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The Value of Quality Information

Characteristics of high quality information

accuracy - Information needs to be of high quality to be useful and accurate. The information that is input into a data base is presumed to be perfect as well as accurate. - e.g. - is the amount recorded properly? Completeness - Completeness is as necessary as accuracy when inputting data into a database as there is any of data is missing - e.g. - is the address complete including state, street and zip code

Continue: Consistency - is aggregate or summary information in agreement with detailed information. -e.g : a number, a series of numbers, an address, or a name, do all total fields equal the true total of the individual fields.
Uniqueness - In order to add value to any organization, information must be unique and distinctive. Information is a very essential part of any organization and if used properly can make a company competitive or can keep a company competitive. - e.g : if there any duplicate customer Timeless - New and current data is more valuable to organizations than old outdated information. Especially now, in this era of high technological advances, out-of-date information can keep a company from achieving their goals or from surviving in a competitive arena - e.g : is information updated weekly, daily or hourly

The Four Primary Sources of Low Quality Information

Primary Sources : Is a term used in a number of discipline to describe source material that is closest to the person , information , period , or idea being studied. - Online customer intentionally enter inaccurate information to protect their privacy. - Information from different system have different entry standard and format. - Call centre operators enter abbreviated or erroneous information by accident or to save time. - Third party and external information contains inconsistencies and errors.

Benefit of High Quality Information

Improves chances of making a good decision and directly increase company bottom line. - good information will make a company to - decide easily and efficiently and attract - the attention to build relationship. Help company to make solid strategies business decisions. -high quality information make an organization to decide the strategies very easy to get achievement. Ensure basis of decision is accurate. -the decision must accurate with the strategies and decision that have been decide.

Several Issue of Low Quality Information

1. Missing Information : it defined as information not able to be traced or not present because of information came from different system which is has different format that contains errors information by accident. e.g missing customer name or address.
Incomplete Information : something that not completed due to someone want to protect their privacy. e.g form that has no phone number or complete address. Duplication Information : same information that repeated twice or more in terms of it come from different formats and levels.



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