Information Systems

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Data, info, conversion of data to info Use of IS in org

Office automation
What is?
Methods of automation

Different info requirements Information systems

One by one
Characteristics IS involvement in org Challenges in IS implementation
What are the challenges Reasons for challenges

SDLC [System Development Life Cycle] Major concerns of SDLC

Types of tests Types of maintenance

Privacy and security

What are the privacy and security problems?

Types of control
General Application

IS evaluation
Cost/benefit analysis
Set a benchmark and compare

IS changing approaches
Parallel approach Direct approach Pilot approach
Restrict data approach Retrospective approach

Phased or Modular approach

Resistance for new approaches and solutions IS- outsourcing

Problems Concerns

Emerging IS trends in org

What is? Types

Data base
What is?

Pros Cons

Knowledge management system Internet E-commerce and E-business

Data Facts or figures that is in unprocessed format. Information Data presented in a form that is useful for decision making Conversion of Data to Information

Data collection - collect data from internal and external environment Data evaluation - filter the data to obtain relevant data Data analysis - e.g. compare with past data or budget categorize them Data interpretation - come into conclusions Data reporting - present processed data to user in an acceptable format

Office automation Use of computers, communication systems and networks to manage the operations and information resources of an org. Methods of office automation

EDI Intranet and extranet E-mail Internet Fax Tele-conferencing

Information requirement by different types of mgt levels

Strategic Externally orientated Long term Predictive nature Tactical Externally and Internally Short to medium term Historical and Current Operational Internally orientated Immediate Current activities

Information attribute Orientation Planning time Performance focus

Level of detail Uncertainty of decision Objectivity or Subjectivity

Whole org
Summarized High Subjective

Some summarized Some detailed Moderate Combination of two

Specific activities
Detailed Low [accurate] Objective

Information Systems Data/Transaction Processing Systems [DPS/TPS]

Description: processes data regarding repetitive nature activities highly defined and structured ISs have capability to process and store large volume of data Usage: first line managers about the efficiency of operations

Example: payroll system, stock control system

Management Information System [MIS]

Description: Report producing package Usage: Middle level mgt to monitor and control activities and to report those to strategic level Example: Forecasting, budgeting

Executive Information System [EIS]

Description: Combines information from within the organization and from its external environment

Organizes, analyze and present

Present as text or graphic Usage: Strategic level mgt for high risky and unstructured decisions Example: Key performance indicators [KPI]

Decision Support System [DSS]

Description: complex mathematical models are used for analyses in unpredictable natures Usage: Strategic mgt to obtain unstructured one-off [Ad hoc] decisions (one decision @ a time)

Expert systems [ES]

Description: Have the expert level capability to solve problems in particular areas

Example: project appraisal decisions

Features that should be in Information Systems

Relevance 2. Timeliness 3. Understandability 4. Comparability 5. Accuracy 6. Completeness 7. Neutrality 8. Meaningful 9. Effectiveness ( timely/ accurate/ relevant info ) 10. Efficiency

Role of IS in org

Improves operations and manufacturing Contribute to develop products and services Reduce the cost Improves communication Allow managers to take better decisions

Enterprise wide system

1. Networks

A network is where a number of computers and other devices are linked in such a way that any one device can communicate with any other so enabling resource sharing between a number of users. LAN WAN - if it uses dedicated links its a physical network - if it uses a combination of links a virtual network

Actions that can be taken to avoid network failure

Encryption Authentication - user name / password Firewall Check point control stop all new processes at a particular period of time and complete partially completed info and keep a back-up file, for a immediate network recover.


Database A database is a collection of data files that are integrated to provide one single file system. Database management system (DBMS) is a set of programs integrated to organize and simplify the creation, manage and access the data held within a database.

AIMS of a database
Provide data to number of users and fulfill their individual info requirements Provide multiple users to have shared access to the data base and carry out their own processing. Maintain the integrity of data

Advantages of databases
Data independence

multiple applications can have access to the database and use the data at the same time Reduction of data duplication/ redundancy data duplication within different applications reduced because all applications use the data of one centralized database Reduction of data storage cost Incompatibility of data within different applications reduced When a database is connected to a web server by a database connectivity component customers can make enquiries about product and price information and make orders.

Disadvantages of databases
Unauthorized people can have access to the database and alter or destruct the data Ownership problems who owns data, who will maintain the data Database failure or power failure

Knowledge Management Systems (KM Systems) Software's that allow the collect, organize and store various kinds of information for future use.

Mind maps Diagrams Reports E-Learning materials E-mails

Are managed by this software

Employees can use the KMS to improve their knowledge and KMS can be used in training programmes.


Internet tools
WWW E-mail Social networking Blogging Online shopping Skype facility

How internet is used in modern org

To improve the communication within the supply chain To carry out market researches

To have access to competitors information

Home working Online customer services E-business and E-commerce

E-commerce and E-business E-commerce is means by which companies communicate via digital transactions.

E-business is E-commerce + doing business throughout the supply chain using electronic means.

Teleworking / Staff working from home [VIRTUAL TEAMS OR VIRTUAL ORG]

Less fuel consumption Environmental pollution reduced Time saving

Operating cost reduced

Employees can work at their precise time

Less team cohesion
Potential control problems Not communicating sufficiently enough Employees do not have an understanding about others role

Principles to be concerned when creating virtual teams

High trust within the virtual team Less members in one team , but multi disciplinary Each employee should be a member of at least two teams Every team should have a sense of purpose There should be frequent communication

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