Cloud Computing

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Kiran Kumar

Cloud is the aggregation of Servers, Low end computers and storage

hosting the program and data

Accessed via Internet anywhere from world User Centric

Easier for group members to collaborate

Task Centric

Users need is more important than features of application

All resources together create a wealth of computing power


Programmable Automated distribution of computing power and data

across cloud. Data loss become a history now

Cloud Computing

It is not Network Computing Application and Data are not confined to any specific Companys Server No VPN Access Encompasses multiple companies, multiple servers and multiple

It is not Traditional Outsourcing Not a contract to host data by 3rd party Hosting Business No subcontracting for computing services for specific outside firm

Cloud Computing

A style of computing where massively scalable IT-enabled capabilities

are provided "as a service" over the network

Acquisition Model Service Based

Business Model Usage Based

Access Model Network Technical Model Dynamic

Cloud Computing

Line of Business Executive

A buyer centric view of technology where applications are available, through purchase, rental or even development, wherever and whenever. An approach to consume technology in a pay-as-you-go model where consumers only pay for what they use.



A comprehensive virtualization model for technology from infrastructure through application delivery .

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing SaaS Computing Utility Computing Grid Computing

Solving large Offering Network-based Next-Generation

problems with Parallel computing Made mainstream By Global Alliance

computing resources as a metered service Introduced in late 1990s

subscriptions to applications Gained momentum in 2001

Internet computing Next-Generation Data Centers

Cloud Computing

Accessibility Service Management User Metering Automation

Agility Flexibility Cost Efficiency Virtualization

Cloud Computing

Business Process as a Service

Cloud Framework System

Application/Software as a Service

Platform as a Service

Infrastructure as a Service

Cloud Computing

Technology Roadmap to Cloud

Complex Infrastructure Sprawl
IT assets & datacenters kept growing Desperate system tools Inconsistent processes Soaring IT and power costs

Cloud Computing

Technology Roadmap to Cloud

Physical Consolidation
Consolidate IT assets & datacenters Standardize and centralize management Streamline processes with ITIL best practices Energy saving - Phase out inefficient HW

Cloud Computing

Technology Roadmap to Cloud

Virtualization Virtualized infrastructure - increased system utilization Unify virtual & physical mgmt Promote resource sharing across organization Energy saving maximize effective use

Cloud Computing

Technology Roadmap to Cloud

Cloud Computing Service oriented architecture infrastructure Rapid provisioning of IT resources, massive scaling Dynamic service mgmt

Energy saving via auto workload distribution

Cloud Computing

Business Agility is Threatened: Of 1,150 global CEOs, 76% say the ability to adapt will be a key source of strategic advantage in 2009* Complexity is growing: CIOs see complexity as a threat to the very survival of their business Operation Costs Exceed HW Costs: CEOs view growth as a key focus area Operational costs far exceed the budgets for new hardware

Cloud Computing

Many applications are proprietary, slow, siloed & exhibit single points of failure but are too expensive to remand Complex, heterogeneous infrastructure create resource & data silos and recovery nightmares Enterprise data is largely distributed and rife with errors Infrastructure resources are highly underutilized PCs/Servers < 10% Storage < 50% Change is a cost prohibitive and time consuming process

Cloud Computing

Increases business responsiveness Accelerates creation of new services via rapid prototyping capabilities Reduces acquisition complexity via service oriented approach Uses IT resources efficiently via sharing and higher system utilization Reduces energy consumption Handles new and emerging workloads Scales to extreme workloads quickly and easily Simplifies IT management Platform for collaboration and innovation Cultivates skills for next generation workforce
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Cloud Computing

Next evolutionary step in computing with >30yrs of momentum Requires a new way of thinking, new processes, new skills, and new tools

Enables the business to work around IT departments who are seen as part of the problem
Companies will reduce IT operating costs and improve agility Clients should consider cloud computing as part of their blueprint refresh, application rationalization, and outsourcing activities Client should investigate cloud strategies with their systems management, application and outsourcing vendors

Cloud Computing

The Storm is Coming

Cloud Computing is an organizing principle for buyers Focus is on faster, cheaper, better applications IT will have to enable the company to use outside providers then compete with them to provide services New models will emerge to drive growth and reduce costs Get educated first, identify pilot opportunities second Software as a Service is the short term opportunity, Infrastructure as a Service the long term, Platform as a Service has limited value

Cloud Computing

The Storm is Coming

Cloud Computing

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