convenience of the respondents.

Measurement & Measurement Techniques

The measurement techniques used in this research are as follows:

Questionnaires were developed using psychometric scaling techniques ,so as to ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument for data collection. Attitudes scales was adopted when necessary, to obtain best estimates of consumer preferences.

Pilot Study
Before administering the survey to respondents, a sample survey

was conducted with the questionnaire for 30 participants, out of which only 15 replied and was used to verify the validity of the questionnaire. Validity of the questionnaire means ,the degree to which a test can measure what it is supposed to measure. Validity was tested by Delphi Technique, with experts in the field of Spaceborne Remote sensing technology, Marketing Research and Remote Sensing Business.

To identify if the measurement is free of variable error, Cronbachs Alpha test was used and the reliability of questionnaire was found.
After the study ,few irrelevant variables, questions were eradicated and few were rephrased. Sequence of question was changed and few more questions were added.

Sample: Section A: Factors influencing use of remote sensing data services.
(1=Strong positive influence, 2=Positive influence,3=no influence, 4= negative influence,5=Strong negative influence.)

1 Agriculture sector moving the economy 2 Need of increased rail/road/inland waterway transport network

Section B: Product-Market Conditions

1.Average number of remote sensing data products used/sold in the last 3 years 2. Average percentage of remote sensing data in your annual cost/turnover

Sampling Process
20 Countries were selected on the basis of existence of Remote sensing business in one way or other.

300 Respondents

Sample Size
After consulting Experts, considering different stake holders and in a view of co-relation type of research a Sample size of 300 was decided.

Sampling Method
used in this research is stratified random sampling method.

Sampling Units
1.Satellite Owner/Operators. 2.Ground Station operators 3.Resellers(buy satellite imageries) 4.Consumers, Etc.

Data Collection Method

In this research ,combination of both secondary data and primary data source was used.

Secondary Data Source: Publish Forecast, market study reports,

reports of world bank and other funding agencies, UN, WFO,CIA reports through desk research.

o The data collected in this research was: Number of Players in International Remote Sensing Market, The type of customer that comprise the potential, Review of the prevalent geo-political aspects,etc.

Primary Data Source: Questionnaire and Observations.

oThe data collected in this research was: Scores of different variables, Market related input, economical inputs etc.

Methods to Analyze Data

Multivariate Statistical Analysis, was adopted by the researcher

Data Reduction, Coding and Transcribing Indexing and Ranking of Country markets Factor Analysis Regression Analysis
To analyze the data ,statistical package used was SPSS 13.0

Conducting Research Study

Data was collected according to the Sample plan There were total 300 respondents selected as the sampling unit, but the researcher got response from 107 respondents. Data was reduced from 107 to 83 and from 20 countries to 17 countries Data reduction and transcribing was used for Development of Three grids. viz Natural Resource, SocioEconomic and Market Data collected ,include various scores for variables, market potential scores (to get MP index) etc. 25 respondents data was not considered because the questionnaire was incomplete or invalid. 3 countries (Israel, Japan and Singapore) were not considered because there was no valid representation

Analysis of Data
Weigthtages of each factor were calculated from the primary survey Distribution of the variables (Factors) was identified by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test To synthesize 42 variables to 13 variables Factor 1: Industry, Energy Consumption, Border related and Communication Infrastructure. Factor 2: Natural Resources, Energy Reserves, Disaster, Energy Production and Economy. Factor 3: Product Characteristics of customer preferences, No. of Players in the country, Growth rate of remote Sensing market in the country, Present market of remote sensing in the country.

All the scores were standardized by Z-Score and was converted on a scale of 1-100,which are called as Index.

Factor Analysis
Index for all the factors, with respect to all the 17 countries was calculated.

Analysis of Data (contd.)

Regression adding f1,f2,f3 independently.

Multiple Linear Regression Model was Tested using the Factors(f1,f2,f3) as independent variables and Market potential as dependent variable.

Regression adding f1*f2 interaction.

Regression adding f1*f3 interaction.

The model ( adding f1*f2*f3) brings out all the three variables significant , and Indicating 80% variance in the dependent variable (MP), with all the 3 independent factors

Regression adding f2*f3 interaction. Regression adding f1*f2*f3 interaction

The final model build is:

Market Potential (Index) = 1.33 + (0.028)*(PoliticoDevelopment Index) + (0.037)*Geo-Natural Index) + (0.033) *(Market Related Index) 4.9e-006(f1*f2*f3)+
Market Potential Index 1 2 Market Potential Value Upto $1 million $ 1 million to $ 5 million

4 5 6 7

$ 5 million to $10 million

$ 10 million to $ 15 million $ 15 million to $ 20 million $ 25 million to $ 50 million $ 50 million to $ 100 million

Above $ 100 million

Weightages of three fundamental Dimensions:
Geo-Natural Factor Politico-Development Factor Product-Market related Factor 0.037 0.028 0.033

Natural resources (Geo-Natural) monitoring and Management is the primary application of Remote Sensing data/imagery .

Model Validation
Validation of this model was done as follows: 1. Residuals were, tested if they follow a normal distribution ,if residuals follow a normal distribution than the regression model is right and this was done by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. 2. Test for Homoscedasticity for the residuals. 3. Histogram plot and Normal p-p plot (of residuals) was observed.

Model Verification
Two countries market were considered for verification of this mode , i.e. : India and Germany.
Market Potential Index of India by this model is : 3.81 Corresponding Market Potential estimation:$14.05 million Since the researcher is an expertise in remote Sensing business, he concludes that in India the revenue together of National Remote Sensing Centre an Antrix (Business bodies in India ) will be the fair estimate of India's market Potential. Market Potential Index of Germany by this model is : 4.49 Corresponding Market Potential estimation:$20 million This observation was cross checked and verified by IRS and German Market players.

Providing an integrated approach in identifying the market drivers in a less researched area of Spaceborne Remote Sensing business and suggesting a deterministic model for estimating the market potential.

The very important assumption made in this research is that ,the Market Potential Index depends only on 3 Factors, viz Geo-Natural factor, Politico-Developmental and Market Related.

There are more than 50 countries where remote sensing market is prevailing ,but due to the limitation in resource the study was made only on 20 countries. The research was carried out only on the Spaceborne remote sensing data product service alone. Value added services were not taken into consideration.

Scope for Future Research

This research could be further extended by adding more variables like the role of international funding agencies in financing projects. The study could further explored to other markets like value added services and software packages enabling these services etc. There are many other markets product services that are dependent /use the Remote sensing data like derived maps and information data . These markets can also be focused.

The results obtained in this research is presented in thesis ,which is available in library of Management Department in Indian Institute of Science.
Key Findings in Report (thesis) writing of the researcher: 1. Proper writing order (with proper flow in reading). 2. References and Bibliography mentioned in the last part of the thesis. (before the annexure). 3. List of tables is mentioned in start. 4. Annexure was mentioned at the end of the thesis , which included various results and analysis. 5. The language used in thesis was understandable.

References for Presentation

K.N.Krishnaswamy, Appa Iyer Sivakumar,M.Mathirajan ,Management Research Methodology ,Pearson,2006.

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