Kiattisak Sampaongern HR Manager/CPAC Kiattisa@scg -

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Kiattisak Sampaongern HR Manager/CPAC


Today Discussion

HR Management and Business Strategy


Change & Competitive Challenge HR Management and Business Strategy Manpower Analysis Manpower Forecast Demand/Supply Action Plan Recruitment Development Employee Shortage/Surplus

Manpower Planning Process


Manpower Planning Management


Key Take Away/Q&A

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21st Century is the era of Change

All thing in this world are impermanent. They have the nature to rise and pass away. To be in harmony with this truth bring true happiness Buddhist Chant

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Top Ten Most popular Career 2006


Network system analysis Physicians analysis Medical Assistants Medical Records and Health Information Technicians Software Engineer Physical Therapist Aides Fitness Trainer Database Administrators Veterinary Technicians Dental Hygienists

Source :
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Top Ten Decline Career in 2014


Stock Clerk File Clerk Post Officer Secretaries except legal , medical , executive Administrative support Call Center Staff Door to door sales Purchasing Officer Computer Operator HR Officer

Source :
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Forces of Change

Increasing globalization ( ) Emergence of new competitors ( ) Changing customer demands ( ) Shortened product life cycles ( ) Heightened environmental concerns ( ) Increasing regulatory demands ( )
Joseph M. Ryan, Ph.D. Wharton School

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What do customers want?


Speed Right at the first time High standard performance Passion and experience

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Strategic Management Process

External Analysis



Strategic Choice Internal Analysis

Human Resources Needs

-Skill -Behavior -Culture

Human Resources Practices

Human Capability

Human Action

Organization Performance

Source : Human Resources Management 3rd edition Gaining a competitive advantage

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HRM Strategy
Culture Vision Change Mission Business Process Leadership Human Capability
Competency Learning Training Development

Biz Result

Internal / External Manpower Planning Manpower Planning Selection Process Retire Retire & Retain Early Retire Termination Employee relation


Career Planning
Succession plan Promotion Job assignment

Compensation Bonus Management Welfare Performance Management


Performance appraisal Potential evaluation Talent Assessment

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HRD link to business result


Business Result Global Mindset Competitiveness Vision/Mission KPIs Performance Mgt. Talent Competency HRM Process Succession Plan Development Plan

Global Competitor


Value/Culture Technology/Skill

Technology Change Knowledge Base Economy

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Learning Organization

How to Create High Performance Organization?

How people are serve organization target? ( ... How talents are selected ? ( ... ) How to motivate people ? ( .. ) How people are developed ? ( ... ) How to retain people ? ( ... )

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A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Manpower Planning Process


process of identifying and responding to organizational needs and charting new policies, systems, and programs that will assure effective human resource management under changing conditions in the future

getting the right people at the right place on the right time
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Purpose of Manpower Planning


Recruitment Gaps Training and Development Staff Costings Redundancy Collective Bargaining Accommodation
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Developing a work unit Activity Analysis

Raw Input
What material, data and information are needed?

What special equipment, facilities and systems are needed?

What task are required in the production?

What product ad service is provide? How is the output measured

Human Resources
What knowledge , skill and attribute are needed?
Source : Human Resources Management 3rd edition Gaining a competitive advantage
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Manpower Analysis

Employee Profiles Productivities Index Manpower demand and supply


Head count Skill required Future demand Future supply Internal / External

Manpower forecast

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Sample : Employee Profile

, 0.07% , 1.60% , 0.73% , 10.79% . , 1.07% . , 7.72% ., 11.52%

., 66.51%

, 7% , 2% , 16% , 42% , 1%

, 8% , 7% , 7% , 10%

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Sample : Productivities Index

160.00 150.00 140.00 130.00 120.00 110.00 100.00 90.00 80.00 2003 2004 2005 Volume/Head 2006 2007 2008 Manpower



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Forecasting Future Demand (1)

Requires looking at:  Skills required  To achieve Business Targets (Goals, Design, Culture)  Assess skills available Vs Required  Predict how many people required Skills will depend on:  Timescale  Nature of Org. activities

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Need assessment process

What is the context?

Reason Legislation Lack of basic skill Poor performance New technology New product New job Customer request Higher performance

Organization analysis

Task analysis
In what do they need training?

