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Global Marketing Case Study: Cents and Sensibility

Why Multicultural Customers require a subtle touch

Presented By - Group - 7 Aakarsh Bharadwaj - 101 Abhishek Jamwal - 030 Akshay Bahl - 003 Lloyd DSouza - 029 Shashank Jain - 166

The Case
Ethnicity and Ethnic Identity Multi-cultural Consumers Purchasing Power Parity of Multi-cultural

The role of visual cues in triggering the same

The Problem
Ethnic oriented marketing may fail/backfire in case of

people with multi-cultural backgrounds

The Queens Day v/s Chinese New Year Experiment

The Talking Chihuahua The Taco Bell incident

The Bucket theory Walking a fine Line

The Queens Day v/s Chinese New Year Experiment

Ideally advertisements targeting second generation

consumers should have more impact of the culture of their adopted country rather than their ancestral country to have a better impact.
If you dont have two different Cultures, reaction wil

be less volatile.

A few Facts about U.S.

Most culturally/racially/ethnically diverse country in

the world New York is the most culturally diverse city Hispanic/Latinos populate the south-western states Irish/English in the north-east Afro-Americans dominate the south-east Italian-Americans used to live in Little Italy Chinese lived in ChinaTown President Barrack Obama is of African and European American ancestry

The Talking Chihuahua The Taco Bell Incident

Sometimes commercials can become culturally too


The Bucket Theory

Diversity and Ethnic or Cultural Background is

considered as BUCKET by Advertisers

Few Advertisements have a very strong Ethnic

message towards a particular group which alienates the rest of the Consumer

Walking a fine line

Companies attempting bicultural marketing walk

a fine line. E.g.- Coca-Cola Challenge to calibrate dominant identity subtlety. Idea is to pick one identity and develop symbolism.

Either v/s Neither

With Changing Trends in U.S.

Whites head toward minority status by mid-century
according to Census Bureau projections

California and Texas, the two largest states, are

already "majority minority. Cues from African Americans, Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians has already influenced new products and advertising The ethnic consumer tends to set the menu & that is marketed to all customers. Neil Golden, McDonald's
U.S. chief marketing officer

With Changing Trends in U.S.

Fiesta Menu for Hispanics and the fruit

combinations, coffee sweeter drinks like mochas which are more resonated with blacks Sales rose more than expected in general market Most McDonald's ads now feature only African Americans. Of the 10 most-aired TV ads from the past 12 months five had all-black casts. Nielsen IAG

With Changing Trends in U.S.

Minority-shapes-majority marketing strategy is

paying off U.S. sales rose 1.5 percent in the first three months of the year Improved perception of the brand among all ethnic groups.

The Solution
Run focus group studies with disproportionately

high number of people from multi-cultural backgrounds;

Ad agencies being made aware of the ethnic

content of their ads

Understanding the dual perception of a person

from a mixed background


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