205: Implementing A Multi-Level Data Model BW Solution at Steelcase

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205: Implementing a Multi-Level Data Model BW Solution at Steelcase

Mark Veach Steelcase, Inc.

If confusion is the first step to knowledge, I must be a genius. - Larry Leissner

What we will cover ...

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Mart Strategy Multi-Level Purchasing Schedule Line Multi-Level Material Stocks & Movements Custom Hierarchies for Many-To-Many

What you will gain ...

Understanding Direction Comfort Level Boost Improved Chances for Success

Agenda ...
1. Start Up 2. Extraction 3. Data Model 4. Custom Hierarchies

Agenda ...
"There is no terror in the bang, only in the anticipation of it. - Alfred Hitchcock

1. Start Up
System Landscape Business Needs Data Design Business Content

System Landscape

System Landscape



Start Up





4.6B 4.6B PI 2001.2 PI 2002.2

HP unix & Oracle


Business Needs ...

MRO Materials
Maintenance, Repairs and Operations
Business Needs

Start Up

Plant Maintenance

Purchasing Materials & Inventory Management Custom Data Requirements


Business Needs ...

Reporting Requirements:
Business Needs

Start Up

Standardized Yet Flexible Long Data Life for Trending Summary and Details Focus on:
Basic Purchasing Information Basic Stock Information Basic Material Movement Info Inventory by Vendor Inventory and Cost

Data Design ...

Basic Data Design/Mapping Steps List Fields by Report
Indicate R/3 Source

Start Up

Data Design

Clarify Discrepancies Eliminate Redundancies Organize by Business Process:

Purchasing Inventory

Map Key Figures and Characteristics


Business Content ...

Best DataSource Fit Purchasing
Purchasing Schedule Line (2LIS_02_SCL)
Business Content

Start Up

Transfer BW: Stock (2LIS_40_S278) Material Movements (2LIS_03_BF)

Not a Perfect Fit Summary Targets (InfoCubes) - No ODS Need To:

Create Custom Data Targets Extend And/Or Create Data Sources

Agenda ...
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clarke

2. Extraction
Logistics Cockpit Process Keys DataSources

Logistics Cockpit

Logistics Cockpit
Transaction LBWE Set Update Mode for Entire Application Original Design & Construction Used V3 Update Chose Queued Delta When Made Available in PI 2002.1


Process Keys
R/3 Applications Create Many Key Figures Process Keys Are Assigned Based on the Business Process in Logistics Extractors


Process Keys

Generic Key Figures (Value & Quantity) In BW, Process Keys Make Transaction Key Figures Meaningful Process Keys Must Be Activated Via R/3 Transaction MCB_
- Extensive Reference White Paper from SAP Service Marketplace, Business Content 2.0B - Retail/CP

Example #1 - Purchase Order


Process Keys
Process Key = 1 (Purchase Order) Generic Key Figure Value = 4,000.00 (PO Value) Generic Key Figure Quantity = 40.000 (PO Qty)

Example #2 - Goods Receipt


Process Keys
Process Key = 2 (Goods Receipt) Generic Key Figure Value = 4,000.00 (PO Receipt Value) Generic Key Figure Quantity = 40.000 (PO Receipt Qty)

Process Key 001 Characteristics Value 100.00 Quantity 1

PO Item Entry Goods Receipt Entry

Process Key 002


Value 100.00

Quantity 1



Process Keys

Generic Key Figures
Process Key 001 Process Key 002 Characteristics Value 100.00 Value 100.00 Quantity 1

Characteristics Quantity 1

Update Rule Routines

Specific Key Figures


PO Value $100.00

PO Quantity 1

PO Rcpt Value PO Rcpt Qty $100.00 1

PO Data Target

Process Key Update Rules


Process Keys

Process Key Tests

Specific KF 0ISSVS_VAL = Generic KF 0CPPVLC


DataSource Overview
Purchasing Schedule Line (2LIS_02_SCL) MRO PO Data (Custom)
Additional Fields Specific to MRO Only Transparent Table Populated by ABAP



Material Movements & Stocks

Transfer: BW Stock (2LIS_40_S278)
Initialize Stock Levels LIS Structure S278 New DataSource As of PI 2002.2 (2LIS_03_BX)

Goods Movements (2LIS_03_BF) -- Extend.

