Executive Support Systems (ESS)

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)ESS(Executive Support Systems

The .management supply the necessary tools to senior the company are usually never of decisions at this level structured and could be described as "educated guesses." Executives rely as much, if not more so, on external data than they do on data internal to organization. Decisions must be made in the their The .context of the world outside the organization executives face are very problems and situations senior the system must be flexible fluid, always changing, so .manipulate and easy to

The Role of ESS in the Organization Executives often face information overload and must be from the wheat in order to able to separate the chaff make the right decision. On the other hand, if the information they have is not detailed make the best decision. to able be not may they enough An ESS can supply the summarized information executives need and yet provide the opportunity to drill down .to more detail if necessary

As technology advances, ESS are able to linkdata from various sources both internal of kind and amount the provide to andexternal information executives find useful. include programs software Ascommon moreoptions and executives gain experience usingthese programs, they're turning to them as aneasy way to manipulate information. Manyexecutives are also turning to the Web .need they flexibility the toprovide

Benefits of ESS
As more executives come up through the ranks, they are them with assist to technology on more rely and with familiar more their jobs. Executive Support Systems don't provide executiveswith ready- made decisions. They provide the information that helpsthem make their decisions. Executives use that information, alongwith the their experience, knowledge, education, and understanding of corporation and the business environment as a whole, to maketheir Executives are more inclined to want summarized data .decisions available). rather thandetailed data (even though the details must be a much ESS relyon graphic presentation of information because it's way for busy executives to grasp summarized information quicker

Simple for high-level executives to useOperations do not require extensivecomputer of delivery timely Providesexperience companysummary of understanding better Providesinformation for data Filtersinformation for system Providesmanagement time better ininformation tracking improvement

Disadvantages Computer skills required to obtain and analysis preparation Requiresresults toget desired time detailed Provides oriented Detailinformation to quantify Difficulta situation of analysis doyou quantify a better benefits of DSS How integrity database maintain to Difficult?decision of Provides only moderate support externaldata and graphics capabilities

Examples of ESS The Sutter Home Winery uses mostly external data, organizes It .ESS its in ,Internet the from includinginformation theinformation in order to help executives make decisions data includes information The .marketplace the in trends basedon oncompetitors and information from market research. Sutter uses itssystem and investment ,output to determine sales forecasts, marketing campaigns Managers at the Royal Bank of Canada are able to .plans andnavigate down drill to )choices 15 among from( criteria own choosetheir data through easy-to-use interfaces. They don't have notunderstand may else who someone chosen by formats in data toaccept individual manager's needs. Data analysis is moretimely because the .information is quicker to obtain and moreconvenient than before

Characteristics of ESS
need without ,consistent ,High use of Degree Computer skills required Very low oftechnicalassistance High - must Flexibilityto learn and use -must be easy Principle use making style executive decision fit Tracking, ,management level Upper supported Decisionscontrol and internal Company supported Dataunstructured Output capabilities Text, tabular, graphical, external trend toward audio/videoin style presentation ,High concentration Graphicfuture response fast ,high be Must speed access Data

ESS Applications Manufacturing Medical Government Financial

summary Executive Support Systems meet theneeds of corporate executives of amounts vast with them byproviding information quickly and in graphical formto help ESS must be .them make effective decisions flexible, easy to use, andcontain both internal and external sourcesof information

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