Oral Defense

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Group 4 of O2015 Alec Bukuhan Raphael Go EJ Macaranas Julio Villenas

The significance of this experiment to us Filipinos right now is that we can create a different repellant that can help prevent insect-caused diseases to spread using organic materials native to the Philippines so we can also help prevent Global Warming. Also, the significance of the ants being tested in this experiment is that it would represent how an insect will react to the repellent. We chose ants due to it being easy attract and at the same time, will not harm us while obtaining.

To help prevent diseases caused by insects To find an alternative repellant that is ecofriendly

To learn to be more patient

Problem -DF: The purpose of the investigation is to know if the extract of atis leaves can repel ants. -QF: Can the extract of atis leaves repel ants? Hypothesis -The extract of atis leaves cannot repel ants.

Measuring Cup 10 Atis Leaves 1 Stove 1 Saucepot (small) 1 Ladle Water 1 Plastic Container 1 Recyclable Container (Off Lotion Container, etc.) Sugar

First, 500 mL of water was put to the saucepot, then was boiled. Upon boiling, the atis leaves were added. The leaves and the water were mixed using a ladle for a minute. After five minutes, the stove was turned off, then was put in a plastic container. The mixture was left to cool for at least one hour.

Firstly, water was poured to the recyclable container. Then, a teaspoon of sugar was put onto a place where ants could go through. Then, water was sprayed around the sugar. After one hour, the set-up was observed if there are ants. If there are, the number of ants that were still moving and that went through the mixture was counted. Then, the data was recorded. The set-up was repeated four more times. After those five trials, everything was repeated, except that the liquid in the recyclable container is the extract of the atis leaves.

The mixture in a plastic container while being cooled.

The mixture in a recycled Off Lotion container.

The set-up with the extract of atis leaves after one hour.

Insect Repellant using Atis Leaves

Liquid Used Water Trial 1 23 Number of Ants Attracted Trial 2 27 Trial 3 21 Trial 4 22 Trial 5 19


Water with Extract of Atis Leaves






When the mixture of water and extract of atis leaves were used, the results were less ants than the set-up with only water. The average number of ants in the set-up with water is 22, while the average number of ants in the set-up with the mixture is 14. So, the mixture works better than water in repelling ants.

In the course of implementing this experiment, there could have been both Human and Experimental error. Human errors such as variation of the amount of sugar used to gather the ants or amount of repellent used in a trial, the difference of time allotted in each trial, and possibly alterations in the control variables. Some Experimental errors may be in the amount of atis extract used, the location we put the experiment into action and probably the time in between trials.

After the series of experiments, we conclude that the extract of atis leaves can repel ants. The hypothesis is contrast to our conclusion. Hypothesis Conclusion
The extract of atis leaves cannot repel ants. The extract of atis leaves can repel ants.

We think that to make the experiment better, measure the mass of the sugar to

control that variable. We also think that the repellant should be compared to commercial repellants.

Tate, Desmond, Sarwal, Amita, Sayuti, Norreha Bt.. Fruit of the Philippines. Archipelago Pres, 2000. Bugs Dictionary: An A to Z of Insects and Creepy Crawlies Alligator Books Ltd Coronel, Carmelita C., Mingoa, Thelma R., Padula, Alicia L., Romero, Miliza M., and Mingoa, Melvin M. Exploring and Protecting are World 5. Quezon City 2006. Medicinal Fruits and Vegetable, Jaime Galvez Tan and Ma. Rebecca Galvez, The National Shelf

http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/ants/social-behavior.html http://iridia.ulb.ac.be/dorigo/ACO/RealAnts.html http://www.happyjuicer.com/fruit-juicing.aspx http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/221114/fruitprocessing/50251/Juice-extraction http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/2249/whataccounts-for-the-smell-of-crushed-ants http://www.kaheel7.com/eng/index.php/nature-a-life/332ant-carries-the-dead-to-the-graveyard http://www.investigatoryprojectexample.com/news/herbalmosquito-repellent.html

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