Additional Fields for All Uses

Extending 2LIS_03_BF
Execute RMCSBWCC to Check for Possible Errors
Normal Errors Include Data in Setup Tables or Delta Q Resolve Errors (Delete Setup Tables, Process Deltas)



Enhance Extract Structure Via RSA6 or SE11 Append

Add New ZZ Prefix Fields to the Append Structure

Add User Exit to Populate New Fields Via RSA6 Function Enhancement or CMOD
Create Project (EG: ZBW) Enhancement Assignment RSAP0001 Component EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 (Transaction)


Data Fields Used in INCLUDEs



INCLUDE for DataSource 2LIS_03_BF

This Must Be a CASE Structure The Exit Is Executed for Every DataSource
(See Notes For Code)

Agenda ...
"To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail. - Abraham Maslow

3. Data Model
Corporate ODS Layer and Data Marts Purchasing Schedule Line Material Movements and Stocks

Strategy ...
Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

One Inbound Layer

Corporate ODS Layer

Data Model

One ODS per DataSource

Data Marts

Many Application Data Marts

Derived From the Corporate ODS Layer

Corporate ODS Layer


What is the Corporate ODS Layer?

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

Corporate ODS Layer

Layer Closest To Originating System Cleansed, Validated & Transformed Business Facts Rawest, Most Granular Form

Data Model

Historical Foundation One DataSource : One Data Target Isolated Special Business Knowledge Always Archived With Longest Retention Period Cleansing & Transformation In PSA & Update Rules Comprehensive Data Storage Atomic Level Of Detail In ODS Objects

What is the Corporate ODS Layer?

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

Corporate ODS Layer Benefits

Reusable Data
Feeds Multiple Data Marts

Data Model

Data Consistency
Single Origin & Reduced Ambiguity

Historical Foundation
Trusted Source Across Application Areas

Improved Implementation Speed

No Extractor Analysis For New Data Marts

Lower Implementation Cost

Shorter Implementation Time

Reduced Impact On Source System

Data Initialized Once

What is a Data Mart?

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

Data Mart
Application-Specific Business Facts Subset Of Corporate ODS Layer Used For Data Consolidation & User Reporting

Data Model

Data Mart Attributes

Business-Specific View May Be Multi-Level, Detailed or Summarized Data In ODS Or InfoCube Data For Reporting At Highest Level Only Archive Retention Optional Retention Period Determined By Process Users Consolidate Information From Multiple DataSources

What is a Data Mart?

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

Data Mart Benefits

Improved Reporting Performance
Reduced Data Volume

Data Model

Easier To Modify

Departmental Interpretation Of Facts

As Much Or As Little Data As Needed


The Multi-Level Data Model

Material Movements & Stocks

Purchasing Schedule Line

Consolidation & Transformation

Corporate ODS Layer

DataSources & PSA


Multi-Level Model
Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts ODS Key Design
Corp. ODS Layer: Enables Transactional Uniqueness Reporting: Determines Level Of Detail

Merging Data From Multiple DataSources

Merge in Data Mart From Corporate ODS Layer

Data Model

Preservation Of Process Key

Corp. ODS Layer: Keep Process Key For Each Trans. Consolidation: Keep Process Key After Merge Reporting: Interpret Process Key At this Level

ODS Facts
BEx Reporting Flag Only Set For Report Level Automatic Activation Flag Is Not Set Automatic Data Target Update Flag Is Not Set Quality Flag Is Always Set All ODS Updates Are Overwrite

Filters & Start Routines

Corporate ODS Layer & Data Marts

Usually Filter Between Corporate ODS & Data Mart Custom Extractor Selection & Filter Criteria Identical Filters: Update Rule Start Routine Executed Just Before Updates Applies to Entire Data Package

Data Model

(See Notes For Code)


Reporting Consolidation & Transformation

Report-Ready MRO Purchasing Transactions With Interpreted Key Figures

Data Model


MRO Combined Standard Purchasing Schedule Line Data + Custom Characteristics All Purchasing Schedule Line Transactions MRO Custom Characteristics

