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Experimentation--------------- Engineering design process

Sir ,please read for your students

First listen to this account of Titanic from your book

New Engineering Concept Preliminary design simulation Experimentation No


OK ?

More detailed design Further tests Prototype design

OK ?



Finished product

Features of an Engineering Project

Engineering Project Experiment Carried out in partial ignorance The final outcome of an engineering project is generally uncertain

Similarities to standard experimentation

Any engineering project is carried out in partial ignorance Uncertainties in the abstract model for design calculations. in the precise characteristics of the material used. In the nature of stresses the final product may encounter Lab testing /theoretical exploration bypassed for the sake of moving ahead in a project

The final outcome of an engineering project is generally uncertain

Possible outcomes and risks evolve uncertain even in benign project

Effective engineering

Learning From the Past

Engineers learn not only from their own design & operating results but also from other engineers

Lack of established channels of communication, misplaced pride in not asking for information, embarrassment at failure and plain neglect

It is not sufficient for engineers to rely on handbooks alone

Demands engineering practitioners to remain alert and well informed at every stage of a projects history

Contrasts with standard experiments :

Experimental control
In engineering Work has to be carried out based on Available data Retrospective data

Standard experiments Carried out under Controlled environment Experimental subjects human beings out of experimenters control

Informed consent
Subjects participation consent informed

knowledge Voluntariness

All the information to decide upon Enter into experiment without by force/deception
(public/clients) (risks and benefits)
1 2

Informed consent
Normally governed by

3 4

Knowledge gained
Primary aim concern about the manner of conducting experiment
Gaining of new knowledge secondary aim (1) Valid consent of human subject is sought (2)Safety measures are taken. (3)Means must exist to terminate the experiment at any point and to provide safe exit for all participants

 To protect safety of human subjects and respect their right of consent.  A constant awareness of the experimental nature of the project, imaginative forecasting of Its possible side effects and a reasonable effort to monitor them. A conscientious commitment to live by moral values. A comprehensive perspective. Autonomy Accountability To display technical competence and other attributes of professionalism

Engineers as responsible experimenters

As social experimentation

Sensitivity to full range of moral values
Conscientiousness implies consciousness: open eyes , open ears and an open mind. Skill & effort to reach balance between values and responsibilities

Engg social expt restores vision (guardian of public interest)

-ones professional duty

Safety and welfare should not be disregarded In the quest for knowledge, rush for profits and a narrow adherence to rules

Relevant information
Conscientiousness is blind
-without relevant factual

To fully grasp context of ones work commitment to obtain and assess all available information to meet Ones moral obligations.

To view the specialized activity in a project as part of a larger whole having a social impact-that may involve unintended effects

Moral autonomy
Moral attitudes critical reflection
Viewing engineering as of ones personality experimentation can help to overcome this tendency and can help restore a sense of autonomous participation in ones work

Moral values must be integrated into the core

As an employee under an employer Carrying out duties in companys Interest no longer morally and Personally identified with ones actions

Willingness to submit ones action to moral scrutiny
Open & responsive to the assessment of others
submission to employers

authority creates narrowed sense of responsibility

Ready to abandon personal accountability under authority 4 reasons

First , In large scale projects an engineer contributes only a fragment of work and the created product is far removed from workplace crating a distance that lead to a lessened sense of personal accountability. Second , bureaucracies tend to diffuse and delimit Areas of personal accountability within the hierarchies of authority Third , frequent pressure to move on to a new project deprive engineers to observe current project adequately .This promotes a sense of being accountable only for meeting schedule. Fourth ,preoccupation with legalities wards off one to morally involve beyond institutional role.

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