Radar: - What Is RADAR? - Cathode Ray Tube - Time Base

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What is RADAR? Cathode Ray Tube Time Base

What is RADAR?
The acronym RADAR comes from RAdio Detection And Ranging. One property of the radio wave is that it is reflected by an object related to its wavelength.A sensitive receiver tuned to transmitted frequency can detect the reflected waves, and therefore, the object reflecting them.If the waves are transmitted in short pulses then it is possible to measure the time between the transmission of the original pulse and the reception of the reflection. Since the EM waves travel at a known, constant speed, the total distance traveled by the EM wave would be a function of the distance between the transmitter and the object.

The plan position indicator (PPI), is the most common type of radar display. The radar antenna is usually represented in the center of the display, so the distance from it and height above ground can be drawn as concentric circles. As the radar antenna rotates, a radial trace on the PPI sweeps in unison with it about the center point.

RADAR-Block Diagram




Radar Components
Master Oscillator: Generates electrical pulses of a very short duration (0.05- 1.0 sec). This is the PW. A PRF of 1000 means one pulse every 1000 sec. Modulator: The pulse generates a very high voltage ( 10000 volts) and sends it to the Magnetron which generates strong oscillations of extremely high frequency. This radio energy is supplied to the antenna through a waveguide, controlled by a TX/RX switch ,and radiated.

Cathode Ray Tube

The Electrostatic Cathode Ray Tube

Cathode Ray Tube

The cathode is a nickel cylinder coated with barium oxide. When kept at a high ve potential and heated, the cathode becomes ionized and a large supply of electrons are emitted. The attraction of the relatively +ve anodes and the screen results in a stream of electrons at high speed. The grid which partially encloses the cathode, is ve with respect to cathode. It is more ve during the fly back period to repel the electrons leaving the cathode. Controlling the grid voltage, controls the brilliance of the screen painting. The anodes act as a focusing mechanism, final focusing by 2nd anode.The 3rd anode provides the control to position the beam on the screen. A horizontal time-base is formed by deflecting the beam by applying a +ve charge to one X-plate and a ve charge to the other Xplate.

Cathode Ray Tube

A horizontal time-base is formed by deflecting the beam by applying a +ve charge to one X-plate and a ve charge to the other X-plate. Deflection system can be either electrostatic or electromagnetic. The EM type is used in TV / video, and alphanumeric data displays. Vertical coils deflect the beam horizontally and vice versa.

Colour CRT displays are now common in modern civil aircraft. A colour CRT has three electron guns which direct a beam each on the screen. The screen is coated with RGB phosphor material. The three beams pass through a 'shadow mask' before striking the phosphor dots and illuminating the appropriate colour.

Multi-colour CRT
The multi-colour CRT is a high-resolution shadow mask tube. Six common colours assigned for the display of many symbols, messages, annunciators etc are as follows: White: Display of present situation information. Green: display of current and active situation. Magenta: All 'Fly To' information.eg, active flight path, deviations Cyan: Non-active flight plan map data or low-priority information Yellow: ground shading on ADI, caution display, limits etc Red: Display of heavy rain as on weather radar.

Symbol Generators
These provide the analog, discrete, and digital signal interfaces to the aircraft systems, display units and control panel. They perform symbol generation, system monitoring, power and function control. For example: Airports: Wind direction:

Time base

Range scale ( either electronic or etched onto the screen)

Range blip Time base

A radar signal can be displayed on a screen with a phosphorescent coating. The width of the screen represents the distance out to which the observer wishes to detect a target.A stream of electrons is moved across the screen in a straight line in proportion to the range of the radar wave. This is achieved by the fly-back of the pulse to the beginning of what is termed as the time base.

Target Range
The reflected pulse is received at the antenna during which time there is no transmission. The input is amplified and fed to the Y deflector plates. The return pulse appears as shown in the diagram. For a circular time base as in PPI, the range is displayed by changing the grid bias. Range can be read off against the calibration.

PPI Presentation

Radar Calculations
1.The distance traveled by the pulse( mtrs) = Speed of propagation (mtrs) multiplied by time between transmission and reception of the pulse (secs) 2. The Target Range x 2 = Distance traveled by the pulse(out and back). 3. The maximum range of a primary radar ( ignoring pulse width and the time base fly back) is governed by the pulse repetition frequency (PRF). In order to avoid range ambiguity, each pulse MUST return to the radar head before the following pulse is transmitted. The time taken for the return of the pulse MUST NOT exceed 1 / PRF seconds.

