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Learned Behaviour

Under Supervision of Dr. Yogita Chhangani LMC Jodhpur

Submitted ByMonika Prajapat MSc Previous Zoology

The study of the animal behaviour is called Ethology which originates from two Greek words Ethos meaning Characters or Habit or custom and logos meaning study. Ethology literally means Character Study. Animal behaviour is the study of motor activities of an organism interacting with the environment. Behaviour includes all those processes by which an animal senses the external world and the internal states of its bodies and responds to changes which it perceives.

Forms Of An Animal Behaviour

Innate / Inherent Behavior Irritability Tropism Reflexes Instinct Taxis Motivation
Learned Restricted Flexible Habituation Classical Conditioning Trial and Error Discrimination Imprinting Reasoning and Insight

Learning is a process which manifests itself in an individual's behavior as a result of experience. Learning involves a change in behavior, often long lasting. It is not passed on to the next generation. Learning is a relatively permanent modification of behavior due to motivation. It is assosiated with reward and punishment. However, in the absence of reward or punishment it can go extinct.

Types Of Learning
Learning has been classified differently by various scientists. Thorpes (1963) classification is most widely used : 1. Flexible 2. Restricted

1. Flexible Learning
1. Habituation:
It is the simplest kind of learning. It is the gradual fading of a response when a stimulus that proves to be safe, neutral or irrelevant is given repeatedly. It is an important for adjusting an animals behavior to its environment. By habituation animals learn to conserve energy and time by not responding to an irrelevant stimulus.

2. Classical Conditioning
It is also called as Conditioned Reflex or Pavlovian Conditioning. The term conditioned reflex is given by I.P.Pavlov and Sherrington. A Simple reflex And a Conditioned reflex are two different reflexes. Simple reflex are also known as inborn or unconditioned reflexes, whereas, the Conditioned reflexes are acquired reflexes.

According to Pavlov, in order to survive every animal needed two kinds of reflexes one fixed one that are inherited called unconditioned, like the knee jerk, closing of eyes and the second is acquired, that are learnt, called conditioned, are flexible and steer animals through their changing environments by means of signs, sounds, smells.

3. Trial and error learning (operant conditioning)

Trial and Error has basic instincts and motivation at the base. The animal associates reward or punishment with its own action rather than outside stimulus. When animals are motivated by thirst, hunger, sex or fear they show restlessness and exploratory or appetitive behavior.

4. Latent (Exploratory) Learning

Many animals explore their surroundings and store useful information for future use. A rat placed in a maze will explore. Later, when hungry and placed in the maze, it was found that the rat discovered the reward in fewer trials, than rats that had had no previous experience of the maze. The rat used its previous experience when it was motivated to eat. Exploratory behaviour is characteristic of more intelligent animals and is invaluable to survival in a complex environment.

5. Discrimination
This learning is the advanced step in any type of learning.

2. Restricted Learning
1. Imprinting
It is a learning process that occurs at a remarkably early age. Konard Lorenz (1935) was the first one to notice this type of learning. A behaviour characteristic of vertebrate young. During a critical time, often the first few hours after hatching/birth, offspring learn to recognise their parent/s and follow them. Konrad Lorenz showed that newly hatched goslings followed the first moving object they saw... be it a goose or a human.

2.Reasoning and Insight

Intelligence can, in part, be assessed by the complexity of a problem solved and the speed at which it is done. In humans, a sudden brainwave can overcome an apparently insoluble problem. Insight is often described as the ability to reason, to draw together past experiences and apply them to new situations. Insight learning has been credited to humans and to chimps.

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