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What are Seminars?


Seminars are forums in which issues are raised and explored, but not necessarily resolved; they require you to think, to practice the skills of analysis and synthesis, and by doing so, possibly leave with more and

better ideas than the ones with which you came. Seminars are integral to
most academic programs at Evergreen. They are the pistons which drive the intellectual heart of the college.

o Formal presentation by one or more experts in which the attendees are

encouraged to discuss the subject matter.

According to Gail Cassidy:A small group of students, as in a university, engaged in advanced

study and original research under a member of the faculty and meeting regularly to exchange information and hold discussions.

What to do and not do in Seminars

Always complete assigned reading prior to the seminar Take notes on the assigned reading, and bring those notes, along with assigned texts, to each meeting of the seminar. Read specifically for ideas and for key concepts. Make your own index to them in back of the book. Get a study partner, or become part of a study group. Exchange papers or discuss the book before seminar. Bring questions. There are two kinds of questions you can bring to seminar: logistical questions that have answers, and the really important, open-ended questions that foster intelligent discussion.

Quote from the book and make references to specific passages. This helps to focus the discussion where it should be - on the text.

Listen attentively to what is said by others and take notes on the general discussion.
Taking notes in seminar is even more important, sometimes, than taking notes in lectures. Be on time. If you are late, do not join in the discussion until you are certain that you know exactly what is being discussed.

Speak in turn and do not interrupt another person.

Respond actively to what another has said before you contribute your own
thoughts. Do not be afraid to try out ideas. Nobody expects you to have fully-formed ideas when you come to seminar. Remember to address the entire seminar, not just the faculty member. Avoid name calling or putting others down.
Do not talk if u have not read the book . Instead take notes. Do not engage in side conversations.

Specifics from your own experience may be relevant. But place a DANGER sign here,
because this is where too many seminars founder. Just talking about your own experience has little educational value. Your personal experience is relevant only insofar as you can show how it amplifies the point of the discussion. Be respectful of each person's culture, race, gender and sexual orientation. Don't expect that someone will be an expert on a subject simply because of their race, culture, etc. Do not engage in extended arguments. Seminars are for learning and listening, not for winning a debate.


A wealth of knowledge usually, presented by many speakers at one time in one place. A lot of "learning" at one clip, with most material compressed into two or three days'

worth of time.
2. A sense of camaraderie, where individuals can meet others with the same interests/problems/concerns that they may have in their chosen field. 3. A sense of renewed hope and inspiration (this is especially true for Internet marketing seminars), as sometimes business concerns are lessened by sharing experiences with others. Being with others that "understand" individual's problems or concerns, is usually a great morale booster!

4. A great way for those that don't like to read, or attend classes, to improve their
knowledge of a specific subject. 5. A nice vacation, in usually, a good hotel. Most seminars take place in quality hotels, as

this is part of the incentive to attracting attendees.

1. Cost, of course, as all attendees must absorb their own costs. The seminars

themselves sometimes also have an entry fee that can be quite high. All
travel costs, food costs, hotel costs, and other miscellaneous costs must be absorbed by the attendees.

2. The chance that the speakers may be sharing incorrect knowledge, or not at all knowledgeable themselves (it pays to make your own assessments of presented topics, not just blindly "follow the pack"). Tips, tricks, and strategies

need to be weighed as to "worth" and "accuracy" before using these. Careful

thought rules here.

3. The time spent away from your actual business, or life, to attend. Time is

always a concern when scheduling activities and some individuals simply can't spare the time away from their lives for activities such as this.

4. The chance that the topics may not actively help your business or your concerns, and that the seminar will be a waste of time, where nothing you learn is of any use to you.

5. The chance that attendees will expect too much from a seminar and thus

be disappointed. Realism must rule here.



A conference is researchers or practisioners, gathering for presenting,

discussing and exchanging their views. A conference is a meeting of people who "confer" about a topic.

Public Conferences. Internal Company Meetings. Conferences with Exhibitions. Academic conference. News conference or Press conference. Virtual conference.

Public Conferences:A public conference is one where it is up to the organizers of the conference to attract people to attend. There may be a charge levied on attendees to cover the cost of the conference or it may be free, if the expenses are being paid for by the conference holders. They are often held to get people in a certain work sector together to discuss new development and to do business with each other.

