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Wage and Salary Administration

Wage and salary administration can be defined as the establishment and implementation of sound policies of employee compensation It covers the following areas Job evaluation Survey of wages and salaries Development of wage structure (contd.)

Establishing rules Administering wages Changes and adjustments Incentives and profit sharing

Objectives of wage and salary administration

Towards the employees: To pay the employees according to their skills thereby eliminating inequalities Favouritism minimised Job sequences and lines of promotion are established Gains employees confidence because the wage structure can be explained to the employees

Towards the employers: Dealing with the trade union is made easy Systematically plan for control of labour cost Less grievance over wage inequities Attracts and retains qualified employees

Major purpose of wage and salary administration

Recruitment and selection Control payroll costs Satisfy people Reduce grievance, quitting etc. Motivate people

Wage Determination Process

Job Analysis Wage Surveys Organisational Problems Preparation of Wage Structure Wage Administration Rules

Factors influencing Wage and Salary Administration

Organisations ability to pay Supply and demand of labour Prevailing market rate, government laws, trade unions demand, attract quality talent) Cost of living(escalation clause) Living wage Productivity Trade unions bargaining power Job requirement Managerial attitudes Skill levels available in the market

Principles of wage and salary administration

Definite plan In line with the prevailing market Equitable process Clearly established procedure Prompt payments Scope for revision Informed to all concerned

Statutory Minimum Wage(minimum wages act of 1948) Basic minimum wages(fixed by tribunals) Minimum wage sustenance as well as preservance of efficiency of the worker Living Wage Fair wage-above the minimum but below the living wage

Types of wages
Time rate Piece rate Balance method

Wage differentials
Occupational(skills, qualification, responsibility) Inter-firm(Quality of labour, equipment etc.) Regional(geographical differences) Inter-industry(different industry) Differential based on sex(gender)

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