The Surveillance Radar element (SRE) A Surveillance Radar used as SRE of a Precision Approach Radar System shall satisfy at least the following broad performance requirements. Coverage The SRE shall be capable of detecting aircraft of 50 m square echoing area and larger, which are in light of sight of the antenna within a volume described as follows: The rotation through 360 degrees about the antenna of vertical plane surface bounded by a line at an angle of 1.5 degrees above the horizontal plane of the antenna, extending from the antenna to 37 Km (20 NM); by a vertical line at 37 Km (20 NM) from the intersection with the 1.5 line up to 2004 m (8000 ft) above the level of antenna; by a horizontal line at 2004 m (8000 ft) from 37 Km (20 NM) back towards the antenna to the intersection with a line from the antenna at 20 above the horizontal plane of the antenna, and by a 20 line from the intersection with the 2004 m (8000 ft) line to the antenna.

Accuracy Azimuth Accuracy: The indication of position in azimuth shall be within plus or minus 2 degrees of the true position. It shall be possible to resolve the position of two aircraft which are at 4 of azimuth of one another. Distance Accuracy: The error in distance indication shall not exceed 5 percent of true distance or 150 m, whichever is the greater. It shall be possible to resolve the position of two aircraft that are separated by a distance of 1 percent of the true distance from the point of observation or 230 m whichever is greater. The equipment shall be capable of completely renewing the information concerning the distance and azimuth of any aircraft within the coverage of the equipment at least once ever 4 seconds.

Calculate the maximum range in nautical miles for a primary radar having a PRF of 500 pulses per second. Solution: 2 x Max Range = Speed of propagation( mtr/sec) x time ( secs) = speed of propagation x 1 /PRF Max Range = speed of propagation 2 x PRF = 300 000 000 2 x 500 = 300 km = 162 nms

Airborne Weather Radar

Control Panel

Scanning Beams
Cosec (mapping) beam displays slant range and the picture is slightly distorted, particularly at short ranges. The cosec beam is more diffuse than conical beam. Since radiated power is same, the range is less.

Conical beam is radiated in the form of a cone. The width of the cone depends on the scanner diameter. In case of A 24 inch scanner it would be 3.5

Cloud Display

Finding Cloud Height

In order to avoid cloud or to complete a met. Report, it may be necessary to find the height of the clouds. Set function switch to MANUAL and TILT to zero. Adjust gain by MAN GAIN control till the cloud tops paint on radar. Again adjust TILT till cloud top just Disappears. Now height of cloud can be determined by the tilt angle and the distance to cloud. This method only gives approximate cloud height, since, A Cb top extending above freezing level may not reflect the radar pulse from small ice crystals. Also at short ranges, the actual cloud distance may not be accurate. Formula; Angle above the a/c = Dist OFF (Rel.Ht.) x 60 / Dist

Cloud Height By Radar

Tilt the antenna up or down till the cloud just disappears from screen. This gives the angular measure of the cloud height above or below the aircraft level. Since the range of the cloud is visible on the screen, the cloud height relative to aircraft can be found by 1: 60 Rule. Example: An AWR with an 18 inch scanner ( 5 beam width) spots the top of a cloud at 30nm range with antenna tilt angle at 3. This angle defines the centre-line of the beam. Therefore, the base of the beam is 1 Above the aircraft horizontal plane. Angle above the a/c = Dist OFF (Rel.Ht.) x 60 / Dist 1 = Ht x 60 / 30 Ht = 1 x 30 / 60 = nm or 3040 ft.

Flying at FL270, an AWR weather return at range 40 nm is identifiable when the centre of the beam is tilted between 1 and 6. What is the height of the base and top of the rain-bearing cloud?
a. Base FL 30, top FL 210 b. Base FL 30, top FL 290 c. Base FL 90, top FL 210 d. Base FL 90, top FL 290

Given the AWR mapping indications shown below, the aircraft heading 270(T) at 30000ft and the range scale at 150 nm, what is the correct interpretation?

a. A headland bears 300(T) at a range of 300 nm b. A headland bears 030(T) at a range of 300 nm c. A headland bears 300(T) at a range of 100 nm d. A headland bears 030 (T) at a range of 100 nm

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