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TM Forum: Why Data Migration Matters to the Forum

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TM Forum at a glance

4% 3%


Europe 44% Americas Africa Middle East



A global industry association of over 740 members in 85 countries: communications,

cable, media, consumer 5% electronics
12% 14% 32% 4%

Significant growth as business effectiveness has become more important

Service Providers

26% 7%

Hardware Manufacturers

Software & Middleware Developers System Integrators


Academy Other
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What do we do? We help service providers and their partners improve their business effectiveness

Using integrated IT to automate their end-end business processes

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Our market continues to evolve...

Convergence brings new revenue opportunities from value chains. e.g. Mobile TV

Need to react to market changes drives more agile and effective back office Competition drives down prices, so costs must fall to maintain profitability

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... driving significant operational change

Taking friction out of end-end value chain Common approach / APIs in the eco-system

Removing silos and implementing common automated processes within service provider
Operating costs reduced through process integration and automation

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What we deliver to our members

Education, training & technology showcases Developer tools and productivity aids Online collaboration communities

Webinars, podcasts, website

Conferences & publications

Application Programming Interfaces: Common interfaces between systems. Common industry frameworks:
business processes, information, applications and services

Best practices and guidelines

Industry research and benchmarks


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Across a broadening scope of issues

Advertising services Entertainment services Information services Communications services

Enabling information, communications and entertainment services

Service scope

Cable Networks Mobile Networks Fixed Networks Network mment Ops Service Customer Service processes mment care/ Delivery billing Platforms systems Product Value Device Lifecycle chains mment mment systems

Systems/ Process scope

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Service Provider Questionnaire

Listening to the membership

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Service Provider Questionnaire

Attitudes Experience Key success factors Methods and tools

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Best Practice White Paper & Community

Learning from experience and practical advice

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Data Migration Best Practice & Community/Blog

Background Perspectives Developments Strategies How to guides Tools and methods Help with RFPs

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NG Telecoms Application Data Migration Catalyst

Realising faster value of new OSS/BSS applications

Copyright 2008 TeleManagement Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Project Benefits

Build the business case for OSS/BSS migration deployments focusing on business processes and data relationships for

Network Inventory Billing Customer Management Order Management

Deliver early RoI from business-focused application migration Reduce risk, costs and business disruption during migration Enable business flexibility and change during migration Meet varied compliance and audit requirements with 360 degree visibility

Enable adoption of the TMF operating models (eTOM, TAM and SID and NG OSS/BSS) in a Business-centric environment.
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Project Overview

In the first phase Network Inventory is used as a migration example to show how CSPs can assure the following:

Rapid consolidation of all data related to Ethernet transport into a single Inventory environment Physical, logical and service layers are consolidated and synchronised, without duplication of data Service Assurance process ability to operate on a single Network Inventory application instance Data synchronisation is driven by fulfillment and service assurance business processes Sophisticated error handling enforces process integrity Approach accelerates business benefits such as RoI, while reducing project cost and timescale.

How does it work?

The Catalyst provides a new generation application data migration platform which has been
specifically designed to de-risk the data migration process by understanding the context within which data is being used within business processes, and to preserve that context throughout the migration process Adaptive Migration Framework: users can separate and migrate application and system data as well as business processes and users, with zero downtime Migration Concurrency: manages both the migration and synchronisation of application data in real-time, which minimises disruption to normal business operations independent migration of existing and future applications, processes, users and data, whilst giving a full business level track and trace of the migration and ongoing synchronisation their business and change it if need be during the migration if business requirements change.

Business intelligence and 360 degree migration visibility: allows for the flexible modelling and

Progressive migration: enables administrators to choose the right kind of migration approach for
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Project Architecture

Migration requirement
- Incrementally migrate only Ethernet to Amdocs OSS 6

Catalyst solution
- Copy and synchronise only the Ethernet services - Catalyst ensures referential data model integrity in source for other business processes to continue during the migration

- Project costs are reduced to Ethernet services only versus Big Bang migration of non required data


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Team Members

o Celona is the leading provider of Application Data
Migration software specifically developed for organisations who are managing transformation or who are upgrading their legacy systems and applications in a changing business environment.

o Logica is a leading IT and business services
company, employing 40,000 people. We enable business transformation for our customers through the innovative use of technology.

o KPN provides high-quality telephone, Internet and
television services and products and is an all-round provider of ICT services to customers in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium.


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Thoughts on data migration

Copyright 2008 TeleManagement Forum, All Rights Reserved.

Data mining in Australia circa 1957?

Humans have been accumulating records of their activities for many millions of years

Copyright 2008 TeleManagement Forum, All Rights Reserved.

to todays landfill

and its not just our domestic garbage, our data centres are filling up fast too

Celona 24
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Data as the organisational fossil record?

As you look through our Data, you can clearly see the layers of software architecture left in its structure and content George Glass, Chief Architect BT Global Services
SOA/MDM/Clouds BPM/EAI/COTS Client/Server Mini computing/3GL Mainframe/Cobol
Celona 25


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Unlocking data from the Applications

Applications provide a critical part of the picture, supporting business processes, but also create Vendor lock-in through proprietary data models This isnt in anyones interests it just creates inertia the apps vendors have to sell on product excellence, innovation and completeness Next Generation Data Migration has to drive a campaign to free data to move between applications and processes openly reducing friction - and the TM Forum is right behind that message

Celona 26
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Thank you
Tony Sceales +44 7971 512990

Copyright 2008 TeleManagement Forum, All Rights Reserved.

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