Human Resource Management: An Introduction

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Human Resource Management

An Introduction

Introduction to HRM
The Evolution of HR - History Why HRM? Importance What is HRM? Definition What does it do? Functions & Roles Where does HR fit in? - Relationship with other functional areas, line & staff conflict How is the HR dept organized? Structure

Human Resource Management

Personnel management Administration Industrial Relations Human Relations HRD

History of HR
Industrial revolution Scientific Management Trade Unionism Human Relations Movement Human Resources Approach

Evolution of the Personnel function

Period 1920 -30 Emphasis Welfare Mgmt Paternalistic practices 1940 60 Expanding the role to Administrative cover labor welfare, IR, admin Status Clerical Roles Welfare Administrator Policemen Appraiser Advisor Mediator Fire fighting 1970 -80s Human values, aspiration, efficiency Developmental Change agent Integrator Trainer 1990s onwards Developer Incremental productivity Proactive, through human assets growth-oriented Mentor / Coach Problem solver

Personnel HR
Points of distinction Orientation Structure Philosophy Responsibility Motivators Aim Personnel function Maintenance Independent function Reactive function Personnel dept Monetary rewards Improve efficiency of people HRD Development Inter-dependent parts Proactive function All Managers Higher order needs Develop organization as a whole

HRM is the process of acquiring, training, appraising, and compensating employees and attending to their labor relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns.

Importance of HRM
As businesses continue to globalize, it is becoming clear that growing and maintaining a successful worldwide enterprise will take more than better research, better technology and better financial strategies. Companies that best leverage the creativity and talents of their people will define success on a global basis.

Importance of HRM

Human capital is said to be the foundation of value creation in an organization and the development of this key asset is one of the strategic concerns of every corporate

Importance of HRM
At the Enterprise Level:
Attracting & Retaining best people

At the Individual Level:

Promotes team spirit Offers growth opportunities Inculcates diligence & commitment

At the Society Level:

Multiply Employment opportunities Scarce talent put to best use

HRM is Important to all Managers. Dont Let These Happen to You!

The wrong person High turnover Poor results Useless interviews Court actions Unfair Salaries Poor training Unfair labor practices

HRM Function
function that facilitates the most effective use of people to achieve organizational and individual goals HRM is a process consisting of 4 functions: Acquisition Development Motivation Maintenance of HR

HRM Functions

Dual Roles of HR
HR roles

OPERATIVE Employment HRD Compensation Employee relations

MANAGERIAL Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

Line & Staff Aspects of HRM

Making decisions Directing work Giving orders

Line Managers
Accomplishing goals

Staff Managers
Assisting and advising line managers

Line Managers HRM Jobs

The right person Orientation Training Performance Creativity Morale Policies and procedures Working relationships Labor costs Development Protecting

Staff Managers HRM Jobs

Role of HR dept/executives
Service provider Facilitator Change agent Controller Auditor Consultant Employee advocacy

Structure of HR Department

Structure of HR Department

V o R a En

i c e f H e s

P u o u m

r e a r c

s n e

i d s

M C & C

a m g pM e l r oa y n m Ma g e a e n n r t Ea g m C e p o r o m M p a e n T n a r s a g a i en L t i r i oa n nb g o &R r eR l & ea B e n e D f ei t sv e l o p m e nH t o Bm

e R p n e e M nc f i r sa t E u s a n im t a C im o g p o n S e l n o nr a t yEi rat f e ae m l e tcE y p t E l& o D e T v r e ca l o i n mp H i nm e pC g a el oi la Mn t u h n t na c

HRM -- The Strategic View

HR at workplace
Line Staff conflict Why do we hate HR? At the table/on the table? HR management is the responsibility of every manager

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