Corporate ODS Layer

Purchasing SCL 2LIS_02_SCL MRO Custom ZBWPMPO


Purchasing Filters
Between ODS 3 & ODS 4
Keep Purchase Order Entry Transactions (Process Keys 1, 4, 11, 14, 21, 24)

Data Model


Between ODS 1 & ODS 3

Eliminate Non-MRO Trans Certain Doc. Categories & Types

(See Notes For Code)


Purchasing ODS Keys

Purchase Document Number Item Number of Purchasing Document Schedule Line Number

Data Model

3 Purchasing
Purchase Document Number Item Number of Purchasing Document Schedule Line Number Process Key


Purchasing Special Routine

Assigning Real Process Key ODS 3 Activated w/ ODS 1 Transactions Get Process Key From ODS 3 Records w/ Same Doc/Item/Sched Append to Data Package Delete Original 999 Records from Data Package

Data Model


Situation No Actual Process Key from Custom DataSource for ODS2. Dummy Process Key set to 999 in Transfer Rules.
(See Notes For Code)


Material Movements & Stocks

Report-Ready MRO Material Movements MRO Stock Levels & Movement Summary

Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Consolidation & Transformation

MRO Material Movements In Raw Format

Corporate ODS Layer

All Material Movement Transactions

Stock Levels 2LIS_40_S278 Movements 2LIS_03_BF


Movements & Stocks Filters

Before Loading Stocks

Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Include Materials With Certain Material Group Codes

Between ODS 1 & ODS 2

Eliminate by Material Group and Purchase Organization

(See Notes For Code)


Movements ODS Keys


Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Keys For All ODSs Document Number Document Year Document Item Stock Type Process Key Remains Unique With These Keys

See Note 417703


Movements Special Routine

Reversal Movements Start Routine RECORDMODE Set to X For Reversal Movements (102, 202, ...) ODS Service API Drops Rows If RECORDMODE=X (Before Image) & OVERWRITE Reversals Do Not Make It To ODS MUST Use Process Keys To Correct Create Start Routine To Intercept Reversals and Clear RECORDMODE Consider reversing COUNT sign See OSS Note 352344
(See Notes For Code)

Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Stocks & Non-Cumulative Key Figures

Stock Levels Are Only Maintained in Cube
Movements & Stocks

Stock Levels Kept in Non-Cumulatives

Data Model

Whats a Non-Cumulative Key Figure?

Cannot Be Accumulated Over Time
Day1_Stock + Day2_Stock <> Stock for 2 Days

Measured in Relationship to Period of Time

Time Reference: 0CALDAY

Aggregation = SUM (Summation) Exception Aggregation = LAS (Last Value)


Non-Cumulative Key Figure Example

Movements & Stocks

Data Model


Stocks & Non-Cumulative In/Outflow

Inflow/Outflow Increase/Decrease NCum Value Inflow/Outflow Are Cumulative Values Movements & Stocks Inflow/Outflow Can Be Used In Queries Inflow = Material Movement Receipts Outflow = Material Movement Issues Inflow (Receipts)

Data Model

Outflow (Issues)

Non-Cumulative (Stock)

Movements & Stocks InfoCube

Stock Levels AND Movements Non-Cumulative Key Figures For Stock Levels Stock Level Initialized Once Value, Qty & Count Key Figures For Movement Types Initialized With 1 Year Of Movement History Partitioning & Compression Very Important

Movements & Stocks

Data Model

InfoCube Update Rules & Key Figures

Stock Level Key Figures
Inflow (Additions to Inventory) Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Quantity Received To Consignment Stock Quantity & Value Received to Valuated Stock

Outflow (Subtractions from Inventory)

Quantity Issued from Consignment Stock Quantity & Value Issued From Valuated Stock

Movements Key Figures

Movement Category Groupings
Adjustments, Issues, Receipts, Transfers, Returns

Key Figure Types

Value, Quantity, Count (Number of Movements)
(See Notes For Code)

Movements & Stocks Initialization

Work With R/3 DBAs Coordinate With R/3 Teams
Movements & Stocks

Data Model

Stock Levels - Close of Business Day No Movements for Remainder of Day Several Hours - Plan Ahead 2LIS_03_BF Deltas After Activation Delta Queue Job Must Wait BW Deltas Must Wait Minimize Impacts (Queued Delta)
(See Notes For Details)