Internal Company Meetings:Private conferences are often held when large companies need to get all their employees, or certain sections, together to either celebrate a success or start a new initiative. In companies that are widespread across the globe they are often held to update staff on new initiatives or to inform about new products and staff. Members of the public would not be allowed to attend.

Conferences with Exhibitions:These are usually public conferences but they will have an exhibition attached where people can view new products and meet suppliers. In some cases it's not clear whether the conference is supporting the exhibition or the other way around, but the difference from a pure public conference is that there are likely to be a number of short seminars or speakers throughout the days of the conference.

News conference:It is an announcement to the press (print, radio, television) with the expectation of questions, about the announced matter, following.

Academic conference:It is a conference in which science and academia, a formal event where researchers present results, workshops, and other activities.

Virtual Conferences:The final category, and one that is increasing in attractiveness to business as travel expenses increase, is the virtual conference. The ubiquity of the Internet and particularly broadband, with its cheap fast connections, has allowed Internet conferences to be arranged with people all over the world. Audio conferences are easier and cheaper as the

bandwidth requirements are lower than video.

Advantages:Enabling opportunities for delegates to listen to the opinions of highly experts from the field.

Stimulating thinking of the delegates and contributing to their knowledge.

Offering the chance for delegates to broaden perspectives on the topics of high interest and the relevant areas.

Offering opportunities for delegates to network with a wide range of

people who share with them an area of interest. Offering quick opportunities for the researchers to establish idea and

know the opinions of the other persons about their idea.

Disadvantages:Time consuming and Expensive to hold.

Domination by few vocal delegates.

leads to generalization, i.e. what is already known to participants and drifts away from the specific problems that need greater attention. Participation of delegates may be more due to reasons other than contribution to knowledge. They may be interested to see surrounding tourist places than listening to conference lecturer.

What are workshops?

Work shops

A workshop is a one-off event providing an opportunity to bring the

administrations of all participants together to discuss or examine a precise topic. It should be considered as a special kind of seminar.

DEFINITION:A workshop is a series of educational and work sessions. Small groups of people meet together over a short period of time to concentrate on a

defined area of concern.

Lectures by experts. practical demonstration. very wide.

Advantages of workshops
Increased iteration:- The workshop participants can evaluate the

alternatives as they are proposed and worked on, enabling them to rapidly
identify and fix defects and weaknesses in the work products produced during the workshop.

Improved schedule:- The rapid iteration of workshops decreases the time

necessary to produce usable work products and generate consensus in proposed solutions.

Increased input:- Workshops promote active discussion and the

development of competing alternatives from which the best solutions can be selected.

Increased learning:- Workshops enable participants to learn from each

other, practice their skills, and turn theory into practice. Incremental development:- A series of workshops can build upon each other, with the outputs of one workshop being used as inputs to a subsequent workshop. Increased consensus:- By bringing stakeholders and subject matter experts together, workshops facilitate the development of consensus between (and buy-in by) the participants. Issues are easier to resolve when representatives of all interested parties are involved. Workshops can provide a project wide viewpoint if the participants include

representatives from all major teams.

Disadvantages of Workshops
Availability of participants:- Workshops require a significant time commitment by the participants. It can be difficult to find dates and times for the workshop meeting given the constraints of the participants' individual schedules and workloads. False impression of completeness:- Because workshops are of very limited duration (i.e., a very small number of days), the work products that

are produced during the workshop may well be incomplete and require
considerable iteration and review before they are done. However, stakeholders (especially management) may get the false impression that

the work products were completed during the workshop and that no
additional time is therefore needed to finish them.

Intimidation:- Some participants may be intimidated from actively participating and voicing their own opinions because of the presence of other participants, especially if some of the other participants have assertive personalities and tend to dominate the discussion. They may be afraid to raise issues and concerns, especially if they involve sensitive information or are inconsistent with the positions of their superiors such as managers and technical leaders. Availability of workshop rooms:- It can be difficult to find an available meeting room, especially for an entire one or two day duration of the workshop.

Comparision of various Events

Types of Event 1. Seminars Objectives of the Audience Event Possibilities Bringing together a group of experts to share knowledge and experience. Training of different employees, dealers, etc. Bringing together Wide audience for concentrated period of work and pleasure Invited experts, journalists, organization members Different employees, dealers, etc. International, national or occasionally organizational Scope Quite specific Organizational work load Medium

2. Workshops

Very wide


3. Conference

Wide ranging High complex, Multiple themes, chance to work in breadth & depth





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