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Paritosh Beuria Saket Anand Subrat Kumar Das Tamal Kanti Mahakur

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What is HR Planning? Why Human Resource Planning is important? Features. Objectives. Benefits. Types. Approaches to human resource planning Forecasting human resource availability Human Resource Planning process. Guiding principles of effective Human Resource Planning Factors affecting Human Resource Planning Challenges for HR planning.

What is HR planning?
It is the process of getting the right number of qualified people into the right job at the right time, so that an organisation can meet its objectives.

Why Human Resource Planning is important ?

Linking business strategy with operational strategy Minimizing the risk of loosing



Futuristic Continuous process Part of corporate planning Flexibility Long term and short term plans

Optimum utilization of Human Resource. Meeting personnel requirement Placement of personnel. Prevent disruption of work. Control cost. Training & development.

The Benefits of HR Planning

A systematic and integrated approach to HR policies and programmes An improved framework for communicating clearly defined goals and strategies Higher quality products or services Greater security and stability of employment Lower turnover Improved succession planning Improved competitiveness and survivability

Types of HR Planning



Short term HR Planning

For a period of not more than 2 years. Problems faced in this planning. Approaches to matching a weak individual and a job.

Long term HR Planning

Projecting manpower requirements. Taking stock of existing manpower. Recruitment & selection. HR development.

HR planning process
Organization' strategies and plans

Human resources requirements

Human resources availability

Assessment of human resources needs Gap analysis Action planning


Approaches to human resource planning

Two approaches used in forecasting the demand for human resources are Quantitative Qualitative.

Forecasting human resource availability

Forecasting the supply of internal human resources Forecasting the supply of external human resources

Principles of effective Human Resource Planning

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Objective Co-ordination Appropriate time horizon Balanced focus Human resource information system Participation Top Management support

Factors affecting Human Resource Planning

1. 2. 3. 4. Organizational growth cycles and planning Time horizons Nature of jobs being Filled Off-Loading the work

Challenges for HR planning

Continuing competitive pressures to develop new or different markets, products and services Greater demand for better services at lower costs Introduction of new technologies Restructuring and relocations Changes in work systems and methods Changing attitudes among various

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