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Quantifying Non Functional Requirements in Service Oriented Development

Jawaria Sadiq, Asst. Prof. Athar Mohsin Zaidi, Dr. Fahim Arif

Todays Agenda


Introduction Research Challenges Problem Statement Quality Model Evaluation Model Updated Quality model Importance in SOD Lifecycle

Functional Requirements:

A functional requirement defines a function of a software system or its component. A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs. A condition or capability that a system, person or object has to satisfy, fulfill or comply with;

Non- Functional Requirements:

A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system. Non-functional requirements are often called qualities of a system. Other terms for non-functional requirements are "constraints", "quality attributes", "quality goals" and "quality of service requirements," and "nonbehavioral requirements.

Service oriented Development:

A new computing paradigm that utilizes services as the basic constructs to support the development of rapid, low-cost and easy composition of distributed applications.

Service: An entity that provides some capability to its clients by exchanging

messages (request - response).

Service oriented Architecture (SOA): An SOA application is a

composition of services (Service Interface) Services encapsulate a business process. Service use involves: Find, Bind& Execute Most well-known instance is Web Services
Find Service Registry

Register Bind, Execute Service Provider

Service Consumer

SOA Actors:

Service Provider: Provides a stateless, location transparent business service. Service Registry: Allows service consumers to locate service providers that meet required criteria. Service Consumer: Uses service providers to complete business processes.

Service Oriented Development Stages:  Service design: Development of service  Service discovery: Identification of appropriate service  Service composition: Integration of service into a system  Runtime: Actual deployment of service

Research Challenges:

RE support for vast loading and resource sharing [[1], [2], [3]] Producer centric Vs. Consumer centric SOSE [4] Non-Functional Requirements in SOSE [5] Quantifying Non-Functional Requirements in SOSE [6],[7],[8]] Linking of quality with life-cycle [9]

Problem Statement:

Identifying non-functional requirements in service oriented development is current research issue as service oriented softwares are developed at different places by different teams. Incorporating separately developed services into single software system brings quality challenges. As it is used across different domains by large number of stakeholders and each domain as well as each user has different non functional requirements. Existing frameworks provide poor support for expressing NFRs, partial control over service quality and no quality evaluation method during usage of service. There is need to device a way to quantify NFRs as well as some mechanism to evaluate service quality by consumer. The focus of this research is how non functional requirements should be quantified in service oriented development and how quality of service can be evaluated by consumer when service is in use.

Quality Model (QM):

Evaluation Model (EM):

Updated Framework:

Overall Quantification Framework

Quantifying NFRs by proposed framework

Importance in SOD Life-cycle:

Binding of Evaluation model with SLA to make quality check consumer-centric Identification of potential point in each phase where quality model can be used for quality control.

Service Identification:

Service Design & Specification:

Service Implementation:

Service Usage:

[1] Xiping Song, Developing Non-Functional Requirements for a Service-Oriented Software Platform, 31st Annual International Computer software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007 [2] Rick Schrenker, Ensuring Sufficient Breadth in Use Case Development: How Should Non functional Requirements be Elicited and Represented? Joint Workshop on High Confidence Medical Devices, Software, and Systems and Medical Device Plug-and-Play Interoperability, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007 [3] Zain Balfagih, Mohd Fadzil Hassan, Quality Model for Web Services from MultiStakeholders' Perspective, International Conference on Information Management and Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2009 [4] Raquel Hill et. al, Quantifying Non-Functional Requirements: A Process Oriented Approach, In Proc. of 12th International Conference on Requirement Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press , 2004 [5] Yuan et. al, Research on Agile Development Methodology of Service-oriented Personalized Software, International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 [6] Matthias Galster, Eva Bucherer, A Taxonomy for Identifying and Specifying Nonfunctional Requirements in Service-oriented Development, Congress on Services, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008 [7] W.T.Tsai & Yinong Chen , Introduction to Service oriented computing [8] Michael N. Huhns & Munindar P.Singh, Service oriented computing: Key concepts and principles

References (Continued)
[9] [10] T. Erl. Service Oriented Architecture: Concept, Technology, and Design. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2005. Hongyu Pei Breivold, Magnus Larsson, Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering: Key Concepts and Principles 33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007 Mike P. Papazoglou, Service Oriented Computing: Concepts, Characteristics and Directions, In proceedings WISE '03 Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Washington, DC, USA, ISBN:0-7695-1999-7 Dominik Kuropka, What does Service-oriented Computing really mean?, Seminar on SOC (05462), Dagstuhl, Germany 2005 Hongyu Pei Breivold, Magnus Larsson, "Component-Based and Service-Oriented Software Engineering: Key Concepts and Principles," euromicro, pp.13-20, 33rd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (EUROMICRO 2007), 2007, Lubeck, Germany , August 28-August 31, ISBN: 0-76952977-1 Joerg Doerr, Daniel Kerkow, Tom Koenig, Thomas Olsson, Takeshi Suzuki, "NonFunctional Requirements in Industry - Three Case Studies Adopting an Experiencebased NFR Method," re, pp.373-384, 13th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'05), 2005 Soumya Simanta, Edwin Morris, Grace A. Lewis, Dennis B. Smith, A framework for Assurance in Service Oriented Environments. 2010


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