Person analysis

Outcome What trainee need to learn Who receives training Type of training Frequency of training Training or other option such job redesign

Who need training?

Source : Human Resources Management 3rd edition Gaining a competitive advantage

Copyright by KSWAYS

Forecasting Future Demand (2)

Techniques Used to Forecast Demand: 1 Systematic Techniques

Time series or ratio trend analysis Work-study approach Productivity trend analysis

2 3 4

Managerial Judgement Combined Approach (1+2) Working back from costs

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Forecasting Supply - Internal

Involves identifying/acknowledging the existing staff employed by an organisation  department by department  grade by grade Involves:  Skills Audits  Predicting Staff Turnover  Internal promotion analysis

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Forecasting Supply - External

Filling the GAP using the external labour market:  Local  International Understanding of the dynamics of the Labour Market to update plans as trends change and develop  General population density  Population movements  Age distribution  Unemployment rates  Education Level  Proportion with higher education  Skill levels/Skills shortages

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Action Plan

Situation Plans:  Redundancy  Redeployment  Retirement  Recruitment  Training  Retention  Succession Option Plan  Outsourcing

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Manpower Planning Management

Manpower Management


Surplus Shortage Restructure Skill Required

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Sample : Manpower Planning

1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 Net Sales Labor Cost Net Contribution 1994 1995 1996 1997
0 1995 1996 1997 5 Rework 13.13 10 Reject 20 15.01 15 17.12 25 19.95

Reject & Rework

EBIT Total Cost (Include Tax) Net Revenue form Sales

100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1994
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25 20 15
16 32

23 18 13 9

14 34

16 42

17 49





Management Supervisor Operator

10 5 0 1994 1995 1996 1997

Turnover Rate




Sample : Manpower Planning

70 0 60 0 50 0 40 0 30 0 20 0 10 0 0

Productivities Index

19 94
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19 95

19 96

19 97

19 98

19 99

20 00

20 01

La o po ut it br r d civ y Po ut n ed r d cio /ha

T t lPo ut it oa r d civ y E u mn P d civ y q ip et ro ut it

Ntsle/ha e a s ed

Dealing with an Oversupply of Manpower


Freeze hiring Restrict overtime Retrain/redeploy Switch to part-time employees Use unpaid vacations


Use a shorter workweek Use pay reductions Use sabbaticals Encourage early retirements

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Dealing with an Undersupply of Personnel


Hire additional workers Improve productivity through training Use overtime Add additional shifts


Reassign jobs Use temporary workers Improve retention

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Vacancy Job Choice Applicant

Company policy


Recruitment Sources

Internal external recruiting Market positioning and company image Internal external source Collage and universities Employment agencies

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Development Methods

Assessment Center Special Project Assignment

Job Rotation Off-site Training Program

Career Counseling Self Study Mentoring Community of Practice (CoP) Apprentice Training Coaching

Job Enlargement/Enrichment CBT On-the-Job Training


Preferences, Corporate Culture, Actual Possibilities

Intervention for Development

Development through Work Job Rotations Shadowing/Coaching CoP Activities Challenges Training & Development
Source : Hunseok Oh (Department of Education, Seoul National University, Korea)

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Option for Reducing an Expected Labor Surplus

Option 1.Downsizing 2.Pay Reduction 3.Demotions 4.Transfers 5.Work sharing 6.Retirement 7.Natural attrition 8.Retraining
Source : Human Resources Management 3rd edition Gaining a competitive advantage

Speed Fast Fast Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow

Human Suffering High High High Moderate Moderate Low Low Low

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Option for Avoiding an Expected Labor Shortage

Option 1.Overtime 2.Temporary employees 3.Outsourcing 4.Retrained transfers 5.Turnover reductions 6.New external hires 7.Technological innovation Speed Fast Fast Fast Slow Slow Slow Slow Revocability High High High High Moderate Low Low

Source : Human Resources Management 3rd edition Gaining a competitive advantage

Copyright by KSWAYS

Key Take Away


Fact & Data Manpower Planning is not Recruitment Commitment from Management Budget Thai Culture Communication/Communication/Communication Employee Feeling Believe in Value of Individual

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"The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

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