Physical Examination

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See Fong Ooi; female, 61 years old, registration number: 11705148.

MENTAL STATUS: During the day of interviewing and physical examination; she was conscious, orientated and alert. She can respond to each word Ive spoken with her. She knew the place shes in- UMMC, either its day-light or night-time; or even the person shes spoken with. She has good memory; she remembered things that happened long ago as well as things that happened just seconds ago. However; she was a bit anxious- she

VISUAL SYSTEM: Her visual system is blurry for the long-sight. She has no problem reading things within 14 inches from her eyes, instead, she cant see things clearly that are afar from her. She wears spectacles; however, shes forgotten her visual acuity; be it for neither the right side nor the left side eye. AUDITORY SYSTEM: She has normal auditory system. She can hear me clearly as I spoke to her normally, or when I lower my voice tone a bit.

CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: For her cardiovascular system; her blood pressure is 118/100 mmHg, which is actually abnormal. Meanwhile, her pulse is 76/min. She verbalized that she doesnt have a chest pain along her admission in UMMC; neither did she had it previously. Her capillary refill shows that it took less than 2 seconds. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: She

INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: As for the integumentary system, her body temperature is 36 degree Celsius, her peripheral is warm. Her skin is normal; still, her skin integrity is quiet bad. She has edema on her right upper limb and bilateral lower limb. Plus; her skin also dry and she has rashes all over her body. Her skin turgidity is also poor. Her mouth or oral mucosa is moist; she has no dentures. While, for her hair; she does have dandruff. MUSCULAR SKELETAL SYSTEM: She has muscle weaknesses, as well as

GASTROINTESTINAL & URINARY SYSTEM: She has bowel movement of once or twice a day. She urinate 2-3 a day. She has no problem like constipation or such; the same goes for her urinary system. Though, she does need toilet assistance for her to do both. As for the perineum area; she does not have any problem on that area. DAILY ACTIVITY ASSESSMENT: For her daily activity assessment; she is able to do self care. She is partially dependant; she needed the walking stick as she walks. Her normal sleeping pattern is usually 6 hours per day; but, ever since she was admitted to the ward, she was unable to sleep well. NUTRITION: She is unfit; her normal eating habit is 3 times a day; however; recently, she just doesnt have the appetite to eat that much.

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