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Cleanliness (sec. 11) Disposal of wastes and effluents (sec. 12) Ventilation and temperature (sec. 13) Dust and fume (sec. 14) Artificial humidification (sec. 15) Overcrowding (sec. 16) Lighting (sec. 17) Drinking water (sec. 18) Latrines and Urinals (sec. 19) Spittoons (sec. 20)

Cleanliness (sec.11)
Factory to be kept clean and free from effluvia and dirt Effective means of drainage Use of disinfectants ., etc painting and varnishing

Disposal of wastes and effluents (section 12)

Treatement of wastes and effluents and their disposal Rules by the state government prescribing arrangements

Ventilation and temperature (sec 13)

Maintenance of adequate ventilation and temperature Process producing high temperature to be separated Standard of adequate ventilation and temperature to be prescribed and provision of measuring instruments Prescription of measures by the state government to reduce temperature Service of notice by the chief Inspector on the occupier to adopt measures reduction of temperatures

4. Dust and fume (sect.14)

Measures of prevention of inhalation or accumulation of dust and fume Exhaust for internal combustion engine

5. Artificial humidification (sec 15)

Prescription of standards of humidification ventilation and cooling of air Water used for artificial humidification to be clean

6. Overcrowding (sec.16)
Overcrowding injurious to health of workers to be avoided 9.9 cubic metre (for factories in existence at the the time of the commencement of the Act) /14.2 cubic metres (after the commencement of the Act) of space per worker Notice of maximum of workers to be employed in a work room.

7. Lighting (sec 17)

Sufficient and suitable lighting in every part of factory Glazed windows and skylights to be kept clean Measures for prevention of glare and formation of shadows Prescription of standards of sufficient and suitable lighting

8. Drinking water (sec 18)

Suitable points for wholesome drinking water Drinking water to to be legibly marked and to be away from urinal, latrine etc. (6 met away) Cooling of drinking water where more than 250 workers employed

Latrines and Urinals (sec 19)

Separated latrines and Urinals for male and female workers conveniently situated and adequately lighted and ventilated

Latrine and urinal accommodation to be of prescribed sanitary types floors and walls to be glazed and their cleaning
Atleast once in every 7 days to be thoroughly washed and cleaned

Spittoons (sec 20)

Sufficient number of spittoons
A sufficient number of spittoons in convenient places and they shall be maintained in a clean and hygienic condition Display of notice of provision of spittoons Penalty for the contravention


Fencing of machinery (Sec 21) Work on near machinery in motion (Sec 22) Employment of young person on dangerous machines (Sec 23) Striking of gear and devices for cutting of power suitable striking gear to be provided, maintained and used (Sec 24) Self acting machines (Sec 25) 45 centi met

Casing of new machinery (Sec 26)

effect. guarded all the parts

Prohibition of employment of women and children near cotton openers (Sec 27) Hoists and lifts (Sec 28) Lifting machines,chains,ropes and lifting tackles (Sec 29) Revolving machinery (Sec 30) Pressure plant( Sec 31) Floors , stairs and mean of access (Sec 32)

Pits, sumps, opening in floors etc (Sec 33) Excessive weights (Sec 34) Protection of eyes (Sec 35) Precautions against dangerous fumes (Sec 36) Precautions regarding the use of portable electric light (Sec 36 A) Precautions against explosive or inflammable dust, gas etc., (Sec 37)

Precautions in case of fire (Sec 38) Power to require specifications of defective parts or tests of stability (Sec 39) Safety of building machinery (Sec 40) Maintenance of building (sect 49 A) Safety officers (sec 40 B)


Washing facilities (sec . 42) Facilities for storing and drying clothing (sec . 43) Facilities for sitting (sec . 44) Firsd aid appliances (sec . 45) (150 workers first aid box , ambulance in case of 500 workers) Canteens (sec . 46) (250 workers) Shelters, rest rooms and lunch rooms (sec . 47) Crches (sec . 48) Welfare Officers (sec . 49) Power to make rules (sec . 50)

adequate and suitable facilities for washing for the use of workers in the factories. The workers who live in crowded areas have inadequate facilities for washing at their homes,and bathing facilities add to their comfort, health and efficiency Separate and adequately screened washing facilities for the use of male and female workers. Such facilities being conveninently acessible, and beingkept clean.

Facilities for storing and drying clothes

A suitable place for keeping clothes not worn during working hours shall be provided in every factory. Facilities shall also beprovided for the drying of wet clothes

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