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Lamina Propria

Chemical Composition

Lamina Propria
- loose connective tissue underlying the oral epithelium, together with epithelium constitutes the mucosa - consists of an extracellular matrix of collagen and reticular fibers with few elastic fibers within ground substance - collagen type I is the predominant fiber component of the extracellular matrix. Both collagen type III and elastic fibers can be found too. - consists of blood vessels and cells like fibroblasts(continuous production and secretion of extracellular fibres and ground substance) and lymphatics and nerves - can be divided into papillary and reticular layer - epithelium is avascular so its metabolic needs come via the vessels of lamina propria


Lamina Propria


Periosteum Bone

Oral Mucous Membrane

Lamina Propria

Oral Mucous Membrane

Papillary layer
- superficial layer between epithelial ridges - forms finger like projection of connective tissue that extend deep into epithelial layers - collagen fibres are thin and loosely arraged - papillary layer is prominent in masticatory mucosa - consists of connective tissue papillae and epithlial ridges.

Reticular Layer
- deep layer beneath papillary layer - dominated by thick, parallel bundles of collagen fibres - prominent in lining mucosa

Cell types
- usual defence cells present mast cells: vascular homeostasis, inflammation, cell-mediated immunity, anaphylactic hypersensitivity plasma cells macrophages: phagocytic role, antigen-presenting cells

Buccal Walls
Clinical Considerations

Normal Variation
Fordyce spot Fordyce spots are seen in varying degrees as small, yellowish-white spots, occurring singly or in clusters seen in the majority of patients and are said to increase with age. They represent collections of sebaceous glands (Fig. 1.23) without any associated hair follicles

Common Benign Disorders

Linear alba On the inside of the cheek and level with the occlusal plane, a linear, slightly raised whitish ridge may be seen result of low-grade, intermittent trauma due to folds of cheek mucosa being trapped between the teeth.

Maglinant Disorders
Lesions that might signal oral cancer Two lesions that could be precursors to cancer are leukoplakia (white lesions) and erythroplakia (red lesions). Although less common than leukoplakia, erythroplakia and lesions with erythroplakic components have a much greater potential for becoming cancerous. Any white or red lesion that does not resolve itself in 2 weeks should be reevaluated and considered for biopsy to obtain a definitive diagnosis.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

oral mucosa red white lesion localised general candidytis anywhere squamous cell carcinoma yellow spots A horizontal middle zone on the cheek, lateral to the corner of the mouth, may contain isolated sebaceous glands called the Fordyce spots. The

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