Movements & Stocks Initialization

Tasks Performed in Advance Determine Nbr of Movement InfoPackages
Movements & Stocks
1 Million Max per InfoPackage OMBT for Document Number Ranges

Data Model

Perform Full Dry Run

No Surprises Sizing and Execution Times

Use Events for InfoPackage Scheduling Create Material Movement InfoPackages

Manually Start 1st, Then Events Initialize Delta, PSA Only Select by Posting Date (Last Through 12/31/9999)

Extract Old Material Movement History

(See Notes For Details)


Movements & Stocks Initialization

Extract & Load Tasks (Implementation Day)
Movements & Stocks Extract Stock Levels At End Of Day (MCNB) Extract Recent Material Movements (OLI1BW) Load Stock Levels to PSA Load Movements to PSA (Initialize) Update InfoCube with Stock Levels from PSA

Data Model

Update ODS1 with all PSA InfoPackages (Initial)

Activate After Each InfoPackage

Update ODS2 from ODS 1 (Initial) Update ODS3 & InfoCube from ODS2 (Initial) Compress InfoCube -- No Marker Update
Rolls Back Stock Level Updates From History
(See Notes For Details)


Agenda ...
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work. - Thomas Edison

4. Custom Hierarchies
Why a Custom Hierarchy? The Solution InfoRec Vendor Hierarchy

Why a Custom Hierarchy?

Custom Hierarchies
Why a Custom Hierarchy?

Situation Material Activity by Supplying Vendor Vendors Supply Many Materials Any Material Supplied by Several Vendors How Does BW Represent Many-To-Many? Hierarchies What If It Isnt in Business Content? Create a Custom Hierarchy!


The Solution
Custom Hierarchies

The Solution

Create a Hierarchy of Vendor/Material Use Level 1 (Vendor) as Query Filter Create an R/3 ABAP to Extract the Data Hierarchy Flat File Extract Layout
Record Number; Node Name; (Characteristic Name) Node Value ; (Characteristic Key) Blank; Parent Node Record Number

1;0HIER_NODE;VENDORS; ;0 2;0VENDOR;123456 ; ;1 3;0MATERIAL;MRO12345 ; ;2 4;0MATERIAL;MRO67890 ; ;2

(Required as 1st rec.)


InfoRec Vendor Hierarchy

Approx. 70,000 Rows

Custom Hierarchies

Construction Steps
Create ZMROMATL w/ Hier

InfoRec Vendor

Create ZMROVEND Create & Activate Hierarchy Load Texts for ZMROMATL Load Texts for ZMROVEND Create an InfoSource for the Hierarchy Execute ABAP to Extract the InfoRec Relationship Load & Activate the Hierarchy


Closing Thoughts
Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple, learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen. -- John Steinbeck

Key Topics
Corporate ODS Layer + Data Marts Multi-Level ODS Model Process Keys Purchasing Schedule Line Material Movements & Stocks Non-Cumulative Key Figures Custom Hierarchies

Resources & Specific Documents

SAP Service Marketplace
Note 079083 - Setup of Statistical Data Note 352344 - Process Keys and Reversals Note 417703 - 2LIS_03_BF and ODS Keys Note 419490 - Non-cumulatives: Poor query performance Note 492828 - Process Keys for 2LIS_03_BF Note 586163 - Inventory Management in SAP BW (Composite) Business Content 2.0b - Retail/CP - Extracting Logistics Data Extracting MM (Purchasing) Transaction Data from BW 2.0B How ToHandle Inventory Management Scenarios in BW Non-cumulative Key Figures / Inventory Management BW Operational Data Store SAP BW Operational Data Store Implementation Guidelines Multi-Dimensional Modeling With BW - ASAP 52 for BW

SAP Notes / OSS


SAP Help Portal




SAP Fan Club


Time for some relevant questions

Steelcase is a registered trademark of Steelcase, Inc.

Thank you for attending!

Please remember to complete and return your evaluation form following this session. Session Code: 205

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