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Evaluation system to measure the performance and

students ability To improve the evaluation by using the test which have been construct and control the quality locally

To know the strength and weakness of T&L learning

and make the follow up action To improve the student learning based on the information given To stimulate the student learning through the continous teacher guidance Give the student adapt their learning to real situation life

Emphasize on non formal evaluation eg observation,

oral questioning Emphasize more on formative evaluation Emphasize more on follow-up action Emphasize on continous evaluation Emphasize on holistic evaluation Emphasize on internal evaluation

Evaluation Of Science Practical

The Malaysian science curriculum is very much

influenced by the development of the science curriculum in especially Britain and the United States of America Since 1989, the British science curriculum has focused on testing students ability to conduct scientific investigations such as measuring, comparing characteristics and finding a relationship between variables

Evaluation Of Science Practical

In the Malaysian science curriculum,pure science

subjects, namely Chemistry, Physics and Biology, underwent several changes Practical assessment were conducted in Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia (SPM) until 1997 In 1998, the practical assessment were abolished

The practical assessment were replaced by a new

assessment method that combines scientific skills components through Penilaian Kerja Amali or PEKA In the same year, written practical assessment for Chemistry, Physics and Biology subjects were introduced for private candidates

As a result of this, Malaysian science evaluation began

to involve the science process skills and manipulative skills and thus,practice of good moral values and scientific attitudes These changes were implemented in 1997 by the Examination Syndicate, Malaysian Ministry Of Education (Lembaga Peperiksaan 1997)

Teachers of Physics, Biology and Chemistry were

required to evaluate science process skills, manipulative skills and practice of good moral values and scientific attitudes among science students in secondary 4 and 5 based on the evaluation in the PEKA guide book

PEKA was introduced to enable the use of practical

assignments as a method of evaluation, stressing the elements of scientific skills, manipulative skills,practice of good moral values and scientific attitudes

PEKA is a school-based evaluation that uses Criteria

References which focuses on quality PEKA is a form of evaluation that is able to measure a students level of mastery of a certain element The element here is a scientific skill

Evaluation is conducted continuously through the

teaching and learning process which includes laboratory practicals Students are evaluated individually even though they work in groups Students are required to conduct practicals and write reports and teachers will evaluate students by observing students conducting practicals

The PEKA will be considered as a basis in awarding

grades to students individually Evaluation of students will only be conducted if the students follow the learning process Students need to be told what they will be evaluated upon

PEKA is evaluation based on the Reference Criteria

Test This means that a students level of mastery is assessed according to certain criteria A criterion is the statement that states the minimum level that must be mastered by a student

Elements, Aspects and Criteria for Experimental and Manipulative Skills

Elements E1: Experimental skills Aspects A1 : Determining the experimental objective and making hypothesis A2 : Controlling variables Criteria K1 : State the experimental objective accurately K2 : Identify independent variables K3: Identify dependent variables K4 : State the hypothesis accurately K1 : Identify the sufficient number of values for the independent variable and its appropriate range K2 : Identify at least one constant variable

Elements, Aspects and Criteria for Experimental and Manipulative Skills

Elements E1: Experimental skills Aspects A3 : Planning and explaining experimental procedure Criteria K1 : List all the apparatus K2 : List the amount and type of chemicals required K3: List all the experimental procedures in passive sentence

A4 : K1 : Draw the complete apparatus Recording observation, used drawing of apparatus K2 : Record all the observations and ensure all measurements are correct K3: Record the observations in an appropriate table K4 : Draw a correct graph

Elements, Aspects and Criteria for Experimental and Manipulative Skills

Elements E1: Experimental skills Aspects A5 : Analysing data and making inference and taking part in the discussion Criteria K1: State the relationship between the variables or factors K2 : Show all the steps involved in the calculation by using the collected data K3: Make inference based on observation or measurement K4: Explain your idea and participate actively in discussion

Elements, Aspects and Criteria for Experimental and Manipulative Skills

Elements Aspects Criteria

E2: Manipulative skills

A1 : Using apparatus

K1:Handling a burette, a pipette, setting up glass apparatus, circuit, cell electrolysis, chemical cell or thermometer before conducting an experiment K2 : Handling a burette, a pipette, setting up glass apparatus, circuit, cell electrolysis, chemical cell or thermometer during an experiment K3:Handling a burette, a pipette, setting up glass apparatus, circuit, cell electrolysis, chemical cell or thermometer after an experiment

Elements, Aspects and Criteria for Experimental and Manipulative Skills

Elements E2: Manipulative skills Aspects A2 : Handling chemicals Criteria K1: Using chemicals in appropriate portions K2 : Handling chemicals during an experiment K3: Handling chemicals after an experiment

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