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Clean Water Frenzy Program (outline drawing)

1 step (classroom, ID water problems)

2 weeks

2 step ( visit acuarium, museum or zoo)

1 week

3 step (classroom, water filter and seeds)

4 weeks

Bing Maps Schools and Zoo world distribution and Identification

4 step (World game Water zoo Frenzy) Built with the assemblage of all quizzes

2 weeks

First Step: students Research

1 step (classroom)
Identify the problem: Fresh water limited resources and their use with lack of conservation Groups 3-4 students search for in each country:
Fresh Water reserves and values estimates of preserved water; Spots of sewage water; Places with measures to treat sewage water; Natural places with fresh water preserved.

Students decide how they are going to present their research (Blog, Video, webpage, wiki, Powerpoint presentation).

Publisching the research they made in several different ways on - line to be compared with other places in the world

Teachers Collaboration: Geography and Science

Second Step: students Research

2 step ( visit acuarium, museum or zoo)
Goal: Identify who fresh water is used in natural life and is importance to be preserved They learn in this visit the preservation, recycling and how to save the water in our planet, they answered a questionnaire about the water in our environment
Students decide what trail to do and the best information they need to solve the questions.

They present the final paper with the answers to be classified and graded for each group. According with the good results, they receive materials to built a water filter at school and a amount of seed to grow with the filtered water they produce.

Quiz team creation Collaboration: Science teacher; zoo keeper; math; geography; scientist

Third Step: students Research

3 step (water filter and seeds)
Goal: Construct the water filter according with the research they have to do in the Internet Groups 3-4 students built the filter and start to feed the seeds with water filtered and monitorize their grow. This is registered and published online.
Students decide the best way to built the water filter with the materials they have and what will be the best way to publish their growing seeds development online

They investigate how to built the water filter with materials they received from the zoo and assembled the different parts with art teacher help. Test the water filter and start watering seeds. Calculate the amount of water filtered. The plants will be offered to the zoo for continuing their growth.

Collaboration: Science teacher; math; art teacher

The grow of plants and the building of water filter will be registered in photos or video and published in a blog about this program, also the schools involved and the zoo will be mapped on bingmaps.

Fourth Step:(World game Water zoo Frenzy) Built with the assemblage of all quizzes
4 step (World game Water zoo Frenzy)
Each teacher in each country creates its own questionnaire for students to learn not only information from their countries, but what happens in more places

Students play all the activities on-line in a program called Hot Potatoes, and have their scores, correct their mistakes and learn the care of water in other countries

The program gives each student a score, it will be a contest to see which students have better results.

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