Welcome To Halloween English Version

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Welcome to Halloween

What does “Halloween” mean?

2. Víspera de San
3. Día de las
4. Víspera del día
de Todos los
What does “Halloween” mean?
The word Halloween is a derivation of the
English expression “All Hallow's Eve”
(Víspera del Día de todos los Santos).
Where is it celebrated?
1. In E.E.U.U, México, Ireland and United
2. In Canadá, United States, Ireland and
United Kingdom.
3. In Canadá, United States, Spain and
United Kingdom.
Where is It celebrated?

It is celebrated in
Canadá, United
States, Ireland and
United Kingdom.
What is the origin of
• It is a traditional Barbarian festival from
Germany. Es una fiesta tradicional de los pueblos bárbaros
de Alemania.
• It is a traditional Celtic festival from
Ireland. Es una fiesta tradicional de los celtas venidos de

• It is a traditional American festival from

United States. Es una fiesta tradicional de los habitantes
de los Estados Unidos.
What is the origin of
It has a Celtic origin.
Celtics were from
Sus orígenes se
remontan a los celtas
de Irlanda.
When is it celebrated?
• 31st of November.
• 31st of October.
• 1st of November.
It is celebrated the thirty-first of October
(31 st of October).
In this day the celtic year finishes.
What was the belief?
• Spirits come back to seek revenge.
Que los espíritus regresaban en busca de venganza.
• Spirits could possess persons to
Que los espíritus podían apoderarse de los cuerpos de
los vivos para resucitar.
• Spirits punish bad people.
Los espíritus castigaban a las malas personas.
What was the utility of pumpkins?
1. Pumpkins were containers for cooking.
Eran recipientes para cocinar alimentos en el día de
3. Pumpkins were stoves to warm.
Servían de estufas para calentarse el día de Halloween.
• Pumpkins were lights to illuminate the way of
Servían de luces para iluminar el camino de los
Pumpkin´s origin
Pumpkins were lights to illuminate the
way of spirits.
Servían de luces para iluminar el camino de los
What does “trick or treat” mean?
1. Juego o trato.
2. Truco o trato.
3. Truco o susto.
What does “trick or treat mean?
It means “Truco o trato”.
Origin of the expression “Trick or
1. It was used by an evil spirit to ask for favors to
Esta expresión la utilizaba un espíritu malévolo para exigir favores a
los aldeanos.
3. It was used to show magic tricks to people.
Esta expresión servía para mostrar trucos de magia a los aldeanos.
• It was used by children to ask for sweets.
Esta expresión la usaban los niños para pedir dulces.
Trick or treat
It was used by an
evil spirit to ask
for favors to

Esta expresión la
utilizaba un espíritu
malévolo para exigir
favores a los
What was the name of the evil
• The headless man.(El hombre sin cabeza).
• Jack O´Latern.
• Jack the ripper. (Jack el destripador).
What was the name of the evil

The evil spirit was called Jack O´Latern.

El espíritu malvado se llamaba Jack
The End

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