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Definition: Clinical teaching is a type of group conference in which a patient or patients are observed and studied, discussed, demonstrated,

, and directed towards the improvement of nursing care.


clinics or bed side clinics Nursing rounds Nursing assignments. Nursing care conferences Morning and afternoon reports Team nursing conferences Health team conferences Individual conference Field visits


2. 3. 4.

To supplement and enrich teachers own teaching to make teaching-learning more concrete. To serve an instructional role in itself. To create interest among the group. To make teaching as an effective process.

Audio visual materials should function as an integral part of the clinical teaching program. A.v. aids should be centralized, under specialized direction and leadership in clinical teaching programs. An advisory committee consisting of representative from all areas of curriculum should be appointed to assist in selection and coordination of a.v. materials.


clinical teaching programs should be flexible. A.v. material should be carefully located to eliminate duplication, easy accessibility and convenient use. A.v. material should be available whenever and wherever they needed for effective utilization as an integral part of curriculum.


appropriations should be made regularly for a.v. education programs. Periodic evaluation to be done to assess the function of, utilization and expenditure of the program.


aids should be Meaningful and purposeful Motivates the learners Accurate in every aspect Simple and cheap Improvised Large in size Up-to-date Easily portable

Government Educational institutions Professional organizations Non-governmental organizations Voluntary organizations(national and international) Commercial producers of educational material Commercial advertisement


and make teaching effective. Enable student group to look listen and learn. Make learning profitable and interesting. It quickens the phase of learning and minimizes teachers effort. Adds variety of newness to the various experiences provided by teacher. Overcome hurdles during the act of teaching. To bring expected behavioral changes in learner.

Provide concrete experience and direct contact with reality or serve as a source of information and life likeness in the teaching learning situation. Provide basis for more effective and perceptual and conceptual learning. The student acquire clear, accurate and vivid image during the process of learning. Make personal involvement of the student in active learning and meet individual needs of the learners. Increase the meaningfulness of abstract concepts by stimulating correct thinking. It can serve as an open window through which the student can view the world and its phenomena by bringing remote events into the class room.

Provide an opportunity for situational type of learning. i.e. field trip. Provision for active participation of the students and vicarious experiences encourages healthy interaction for the effective realization of teaching learning objective. Facilitate and advance the process of applying what is learned to realistic performance and the life situation. Facilitate freedom among learners, increase retention as they stimulate response of whole organization to the situation in which learning will take place.


direct dramatize the experience. Add zest interest and vitality to any training situation. They enable the students to learn faster, remember for longer duration, gain more accurate information, and understand the concepts with adequate meaning. Thus learning becomes more meaningful, enjoyable and effective.


scientific temper as students observe demonstrations and scientific phenomena. Develop higher faculties among the student and it promotes memorization, stir imagination, thinking process and reasoning power call for the creativity, and inventiveness and reinforce the learner. Positive transfer of learning of learning and training and positive environment for creative discipline.


student will get the opportunity to handle, touch, feel, operate, and manipulate the audiovisual aid. It gives added appeal because it satisfies temporary at least the natural desire for mastery and ownership, Increase the concreteness, clarity effectiveness of the ideas and skills being transferred. Organization of clinical teaching A.V. aid by teacher helps students to understand ideas more clear in mind.


and make teaching more real; acts as an antidote to the disease of verbal instruction. It reduces verbalism, help in giving clear concepts and thus help to bring accuracy in learning. Stimulate thinking and motivate student action. Saves time and energy. Changes attitude or point of view of learners. Stimulate self activity on the part of the learner by which it offers reality of experiences. Develop continuity in thoughts.

in effective perceptual and conceptual learning. in capturing and sustaining attention of students. in saving energy and time of both the teachers and students.

arouses interest and motivates students to learn. helpful in new learning.


near realistic experience. can meet individual demands. is useful in for education of masses.

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