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Broyston Dias

Industrial disputes
Meaning:- it is some sort of difference of opinion between employer & employees

Causes of industrial disputes

Causes can be classified as follows: A) Monetary causes Un-satisfactory rate of bonus payment

Unsound profit sharing agreement

Un-satisfactory remuneration:-eg low wages Low rate of over-time wages Absence of provident funds and other

b)Non- monetary causes Un-satisfactory working facilities Inadequate leave facilities Absence of workers participation in management C) Personal Causes Partial promotion & transfer policy Retrenchment & dismissal of workers Unfair treatment given to workers

Effects of industrial disputes

A) Effects on employers
Industrial production goes down Wastage of resources

Minimises earnings
Market reputation gets affected Possibility of closure of unit B) Effects on employees

Low bonus payments Leads to labour turnover Non payment of remuneration Employer may declare lockout Industrial sickness C) Effects on society Un-employment

Shortages and price rise

Adverse effect on economic growth

Measures to prevent industrial disputes

Satisfactory working conditions
Fair rate of overtime wages Satisfactory profit sharing agreement

Satisfactory rate of bonus payment

Fair and satisfactory remuneration Workers participation in management Provision of job security

Forms of industrial disputes

A) Employer sides
Gherao Morchas

Damaging organisation property Go slow policy

B)employer side
lock out Closure of unit

Industrial disputes are harmful, undesirable and even dangerous they must be avoided at initial stage industrial disputes must be

replaced by industrial peace this helps in maintaining smooth survival and growth of industrial unit

Industrial management N.G kale

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